Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

March 11, 2005

  • Whether Appropriations May Be Used for Informational Video News Releases, 031105 DOJ, 05-6

  • December 19, 1989

  • Congressional Authority to Require State Courts to Use Certain Procedures in Products Liability Cases, 121989 DOJ, 89-48

  • March 12, 2004

  • Apportionment of False Claims Act Recoveries to Agencies, 031204 DOJ, 04-4

  • December 19, 2002

  • Duty to File Public Financial Disclosure Report, 121902 DOJ, 02-20

  • June 20, 2001

  • Applicability of Post-Employment Restrictions in 18 U.S.C. § 207 to a Former Government Official Representing a Former President or Vice President in Connection with the Presidential Records Act, 062001 DOJ, 01-17

  • November 22, 2006

  • Applicability of the Miscellaneous Receipts Act to Personal Convenience Fees Paid to a Contractor by Attendees at Agency-Sponsored Conferences, 112206 DOJ, 06-9

  • July 10, 1989

  • Availability of the Judgement Fund for Settlements with Foreign Countries, 071089 DOJ, 89-24

  • April 11, 1977

  • Proposals Regarding an Independent Attorney General, 041177 DOJ, 77-21

  • October 12, 1999

  • Tribal Restrictions on Sharing of Indigenous Knowledge on Uses of Biological Resources, 101299 DOJ, 99-24

  • March 18, 1998

  • The Vacancies Act, 031898 DOJ, 98-6

  • January 28, 1977

  • Conflict of Interest—Litigation Involving a Corporation Owned by Government Attorney, 012877 DOJ, 77-3

  • February 21, 1977

  • Inspector General Legislation, 022177 DOJ, 77-8

  • March 07, 1977

  • Presidential Authority—Legality of Proposed Executive Requiring Public Disclosure of Employee Financial Statements—Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552)— Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. § 552a), 030777 DOJ, 77-75

  • March 22, 1999

  • Guidance on Application of Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, 032299 DOJ, 99-7

  • November 14, 2018

  • Designating an Acting Attorney General, 111418 DOJ, 18-6

  • September 21, 1936

  • Filling the Vacancy Following the Death of the Secretary of War, 092136 DOJ, 36-1

  • July 30, 2021

  • Ways & Means Committee's Request for the Former President's Tax Returns, 073021 DOJ, 21-12

  • October 02, 1950

  • Presidential Authority to Make Recess Appointments While Incumbents Hold Over, 100250 DOJ, 50-1

  • September 11, 1998

  • Official Service by State Department Employees on the Boards of American-Sponsored Schools Overseas, 091198 DOJ, 98-25

  • November 06, 1998

  • Presidential Determination Allowing Financial Assistance to Tibet, 110698 DOJ, 98-29

  • January 30, 2012

  • State of Residence Requirements for Firearms Transfers, 013012 DOJ, 12-2

  • June 01, 1939

  • Jurisdiction and Procedure of Office of Assistant Solicitor General, 060139 DOJ, 39-2

  • February 15, 1977

  • Power of a State Legislature to Rescind its Ratification of a Constitutional Amendment, 021577 DOJ, 77-7

  • April 27, 2010

  • Whether The Criminal Provisions of The Violence Against Women Act Apply To Otherwise Covered Conduct When The Offender and Victim Are The Same Sex, 042710 DOJ, 10-4

  • May 16, 1942

  • Removal of Japanese Aliens and Citizens From Hawaii to United States, 051642 DOJ, 42-1

  • September 15, 1999

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 219 to Representative Members of Federal Advisory Committees, 091599 DOJ, 99-20

  • January 10, 2017

  • Administration of John F. Kennedy Centennial Commission, 011017 DOJ, 17-1

  • May 28, 2008

  • Authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to Hold Employees Liable for Negligent Loss, Damage, or Destruction of Government Personal Property, 052808 DOJ, 08-11

  • November 17, 1989

  • Ethical Considerations Regarding Charitable or Political Activities of Department Spouses, 111789 DOJ, 89-44

  • April 21, 2009

  • Constitutionality of The Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission Act of 2009, 042109 DOJ, 09-4

  • December 19, 2002

  • Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, 121902 DOJ, 02-21

  • March 01, 2004

  • Liability of Contractors in Airbridge Denial Programs, 030104 DOJ, 04-3

  • May 30, 2002

  • Applicability of Ineligibility Clause to Appointment of Congressman Tony P. Hall, 053002 DOJ, 02-7

  • March 18, 2004

  • “Protected Person” Status in Occupied Iraq Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, 031804 DOJ, 04-6

  • July 07, 2005

  • Whether the President May Sign a Bill by Directing That His Signature Be Affixed to It, 070705 DOJ, 05-9

  • April 14, 1989

  • Scope of Environmental Protection Agency's Discretion to Adopt Any One of Three Alternative Interpretations of the Mitchell-Conte Amendment to the Clean Air Act, 041489 DOJ, 89-12

  • November 16, 1995

  • Presidential Discretion to Delay Making Determinations Under Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991, 111695 DOJ, 95-25

  • May 14, 1979

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation—Contractual Exemption from Liability for Agents' Negligence in FBI Law Enforcement Training (42 U.S.C. § 3744), 051479 DOJ, 79-31

  • January 05, 1956

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege by the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, 010556 DOJ, 56-1

  • April 03, 1981

  • Presidential Succession and Delegation in Case of Disability, 040381 DOJ, 81-17

  • February 16, 1979

  • Federal Aviation Administration—Federal Airport Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 170)—Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (49 U.S.C. §§ 1716, 1723)—Conveyance of Federal Lands for Airport Development, 021679 DOJ, 79-15

  • November 13, 1980

  • Exclusion of Medicine and Medical Supplies from Controls Under the Export Administration Act of 1979., 111380 DOJ, 80-106

  • August 18, 1977

  • Price Support for Sugar Producers—Agriculture Act of 1949, 081877 DOJ, 77-47

  • February 14, 1978

  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting—Grants—Monitoring Administration of (47 U.S.C. § 392), 021478 DOJ, 78-9

  • August 28, 1979

  • Real Property—Title—Authority of the Attorney General (40 U.S.C. § 225)—Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 082879 DOJ, 79-63

  • January 31, 1978

  • Federal Reserve Board—Vacancy With the Office of the Chairman—Status of the Vice Chairman (12 U.S.C. §§ 242, 244), 013178 DOJ, 78-91

  • July 24, 1982

  • Reimbursement for Defense Department Assistance to Civilian Law Enforcement Officials, 072482 DOJ, 82-48

  • March 31, 1977

  • Authority of Bureau of Prisons Physicians to Perform Autopsies, 033177 DOJ, 77-16

  • June 10, 1977

  • State Jurisdiction to Regulate Pollutant Emissions, 061077 DOJ, 77-36

  • July 12, 1956

  • Constitutionality of Pending Bills Restricting the Withdrawal of Public Land for National Defense, 071256 DOJ, 56-2