Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

May 31, 1996

  • Involvement of the Government Printing Office in Executive Branch Printing and Duplicating, 053196 DOJ, 96-22

  • April 09, 1934

  • Constitutionality of Legislation to Confer Citizenship Upon Albert Einstein, 040934 DOJ, 34-2

  • August 30, 2004

  • Ethical Issues Raised by Retention and Use of Flight Privileges by FAA Employees, 083004 DOJ, 04-16

  • September 25, 1934

  • Legality of an Executive Requiring Executive Departments and Independent Establishments to Make Monthly Financial Reports, 092534 DOJ, 34-4

  • November 04, 1982

  • Acceptance of Legal Fees by United States Attorney, 110482 DOJ, 82-67

  • March 16, 1934

  • Whether a Three-Day Recess by One Chamber of Congress Constitutes an Adjournment for Purposes of Pocket Veto Clause, 031634 DOJ, 34-1

  • December 09, 1993

  • Applicability of Executive No. 12674 to Personnel of Regional Fishery Management Councils, 120993 DOJ, 93-19

  • November 17, 1989

  • Ethical Considerations Regarding Charitable or Political Activities of Department Spouses, 111789 DOJ, 89-44

  • January 04, 1982

  • Applicability of the Federal Advisory Committee Act to the Native Hawaiians Study Commission, 010482 DOJ, 82-5

  • February 16, 1990

  • Issues Raised by Foreign Relations Authorization Bill, 021690 DOJ, 90-6

  • July 28, 1977

  • National Commission on Neighborhoods—Appointment of Members, 072877 DOJ, 77-45

  • April 05, 2000

  • Continuation of Federal Prisoner Detention Efforts During United States Marshals Service Appropriation Deficiency, 040500 DOJ, 00-8

  • September 06, 1978

  • Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552)—National Security Council—Agency Status Under FOIA, 090678 DOJ, 78-50

  • June 27, 2007

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege Concerning the Dismissal and Replacement of U.S. Attorneys, 062707 DOJ, 07-1

  • April 26, 1984

  • Effect of INS v. Chadha on the Authority of the Secretary of Defense to Reorganize the Department of Defense Under 10 U.S.C. §125, 042684 DOJ, 84-9

  • December 22, 1986

  • Applicability of Executive Privilege to the Recommendations of Independent Agencies Regarding Presidential Approval or Veto of Legislation, 122286 DOJ, 86-22

  • December 09, 1981

  • United States Participation in Interpol Computerized Search File Project, 120981 DOJ, 81-60

  • July 01, 1981

  • Constitutionality of the Proposed Revision of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations., 070181 DOJ, 81-33

  • June 03, 2010

  • Applicability of The Emoluments Clause To Nongovernmental Members of ACUS, 060310 DOJ, 10-6

  • April 15, 1980

  • Assertion of Jurisdiction by the United States Over Foreign Vessels Seized Pursuant to a Special Arrangement., 041580 DOJ, 80-68

  • September 01, 1999

  • Internal Revenue Service Document Request to Department of Defense, 090199 DOJ, 99-17

  • February 06, 1945

  • Implementation of International Civil Aviation Agreements, 020645 DOJ, 45-1

  • September 13, 1988

  • GAO Access to Trade Secret Information, 091388 DOJ, 88-21

  • May 08, 1980

  • Applicability of the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 to Buildings Financed with Federal Funds., 050880 DOJ, 80-73

  • August 22, 2012

  • Whether Individuals May Be Required To Provide Basic Identifying Information In To Access The Financial Disclosure Reports Made Available On Agency Websites During The Period Governed By Section 11(a) of The Stock Act, 082212 DOJ, 12-9

  • October 28, 1993

  • Applicability of the Emoluments Clause to Non-Government Members of ACUS, 102893 DOJ, 93-14

  • October 03, 1967

  • Carriage of Firearms by the Marshal, Deputy Marshals, and Judges of Customs Court, 100367 DOJ, 67-1

  • June 27, 2001

  • Whether Physician-Assisted Suicide Serves a “Legitimate Medical Purpose” Under DEA Regulations, 062701 DOJ, 01-20

  • April 14, 2008

  • Promotions of Judge Advocates General Under Section 543 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, 041408 DOJ, 08-9

  • November 30, 1982

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege in Response to Congressional Demands for Law Enforcement Files, 113082 DOJ, 82-4

  • December 02, 1981

  • Illiterate Aliens Seeking Admission as Immigrants, 120281 DOJ, 81-59

  • June 23, 1982

  • Delegation of Authority to Approve Suspension of Securities Trading on a National Market, 062382 DOJ, 82-42

  • September 21, 1992

  • Immigration and Naturalization Service Participation in Computer Matching Program with Department of Education, 092192 DOJ, 92-15

  • February 15, 1990

  • Congressional Request For Appointment Calendars of a Former GSA Official, 021590 DOJ, 90-5

  • June 16, 1942

  • Trials of Newspaper Personnel Accused of Disclosing Naval Secrets, 061642 DOJ, 42-3

  • January 23, 1989

  • Constitutionality of Section 7(b)(3) of the Emergency Veterans' Job Training Act of 1983, 012389 DOJ, 89-2

  • May 07, 1980

  • Severance Agreement Between a Prospective Federal Appointee and His Law Firm, 050780 DOJ, 80-71

  • June 23, 1978

  • Officers and Employees—Volunteers—Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. § 2679(b))—Operation of Motor Vehicles-Liability, 062378 DOJ, 78-36

  • February 02, 1994

  • Authority for Issuing Hatch Act Regulations, 020294 DOJ, 94-1

  • August 06, 1997

  • Applicability of Section 514 of the 1997 Education Appropriations Act to Post-Secondary Student Aid Programs, 080697 DOJ, 97-21

  • September 21, 1993

  • Disclosure of Grand Jury Matters to the President and Other Officials, 092193 DOJ, 93-9

  • June 26, 1934

  • Exercising Pocket Veto, 062634 DOJ, 34-3

  • January 29, 2008

  • Constitutionality of the Direct Reporting Requirement in Section 802(e)(1) of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, 012908 DOJ, 08-5

  • March 07, 1996

  • Eligibility of Citizens of Freely Associated States for HUD Financial Assistance, 030796 DOJ, 96-15

  • February 22, 1980

  • Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime of Agent/Examiners in the FBI Laboratory, 022280 DOJ, 80-52

  • March 02, 1982

  • Bonneville Power Administration's Claim for Reimbursement in Connection with Land Transfer, 030282 DOJ, 82-21

  • March 28, 1979

  • Trading with the Enemy Act (50 U.S.C. App. § 1 et seq.)— Attorney General—Title Claim of the Commissioner of Customs—Decision of the Director, Office of Alien Property, Allowing the Claim Reversed, 032879 DOJ, 79-19

  • December 14, 1982

  • History of Refusals by Executive Branch Officials to Provide Information Demanded by Congress: Part I—Presidential Invocations of Executive Privilege Vis-a-Vis Congress, 121482 DOJ, 82-76

  • June 28, 1995

  • Legal Guidance on the Implications of the Supreme Court's Decision in Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena, 062895 DOJ, 95-15

  • July 22, 1980

  • Suspension of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act in Litigation Involving Iranian Assets., 072280 DOJ, 80-27