Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

August 23, 2013

  • Competitive Bidding Requirements Under The Federal-Aid Highway Program, 082313 DOJ, 13-4

  • April 02, 1997

  • Calculating Rate of Pay of Department of Justice Employees for Purposes of "Covered Persons" Determination Under Independent Counsel Act, 040297 DOJ, 97-9

  • May 18, 1981

  • Congressional Authority to Require the States to Lodge Federal Pre-Trial Detainees., 051881 DOJ, 81-23

  • September 20, 2005

  • Appointments to the Board of the Legal Services Corporation, 092005 DOJ, 05-15

  • July 15, 2014

  • Immunity of The Assistant To The President and Director of The Office of Political Strategy and Outreach From Congressional Subpoena, 071514 DOJ, 14-1

  • October 17, 2000

  • Title III Electronic Surveillance Material and the Intelligence Community, 101700 DOJ, 00-21

  • September 20, 1996

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege for Documents Concerning Conduct of Foreign, 092096 DOJ, 96-3

  • September 02, 1982

  • Exercise of Transfer Authority Under § 110 of H.J. Res. 370, 090282 DOJ, 82-55

  • December 20, 1993

  • Clarification of Prior Opinion Regarding Borrowing by Bank Examiners, 122093 DOJ, 93-21

  • January 12, 2005

  • Status of the Director of Central Intelligence Under the National Security Intelligence Reform Act of 2004, 011205 DOJ, 05-3

  • March 15, 2000

  • Enforcement of FNA Employer Sanctions Provisions Against Federal Government Entities, 031500 DOJ, 00-6

  • December 22, 1993

  • Admissibility of Alien Amnesty Application Information in Prosecutions of Third Parties, 122293 DOJ, 93-22

  • November 03, 1980

  • Government Lawyers' Pro Bono Activities in the District of Columbia, 110380 DOJ, 80-104

  • June 30, 1980

  • Proposed Presidential Proclamation Entitled "Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act.", 063080 DOJ, 80-89

  • February 26, 1996

  • Legality of Government Honoraria Ban Following U.S., 022696 DOJ, 96-12

  • January 15, 1988

  • Representation of the United States Sentencing Commission in Litigation, 011588 DOJ, 88-4

  • June 19, 1980

  • Constitutionality of Legislation Establishing the Cost Accounting Standards Board, 061980 DOJ, 80-87

  • September 07, 2000

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 209 to Employee-Inventors Who Receive Outside Royalty Payments, 090700 DOJ, 00-16

  • October 29, 1993

  • Constitutionality of Health Care Reform, 102993 DOJ, 93-15

  • July 29, 1981

  • Legislation Prohibiting Payment of Interest on Compensation Awards Under the 1980 Omnibus Territories Act., 072981 DOJ, 81-38

  • May 16, 1978

  • Reorganization Act—Reorganization Plan Dealing With More Than One Logically Consistent Subject Matter (5 U.S.C. § 905(a)(7)), 051678 DOJ, 78-26

  • December 18, 1995

  • Application of 28 U.S.C. § 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 121895 DOJ, 95-29

  • July 21, 1989

  • Dual Office of Chief Judge of Court of Veterans Appeals and Director of the Office of Government Ethics, 072189 DOJ, 89-27

  • January 19, 1993

  • Authority of the Attorney General to Make Successive Designations of Interim United States Marshals, 011993 DOJ, 93-1

  • September 19, 1988

  • Whether a Federal Prisoner Worker is an "Employee" Within the Meaning of Certain Federal Statutes, 091988 DOJ, 88-24

  • June 15, 1987

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 219 to Retired Foreign Service Officers, 061587 DOJ, 87-11

  • September 21, 1998

  • Disclosure to the Government, During the Guilt Phase of a Trial, of the Results of a Court-ed Mental Examination, 092198 DOJ, 98-26

  • May 09, 1978

  • Eminent Domain—Leaseholds—Rentals—Economy Act Limitation (40 U.S.C. § 278(a)), 050978 DOJ, 78-23

  • June 30, 1986

  • Compatibility of New York City Local Law 19 with Federal Highway Act Competitive Bidding Requirements, 063086 DOJ, 86-12

  • December 21, 1983

  • Effective Date of the Reporting Requirement Imposed by the Multinational Force in Lebanon Resolution, 122183 DOJ, 83-26

  • April 23, 1980

  • Authority of the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Board to Issue Guarantees, 042380 DOJ, 80-5

  • August 25, 1982

  • Federal Reserve Board Policy on Bank Examiner Borrowing, 082582 DOJ, 82-53

  • October 19, 1977

  • Travel and Subsistence Expenses for Director-designate of Federal Bureau of Investigation, 101977 DOJ, 77-60

  • December 10, 1979

  • Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. § 1182)—Immigration and Naturalization Service—Public Health Service—Homosexuality as Grounds for Exclusion, 121079 DOJ, 79-85

  • December 21, 1981

  • Computation of 90-Day Period for Preliminary Investigation Under the Special Prosecutor Act, 122181 DOJ, 81-62

  • November 22, 1994

  • Whether Uruguay Round Agreements Required Ratification as a Treaty, 112294 DOJ, 94-27

  • June 02, 1970

  • Constitutionality of the McGovern-Hatfield Amendment, 060270 DOJ, 70-4

  • June 30, 1989

  • Deportation Proceedings for Joseph Patrick Thomas Doherty, 063089 DOJ, 89-1

  • January 31, 1991

  • Secretary of Education Review of Administrative Law Judge Decisions, 013191 DOJ, 91-2

  • August 27, 1981

  • Extension of District Court Jurisdiction Under § 1110 of the Federal Aviation Act., 082781 DOJ, 81-45

  • April 04, 1989

  • Use of the National Guard to Support Drug Interdiction Efforts in the District of Columbia, 040489 DOJ, 89-10

  • September 15, 2000

  • Administration of Coral Reef Resources in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, 091500 DOJ, 00-18

  • March 22, 1977

  • Washington, D.C., Hostage Situation: Basis for Federal Jurisdiction, 032277 DOJ, 77-13

  • April 19, 1979

  • Foreign Service—Retirement—Amount of Annuity (22 U.S.C. § 1076), 041979 DOJ, 79-27

  • February 22, 1995

  • Permissibility of the Administration and Use of the Federal Payroll Allocation System by Executive Branch Employees for Contributions to Political Action Committees, 022295 DOJ, 95-5

  • December 15, 1994

  • Authority of the Federal Financial Supervisory Agencies Under the Community Reinvestment Act, 121594 DOJ, 94-28

  • November 11, 1979

  • Immigration Laws and Iranian Students, 111179 DOJ, 79-15

  • April 06, 1979

  • Advance Personnel—Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. § 2671)—Form of Contract, 040679 DOJ, 79-21

  • September 13, 1999

  • Office of Personnel Management Petitions for Reconsideration of Non-Precedential Merit Systems Protection Board Decisions, 091399 DOJ, 99-19

  • January 25, 1978

  • Warrantless Foreign Intelligence Surveillance-Use of Television-Beepers, 012578 DOJ, 78-3