Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

February 07, 1989

  • Presidential Action on Joint Resolution Disapproving Pay Raise, 020789 DOJ, 89-4

  • January 06, 2020

  • Ratification of Equal Rights Amendment, 010620 DOJ, 20-1

  • December 18, 2008

  • Meaning of "Temporary" Work Under 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(b), 121808 DOJ, 08-18

  • January 04, 2010

  • Census Confidentiality and The Patriot Act, 010410 DOJ, 10-1

  • June 10, 1988

  • Litigating Authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission, 061088 DOJ, 88-16

  • February 11, 1986

  • Funding of Grants by the National Institutes of Health, 021186 DOJ, 86-4

  • January 18, 1984

  • Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Limit the Tenure of Judges, 011884 DOJ, 84-1

  • April 10, 1980

  • Authority of the United States Olympic Committee to Send American Teams to the 1980 Summer Olympics., 041080 DOJ, 80-3

  • May 18, 1978

  • Department of Energy—Vacancies (42 U.S.C. § 7342)— Vacancy Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 3345-3349)—De Facto Officers, 051878 DOJ, 78-29

  • August 31, 2004

  • Authority of HUD's Chief Financial Officer to Submit Final Reports on Violations of Appropriations Laws, 083104 DOJ, 04-17

  • May 20, 1998

  • Whistleblower Protections for Classified Disclosures, 052098 DOJ, 98-13

  • July 02, 1980

  • Dual Membership of an Individual on Two Federal Advisory Committees, 070280 DOJ, 80-91

  • March 10, 1978

  • Department of Justice—Retention of Private Counsel— Authority—Defense of Federal Officials, 031078 DOJ, 78-16

  • May 17, 1996

  • Use of Federal Employees for Olympic Security, 051796 DOJ, 96-20

  • June 12, 1998

  • Access to Criminal History Records by Non-Governmental Entities Performing Authorized Criminal Justice Functions, 061298 DOJ, 98-16

  • December 21, 1983

  • Proposed Commission on Deregulation of International Ocean Shipping, 122183 DOJ, 83-27

  • March 04, 1988

  • Constitutionality of Amended Version of the Indian Land Consolidation Act, 030488 DOJ, 88-6

  • June 21, 1989

  • Authority of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to Override International Law in Extraterritorial Law Enforcement Activities, 062189 DOJ, 89-20

  • February 22, 1980

  • Constitutionality of State-Imposed Restrictions on Responses to Census Questions, 022280 DOJ, 80-50

  • October 10, 1980

  • Standards for Closing a Meeting of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy., 101080 DOJ, 80-11

  • May 13, 1980

  • Department of Justice Views on the Bumpers Amendment to the Administrative Procedure Act., 051380 DOJ, 80-75

  • September 12, 1977

  • Proposed District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act, 091277 DOJ, 77-49

  • May 03, 2013

  • Whether The Millennium Challenge Corporation Should Be Considered An “Agency” for Purposes of The Open Meeting Requirements of The Sunshine Act, 050313 DOJ, 13-3

  • January 09, 1981

  • United States Attorney's Representation of Private Insurance Co. in Civil Litigation, 010981 DOJ, 81-5

  • September 21, 1979

  • Outer Continental Shelf—Drilling Rigs—Alien Workers' (43 U.S.C. § 1333), 092179 DOJ, 79-68

  • February 12, 1996

  • Alternatives for the Imposition of Conditions on the Certification of Drug Transit, 021296 DOJ, 96-9

  • August 11, 1981

  • Proposed Interdiction of Haitian Flag Vessels, 081181 DOJ, 81-40

  • August 03, 1982

  • Swearing in of a United States Attorney, 080382 DOJ, 82-50

  • June 17, 1981

  • Anti-Lobbying Restrictions Applicable to Community Services Administration Grantees, 061781 DOJ, 81-29

  • October 11, 1996

  • Eligibility of a Noncitizen Dual National for a Paid Position Within the Department of Justice, 101196 DOJ, 96-40

  • October 02, 1980

  • Authority of the Secretary of the Treasury Under the New York City Loan Guarantee Act of 1978, 100280 DOJ, 80-10

  • August 27, 1980

  • Representation of White House Employees, 082780 DOJ, 80-96

  • September 15, 1983

  • Applicability of the Cargo Preference Act to the Transportation of Alaskan Oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 091583 DOJ, 83-17

  • May 30, 1980

  • Procedural Provisions for Imposing Death Penalty in Pending Legislation, 053080 DOJ, 80-79

  • September 21, 1979

  • National Guard—Technician Dress and Grooming Regulations—Executive No. 11491—Review of Decisions of Federal Labor Regulations Authority, 092179 DOJ, 79-69

  • April 18, 1994

  • Authority of USDA to Award Monetary Relief for Discrimination, 041894 DOJ, 94-9

  • July 23, 1996

  • Government Printing Office Involvement in Executive Branch Printing, 072396 DOJ, 96-28

  • September 05, 2003

  • Temporary Filling of Vacancies in the Office of United States Attorney, 090503 DOJ, 03-17

  • January 27, 1983

  • History of Refusals by Executive Branch Officials to Provide Information Demanded by Congress, 012783 DOJ, 83-77

  • September 16, 1980

  • Presidential Authority to Settle Iranian Crisis, 091680 DOJ, 80-28

  • August 31, 1982

  • Presidential Appointment of the Board of Directors of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc., 083182 DOJ, 82-54

  • December 23, 1993

  • Reconsideration of Prior Opinion Concerning Land-Grant Colleges, 122393 DOJ, 93-23

  • November 13, 1981

  • Constitutionality of Federal Habitual Offender Legislation, 111381 DOJ, 81-55

  • November 16, 1978

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation-Constitutional Law- Fourth Amendment-Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. § 5522)-Acquisition of Private Papers, 111678 DOJ, 78-60

  • April 08, 2011

  • Authority To Employ White House Office Personnel Exempt From The Annual and Sick Leave Act Under 5 U.S.C. § 6301(2)(X) and (XI) During An Appropriations Lapse, 040811 DOJ, 11-3

  • June 22, 2001

  • Indirect Aid to Faith-Based Organizations Under the Charitable Choice Provisions of the Community Solutions Act of 2001, 062201 DOJ, 01-17

  • December 04, 1992

  • Authority to Use United States Military Forces in Somalia, 120492 DOJ, 92-2

  • November 03, 1977

  • Immigration Status of Persons Employed by Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities of the United States, 110377 DOJ, 77-63

  • June 16, 2009

  • Constitutionality of The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 061609 DOJ, 09-8

  • June 13, 1980

  • Authority of the Comptroller General to Appoint an Acting Comptroller General, 061380 DOJ, 80-85