Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

June 27, 1979

  • Advisory Committees—Application of the Russell Amendment (31 U.S.C. § 696), 062779 DOJ, 79-45

  • December 04, 1985

  • Ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to Sue Another Government Agency, 120485 DOJ, 85-15

  • November 24, 1978

  • Department of Labor—Boards of Inquiry—Payments to Federal Employees From Non-Government Sources (18 U.S.C. § 209)—Proposed Supplementation of Compensation, 112478 DOJ, 78-61

  • December 16, 1977

  • Termination of Federal Financial Assistance Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 121677 DOJ, 77-71

  • March 02, 1995

  • Use of the Exchange Stabilization Fund to Provide Loans and Credits to Mexico, 030295 DOJ, 95-6

  • January 25, 1961

  • Authority of the President to Blockade Cuba, 012561 DOJ, 61-1

  • November 02, 1987

  • Reappointment of United States Parole Commissioners, 110287 DOJ, 87-18

  • April 19, 1994

  • MARAD Rulemaking Authority Under Cargo Preference Laws, 041994 DOJ, 94-11

  • February 28, 1980

  • Authority of Indian Tribal Court to Issue Garnishment Writs Under 42 U.S.C § 662(e), 022880 DOJ, 80-54

  • February 12, 1980

  • Presidential Power to Use Armed Forces Abroad Without Statutory Authorization, 021280 DOJ, 80-21

  • June 02, 1977

  • "Office under the United States"—National Commission on Neighborhoods, 060277 DOJ, 77-32

  • April 16, 2007

  • Officers of the United States Within the Meaning of the Appointments Clause, 041607 DOJ, 07-7

  • December 22, 1980

  • Emergency Assistance to the District of Columbia Department of Corrections in Case of a Work Stoppage, 122280 DOJ, 80-109

  • January 02, 1980

  • Possible Participation by the United States in Islamic Republic of Iran v. Pahlavi, 010280 DOJ, 80-19

  • May 23, 1996

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege Regarding White House Counsel's Office Documents, 052396 DOJ, 96-2

  • May 18, 1983

  • The President's Power to Remove the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 051883 DOJ, 83-14

  • February 07, 1980

  • Applicability of Criminal Statutes and "Whistleblower" Legislation to Unauthorized Employee Disclosures., 020780 DOJ, 80-45

  • April 18, 1979

  • Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. § 1101 (a)(15))— Nonimmigrant Aliens—Strikes and Other Labor Disputes— Status of Nonimmigrant Alien Soccer Players During Strike in the North American Soccer League, 041879 DOJ, 79-26

  • March 27, 2012

  • The Anti-Deficiency Act Implications of Consent By Government Employees To Online Terms of Service Agreements Containing Open-Ended Indemnification Clauses, 032712 DOJ, 12-5

  • January 29, 1998

  • Statute of Limitations and Settlement of Equal Credit Opportunity Act Discrimination Claims Against the Department of Agriculture, 012998 DOJ, 98-2

  • April 04, 1980

  • Presidential Power to Expel Diplomatic Personnel from the United States, 040480 DOJ, 80-23

  • February 09, 1979

  • Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 020979 DOJ, 79-13

  • October 22, 2009

  • Constitutionality of Mandatory Registration of Credit Rating Agencies, 102209 DOJ, 09-14

  • July 22, 2005

  • Whether Conflict of Interest Laws Apply to a Person Assisting a Supreme Court Nominee, 072205 DOJ, 05-10

  • May 29, 1979

  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (50 U.S.C..§ 1801)— Interception of Radio Communication—Constitutional Law—Fourth Amendment—Privacy, 052979 DOJ, 79-39

  • February 06, 1986

  • Indemnification of Department of Justice Employees, 020686 DOJ, 86-2

  • March 13, 1981

  • Jurisdiction of the Office of Special Counsel, Merit Systems Protection Board, Under 5 U.S.C. §§ 1206(b)(2) and (7), 031381 DOJ, 81-14

