Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

March 05, 2012

  • State and Local Deputation of Federal Law Enforcement Officers During Stafford Act Deployments, 030512 DOJ, 12-4

  • April 19, 2010

  • Constitutional Concerns Presented By Proposed Ly Liquidation Authority Panel, 041910 DOJ, 10-3

  • August 28, 2009

  • Whether The Review Described In Section 4 of Executive 13497 Remains Pending for Purposes of Section 7 of That Order, 082809 DOJ, 09-12

  • May 22, 1995

  • Fiduciary Obligations Regarding Bureau of Prisons Commissary Fund, 052295 DOJ, 95-12

  • April 11, 1980

  • The President's Authority to Control the Export of Hazardous Substances., 041180 DOJ, 80-67

  • November 30, 1981

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 281 to Selling Activities of Retired Military Officers, 113081 DOJ, 81-58

  • April 01, 1986

  • Constitutionality of State Procedural Reform Provision in Superfund Legislation, 040186 DOJ, 86-6

  • January 03, 2000

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 205(a)(2) to Representation Before Non-Federal Agency, 010300 DOJ, 00-2

  • September 14, 1988

  • Department of Housing and Urban Development Restrictions on Grants to Religious Organizations That Provide Secular Social Services, 091488 DOJ, 88-23

  • September 27, 1984

  • Voluntariness of Renunciations of Citizenship Under 8 U.S.C. §1481(a)(6), 092784 DOJ, 84-20

  • February 22, 1980

  • Application of Conflict of Interest Rules to the Conduct of Government Litigation by Private Attorneys, 022280 DOJ, 80-53

  • May 21, 1982

  • Delegation of Cabinet Members' Functions as Ex Officio Members of the Board of Directors of the Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank, 052182 DOJ, 82-33

  • October 30, 1984

  • Overview of the War Powers Resolution, 103084 DOJ, 84-23

  • June 28, 1996

  • Presidential Certification Regarding the Provision of Documents to the House of Representatives Under the Mexican Debt Disclosure Act of 1995, 062896 DOJ, 96-26

  • December 14, 1977

  • Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer of the United States, 18 U.S.C. §372, 121477 DOJ, 77-68

  • January 19, 1981

  • Legality of the International Agreement with Iran and Its Implementing Executive orders., 011981 DOJ, 81-35

  • February 24, 1982

  • Application of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution and the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act, 022482 DOJ, 82-18

  • December 11, 1980

  • Litigating Authority of the Office of Federal Inspector, Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, 121180 DOJ, 80-108

  • February 25, 1982

  • Employment Status of "Volunteers" Connected with Federal Advisory Committees, 022582 DOJ, 82-19

  • November 17, 1977

  • Acceptance of Cash Prize by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Examiner, 111777 DOJ, 77-65

  • August 13, 2008

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 207(f) to Public Relations Activities Undertaken for a Foreign Corporation Controlled by a Foreign Government, 081308 DOJ, 08-14

  • November 02, 2001

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 208 to Trustees of Private Trusts, 110201 DOJ, 01-30

  • November 10, 1977

  • Participation of Antitrust Division Attorney in "Armored Car" Cases, 111077 DOJ, 77-64

  • May 24, 1977

  • Determination of Date of Commencement of Service of Federal Officers—Renegotiation Board, 052477 DOJ, 77-30

  • November 05, 1982

  • Constitutionality of Statute Requiring Executive Agency to Report Directly to Congress, 110582 DOJ, 82-70

  • December 07, 1982

  • Administrative Determination of Eligibility for Veterans' Beneficiary Travel Reimbursement, 120782 DOJ, 82-74

  • January 04, 1982

  • The Attorney General's Role as Chief Litigator for United States, 010482 DOJ, 82-6

  • February 01, 1980

  • Status of Nonimmigrant Alien Temporary Workers' During a Strike, 020180 DOJ, 80-42

  • October 14, 1980

  • Presidential Authority to Settle Claims of the Hostages and Their Families, 101480 DOJ, 80-31

  • October 10, 2003

  • Compliance of Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems With Help America Vote Act and Americans With Disabilities Act, 101003 DOJ, 03-20

  • November 19, 1981

  • Obligation of the Office of the Vice President to Pay State or City Accommodations Taxes, 111981 DOJ, 81-56

  • June 19, 1941

  • Presidential Control of Wireless and Cable Information Leaving United States, 061941 DOJ, 41-2

  • February 28, 2002

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 203 to Former Employee's Receipt of Attorney's Fees in Qui Tam Action, 022802 DOJ, 02-2

  • May 24, 1977

  • Standards of Conduct-Application Pursuant to 28 CFR §45.735-9(c), 052477 DOJ, 77-28

  • May 02, 1989

  • Prepayment Authority Under the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, 050289 DOJ, 89-14

  • May 01, 2017

  • Authority of Individual Members of Congress to Conduct Oversight of Executive Branch, 050117 DOJ, 17-2

  • March 26, 1982

  • Disclosure of Parolees' Names to Local Police, 032682 DOJ, 82-29

  • September 28, 1999

  • Applicability of EEOC Proposed Final Rule to the Department of Veterans Affairs, 092899 DOJ, 99-21

  • August 09, 1978

  • Status of the Pacific Northwest River Basic Commission Under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 080978 DOJ, 78-44

  • August 05, 1976

  • Appointment of a Federal Judge to the United Nations Delegation, 080576 DOJ, 76-2

  • March 15, 1988

  • Constitutionality of Seizing the Passports of Individuals Found to be Importing Controlled Substances Into the United States, 031588 DOJ, 88-8

  • July 11, 1979

  • Constitutional Law—Article I, Section 6, Clause 2—Appointment of Member of Congress to a Civil Office, 071179 DOJ, 79-51

  • February 06, 2003

  • Appointment of Member of Holocaust Memorial Council, 020603 DOJ, 03-6

  • March 16, 1978

  • Constitutional Law—First Amendment—Establishment Clause —Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Schools—Tuition— Tax Credits, 031678 DOJ, 78-19

  • December 07, 1983

  • Commencement of United States Commission on Civil Rights, 120783 DOJ, 83-23

  • July 02, 1946

  • Presidential Appointment of Justice Robert Jackson to Prosecute Axis War Criminals in Europe, 070246 DOJ, 46-1

  • November 06, 2001

  • Legality of the Use of Military Commissions to Try Terrorists, 110601 DOJ, 01-32

  • March 06, 2018

  • In re Applicability of Miscellaneous Receipts Act to An Arbitral Award of Legal Costs, 030618 DOJ, 18-2

  • December 20, 1978

  • Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (29 U.S.C. § 812)—Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. § 2026(b)(2))— Use of Funds for Food Stamp Workfare Projects, 122078 DOJ, 78-69

  • November 27, 1974

  • FOIA Appeal from Denial of Access to FBI COINTELPRO Files Regarding Professor Morris Starsky, 112774 DOJ, 74-2