Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

August 06, 1979

  • Renegotiation Board—Reporting Requirement (50 U.S.C. App. § 1215)—Effect of Absence of an Appropriation— Repeals by Implication, 080679 DOJ, 79-58

  • January 07, 1999

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 1721 to Collection of Fee for Stamped Cards, 010799 DOJ, 99-2

  • July 27, 1978

  • Act of August 13, 1946 (25 U.S.C. § 70b(c))—Restriction on Activities of Former Members of the Indian Claims Commission, 072778 DOJ, 78-43

  • January 19, 2017

  • Who Qualifies as a “Very Senior” Employee Under 18 U.S.C. § 207(d)(1)(B), 011917 DOJ, 17-3

  • November 05, 1982

  • Applicability of the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act to the Community Development Block Grant Program, 110582 DOJ, 82-68

  • February 28, 1980

  • Effect of 18 U.S.C. §600 on Proposal for Hiring Census Enumerators, 022880 DOJ, 80-55

  • February 08, 1985

  • Seventh Amendment Implications of Providing for the Administrative Adjudication of Claims Under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, 020885 DOJ, 85-4

  • July 14, 1982

  • Questions Raised by the Attorney General's Service as a Trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, 071482 DOJ, 82-44

  • August 17, 1992

  • Enforcement Jurisdiction of the Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices, 081792 DOJ, 92-12

  • March 25, 1992

  • Statutory Authority to Contract with the Private Sector for Secure Facilities, 032592 DOJ, 92-8

  • March 12, 1999

  • Gulf War Veterans Health Statutes, 031299 DOJ, 99-6

  • August 10, 1982

  • Discrimination Among Classes of Legal Aliens in the Provision of Welfare Benefits, 081082 DOJ, 82-52

  • January 23, 1995

  • The Balanced Budget Amendment, 012395 DOJ, 95-2

  • October 27, 1983

  • Historical Use of Assistant Attorneys General, 102783 DOJ, 83-20

  • February 26, 1985

  • Applicability of Post-Employment Restrictions on Dealings with Government to Former Employees of the Government Printing Office, 022685 DOJ, 85-6

  • March 06, 1987

  • Constitutionality of Proposed Legislation Requiring Renomination and Reconfirmation of Executive Branch Officers upon the Expiration of a Presidential Term, 030687 DOJ, 87-6

  • January 18, 1982

  • Applicability of Certain Cross-Cutting Statutes to Block Grants Under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, 011882 DOJ, 82-10

  • May 28, 1997

  • National Archives Access to Taxpayer Information, 052897 DOJ, 97-14

  • February 11, 1999

  • Attorney's Fees for Legal Service Performed Prior to Federal Employment, 021199 DOJ, 99-5

  • December 03, 1998

  • Miscellaneous Receipts Act Exception for Veterans' Health Care Recoveries, 120398 DOJ, 98-30

  • March 27, 1997

  • Qualification Requirement for Aliens Under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 032797 DOJ, 97-8

  • November 29, 1978

  • Supplementation of Salary of Government Employees (18 U.S.C. § 209)—Propriety of Employer Providing Certain Benefits to Employee Serving as a White House Fellow, 112978 DOJ, 78-62

  • October 10, 1978

  • Government Officers and Employees—Standards of Conduct (28 CFR 45.735.12)—Outside Employment—Teaching Law School Course, 101078 DOJ, 78-56

  • May 17, 1977

  • Interchange of Counsel Project-Assistant United States Attorneys and Assistant Public Defenders, 051777 DOJ, 77-27

  • July 30, 1952

  • Constitutionality of an Appropriations Bill Denying Funds for Certain Civil Litigation, 073052 DOJ, 52-2

  • November 12, 1996

  • Legal Effectiveness of Congressional Subpoenas Issued After an Adjournment Sine Die o f Congress, 111296 DOJ, 96-42

  • August 27, 1981

  • Procedures for Implementing the Reciprocity Provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920., 082781 DOJ, 81-46

  • November 03, 1977

  • Immigration Status of Persons Employed by Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities of the United States, 110377 DOJ, 77-63

  • April 13, 1979

  • Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. § 1 et seq.) —Duration of Veterans Administration Advisory Committees, 041379 DOJ, 79-25

  • December 04, 1998

  • Proposed Settlement of Diamond v. Department of Health & Human Services, 120498 DOJ, 98-31

  • August 07, 1998

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 208 to Service by Federal Officials on the District of Columbia Downtown Business Improvement District Corporation Board of Directors, 080798 DOJ, 98-21

  • June 23, 1980

  • Rights-of-Way Across National Forests, 062380 DOJ, 80-8

  • November 25, 1996

  • Authority to Exempt Programs under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 112596 DOJ, 96-45

  • June 28, 2010

  • Entitlement To Reservist Differential Pay Under The Pre-Amendment Version of 5 U.S.C. § 5538, 062810 DOJ, 10-7

  • March 09, 1981

  • Government Attorneys' Participation as Plaintiffs in a Suit Against the Office of Personnel Management, 030981 DOJ, 81-13

  • February 22, 1984

  • Authority of the Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board to Litigate and Submit Legislation to Congress, 022284 DOJ, 84-4

  • September 23, 1977

  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973—Nondiscrimination Provision, 092377 DOJ, 77-52

  • October 20, 1977

  • President's Authority to Promulgate a Reorganization Plan Involving the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 102077 DOJ, 77-61

  • November 22, 2000

  • Use of Agency Resources to Support Presidential Transition, 112200 DOJ, 00-26

  • December 23, 1981

  • Payment of Travel Costs to Witnesses During a Period of Lapsed Appropriations, 122381 DOJ, 81-65

  • September 25, 2000

  • Enforceability of 18 U.S.C. § 1302, 092500 DOJ, 00-1

  • April 22, 1998

  • Coverage Issues Under the Indian Self-Determination Act, 042298 DOJ, 98-10

  • February 07, 2002

  • Status of Taliban Forces Under Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, 020702 DOJ, 02-1

  • November 22, 2002

  • Expiration of Authority of Recess Appointees, 112202 DOJ, 02-18

  • July 09, 2002

  • Federal Reserve Board Efforts to Control Access to Buildings and Open Meetings, 070902 DOJ, 02-10

  • July 14, 1994

  • United States Assistance to Countries that Shoot Down Civil Aircraft Involved in Drug Trafficking, 071494 DOJ, 94-19

  • September 25, 2001

  • The President's Constitutional Authority to Conduct Military Operations Against Terrorists and Nations Supporting Them, 092501 DOJ, 01-26

  • September 04, 2001

  • Post-Employment Restriction of 12 U.S.C. § 1812(e), 090401 DOJ, 01-25

  • February 14, 1984

  • Constitutionality of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1983, 021484 DOJ, 84-3

  • December 31, 1975

  • Constitutionality of Bill Establishing American Folklife Center in Library of Congress, 123175 DOJ, 75-1