  • September 01, 1978

  • Trade Secrets—Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. § 331)—Disclosure—Swine Influenza Immunization Program (42 U.S.C. § 2746), 090178 DOJ, 78-48

  • August 12, 1977

  • Executive Order No. 11222—Standards of Conduct—Government Officials Writing Articles and Books, 081277 DOJ, 77-81

  • April 11, 1977

  • Assumption by People's Republic of China of Expenses of U.S. Delegation—Constitution (Art. I, § 9, cl. 8), 041177 DOJ, 78-77

  • April 05, 1999

  • Applicability of Trade Secrets Act to Intra-Governmental Exchange of Regulatory Information, 040599 DOJ, 99-8

  • January 08, 1980

  • Presidential Power Concerning Diplomatic Agents and Staff of the Iranian Mission., 010880 DOJ, 80-20

  • December 18, 1978

  • Department of Justice—Transfer of Funds From Another Agency—Payment for Attorney Services—Economy Act (31 U.S.C. § 686), 121878 DOJ, 78-68

  • November 13, 1981

  • The President's Power to Remove Members of the Federal Council on the Aging, 111381 DOJ, 81-54

  • June 09, 1941

  • Wiretapping by Members of the Naval Intelligence Service, 060941 DOJ, 41-1

  • October 08, 1980

  • Presidential Authority to Permit the Withdrawal of Iranian Assets Now in the Federal Reserve Bank., 100880 DOJ, 80-30

  • March 29, 1977

  • Liability of Government for Retroactive Veterans' Benefits Where Discharges Are Upgraded, 032977 DOJ, 77-15

  • February 13, 1976

  • Constitutionality of Bill Creating an Office of Congressional Legal Counsel, 021376 DOJ, 76-1

  • November 05, 1957

  • Applicability of Executive Privilege to Independent Regulatory Agencies, 110557 DOJ, 57-1

  • March 23, 1973

  • Constitutionality of Legislation to Establish a Program to Prevent Aircraft Piracy, 032373 DOJ, 73-1

  • December 21, 1979

  • Federal Aviation Act—Foreign Air Transportation—Scope of Presidential Authority on Review of Civil Aeronautic Board's Approval of Airline Mergers (49 U.S.C. § 1461), 122179 DOJ, 79-87

  • May 26, 1978

  • Presidential Appointees—Removal Power—Civil Service Reform Act—Constitutional Law (Article II, § 2, cl. 2), 052678 DOJ, 78-30

  • February 02, 1979

  • Constitutional Law—Fourth Amendment—Interception of Oral Communications—Legality of Television Surveillance in Government Offices, 020279 DOJ, 79-10

  • Federal Labor Relations Council—Labor-Management Relations for Executive Agencies (Executive No. 11491)— Jurisdiction of the Council in Labor Disputes Concerning the Conditions of Employment of Medical, Dental, and Nursing Personnel of the Veterans Administration, 020279 DOJ, 79-11

  • June 05, 1980

  • Constitutionality of Congress' Disapproval of Agency Regulations by Resolutions Not Presented to the President., 060580 DOJ, 80-7

  • March 16, 1978

  • Vacancy Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 3345-3349)—Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 031678 DOJ, 78-18

  • October 16, 2007

  • Rate of Accrual of Annual Leave by a Civilian Employee Appointed While on Terminal Leave Pending Retirement From One of the Uniformed Services, 101607 DOJ, 07-18

  • October 23, 2007

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 207 to Former CIA Officials' Communications With CIA Employees on Detail to Other Agencies, 102307 DOJ, 07-21

  • March 13, 1981

  • Jurisdiction of the Office of Special Counsel, Merit Systems Protection Board, Under 5 U.S.C. §§ 1206(b)(2) and (7), 031381 DOJ, 81-14

  • February 09, 1984

  • Application of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to the Department of Energy's Atomic Energy Act Facilities, 020984 DOJ, 84-2