Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

September 01, 1977

  • Weissman v. Central Intelligence Agency, 090177 DOJ, 77-48

  • September 07, 1995

  • Constitutional Limitations on Federal Government Participation in Binding Arbitration, 090795 DOJ, 95-16

  • July 01, 1980

  • Establishment of a Labor Relations System for Employees of the Federal Labor Relations Authority., 070180 DOJ, 80-90

  • May 11, 1979

  • Tax Returns—Disclosure (26 U.S.C. § 6103; 18 U.S.C. § 1905), 051179 DOJ, 79-30

  • June 22, 1982

  • Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 062282 DOJ, 82-41

  • April 14, 1989

  • Availability of Judgment Fund in Cases Not Involving a Money Judgment Claim, 041489 DOJ, 89-11

  • March 24, 2016

  • Whether A Military Officer May Continue On Terminal Leave After He Is Appointed To A Federal Civilian Position Covered By 10 U.S.C. § 973(B)(2)(A), 032416 DOJ, 16-1

  • April 04, 1986

  • Congressional Authority to Adopt Legislation Establishing a National Lottery, 040486 DOJ, 86-7

  • November 20, 1984

  • Visa Fraud Investigation, 112084 DOJ, 84-24

  • December 23, 1981

  • Use of Potatoes to Block the Maine-Canada Border, 122381 DOJ, 81-64

  • January 19, 1993

  • Authority to Grant Conservation Easements Under 40 U.S.C. § 319, 011993 DOJ, 93-3

  • July 30, 1987

  • Title X Family Planning Program Proposals, 073087 DOJ, 87-14

  • June 15, 1984

  • Gifts Received on Official Travel, 061584 DOJ, 84-12

  • June 23, 1981

  • President Reagan's Ability to Receive Retirement Benefits from the State of California., 062381 DOJ, 81-30

  • November 20, 1985

  • Delegation of Authority to Approve DEA Undercover Operations, 112085 DOJ, 85-14

  • July 30, 1987

  • Applicability of Emoluments Clause to Proposed Service of Government Employee on Commission of International Historians, 073087 DOJ, 87-15

  • July 29, 1981

  • Status of the United States Postal Service as an "Executive Agency" Under Executive No. 12, 250., 072981 DOJ, 81-39

  • December 23, 1981

  • Executive Power with Regard to the Libyan Situation, 122381 DOJ, 81-66

  • March 24, 1982

  • Payment of Expenses Associated with Travel by the President and Vice President, 032482 DOJ, 82-26

  • December 29, 1982

  • Proposed Changes in Operation of the Witness Protection Program, 122982 DOJ, 82-79

  • February 10, 1982

  • The Pocket Veto Historical Practice and Judicial Precedent, 021082 DOJ, 82-15

  • January 12, 1983

  • Designation of Interpol as a Public International Organization Under the International Organizations Immunities Act, 011283 DOJ, 83-1

  • October 13, 1982

  • Propriety of Asserting a Governmental Privilege in Response to a Court, 101382 DOJ, 82-61

  • February 12, 1980

  • Authority of National Telecommunications and Information Administration to Monitor Radio Communications., 021280 DOJ, 80-48

  • October 29, 1982

  • Information Sharing Between Supervisory Agencies Under the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978, 102982 DOJ, 82-66

  • January 29, 1977

  • Conflict of Interest—Propriety of Using a Leased Airplane for Personal and Official Purposes, 012977 DOJ, 77-4

  • August 07, 2001

  • Designation of Acting Associate Attorney General, 080701 DOJ, 01-23

  • August 10, 1982

  • Discrimination Among Classes of Legal Aliens in the Provision of Welfare Benefits, 081082 DOJ, 82-52

  • September 23, 1983

  • S. 421, a Bill to Require the Comptroller General to Ascertain Increases in the Cost of Major Acquisition Programs of Civilian Agencies and to Limit the Expenditure of Federal Funds to Carry Out Those Programs, 092383 DOJ, 83-19

  • May 06, 1997

  • Service by Federal Officials on the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements, 050697 DOJ, 97-13

  • February 24, 1977

  • Travel Expenses—Person Traveling on Behalf of the President—Use of Appropriated Funds, 022477 DOJ, 77-74

  • January 19, 2001

  • Authority to Solicit Gifts, 011901 DOJ, 01-6

  • June 03, 1977

  • Constitutionality of S. 1397—Federal National Mortgage Association, 060377 DOJ, 77-33

  • September 29, 1977

  • Role of the Solicitor General, 092977 DOJ, 77-56

  • February 18, 1983

  • Application of 31 U.S.C. § 3302(b) to Settlement of Suit Brought by the United States, 021883 DOJ, 83-5

  • September 03, 1996

  • Immunity of the Counsel to the President from Compelled Congressional Testimony, 090396 DOJ, 96-31

  • June 21, 1996

  • FBI Authority to Investigate Violations of Subtitle E of Title 26 or 18 U.S.C. §§921-930, 062196 DOJ, 96-24

  • April 30, 1998

  • Authority of Executive Office of the President to Require Independent Agencies to Conduct Background Checks of Noncareer SES Candidates, 043098 DOJ, 98-11

  • March 22, 1977

  • The White House Office—Expenditure of Appropriated Funds—Handling Mail for Members of the President's Family, 032277 DOJ, 78-76

  • December 10, 2021

  • In re a Member of Nat'l Credit Union Admin. Bd., 121021 DOJ, 21-01

  • November 07, 1994

  • Congressional Testimony of an Assistant United States Attorney on Behalf of the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys, 110794 DOJ, 94-26

  • January 11, 1982

  • The President's Power to Impose a Fee on Imported Oil Pursuant to Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 011182 DOJ, 82-7

  • September 18, 1996

  • Permissible Accommodation of Sacred Sites, 091896 DOJ, 96-36

  • December 05, 2001

  • Application of Privacy Act Congressional-Disclosure Exception to Disclosures to Ranking Minority Members, 120501 DOJ, 01-34

  • July 22, 2002

  • Effect of the Patriot Act on Disclosure to the President and Other Federal Officials of Grand Jury and Title III Information Relating to National Security and Foreign Affairs, 072202 DOJ, 02-11

  • June 07, 1977

  • Reprogramming—Legislative Committee Objection, 060777 DOJ, 77-34

  • August 24, 2016

  • Applicability of The National Emergencies Act To Statutes That Do Not Expressly Require The President To Declare A National Emergency, 082416 DOJ, 16-4

  • January 19, 2001

  • NOAA Corps Eligibility for Professional Liability Insurance Costs Reimbursement, 011901 DOJ, 01-9

  • August 26, 1999

  • Eligibility of a Dual United States Citizen for a Paid Position with the Department of Justice, 082699 DOJ, 99-16

  • May 24, 1977

  • Determination of Date of Commencement of Service of Federal Officers—Renegotiation Board, 052477 DOJ, 77-30