Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

December 17, 2010

  • Disposition of Proceeds From The Sale of Real Property Acquired With Money From The Social Security Trust Funds, 121710 DOJ, 10-11

  • November 11, 1979

  • Supplementary Discussion of the President's Powers Relating to the Seizure of the American Embassy in Iran., 111179 DOJ, 79-14

  • January 26, 2018

  • Committee Resolutions Under 40 U.S.C. § 3307(a) and Availability of Enacted Appropriations, 012618 DOJ, 18-4

  • April 20, 1998

  • Possible Bases of Jurisdiction for the Department of Justice to Investigate Matters Relating to the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., 042098 DOJ, 98-9

  • December 12, 1985

  • Taxability of Indian Treaty Fishing Income, 121285 DOJ, 85-16

  • April 19, 2002

  • Authority of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board to Delegate Power, 041902 DOJ, 02-5

  • September 13, 1982

  • Funding of Attorney Fee Awards Against the United States Under Rule 37, 091382 DOJ, 82-56

  • May 10, 1988

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 207(a) to the Union Station Development Corporation, 051088 DOJ, 88-12

  • September 27, 1988

  • Application of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act To HIV-infected Individuals, 092788 DOJ, 88-25

  • June 01, 2009

  • Constitutionality of Section 7054 of The Fiscal Year 2009 Foreign Appropriations Act, 060109 DOJ, 09-6

  • November 23, 1988

  • Authority of the Customs Service to Seize or Forfeit Property Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 881, 112388 DOJ, 88-29

  • August 15, 2019

  • Religious Restrictions on Capital Financing for Historically Black Colleges And Universities, 081519 DOJ, 19-6

  • February 09, 1987

  • Legal Effect of Joint Resolution Disapproving President's Pay Recommendations, 020987 DOJ, 87-4

  • August 16, 1979

  • Political Contributions by Federal Employees, 081679 DOJ, 79-60

  • November 19, 2014

  • The Department of Homeland Security's Authority To Prioritize Removal of Certain Aliens Unlawfully Present In The United States and To Defer Removal of Others, 111914 DOJ, 14-3

  • October 31, 2001

  • Duration of the Term of a Member of the Civil Rights Commission, 103101 DOJ, 01-29

  • November 04, 1979

  • Introduction and Summary, 110479 DOJ, 79-12

  • April 10, 1995

  • Impermissibility of Deputizing the House Sergeant at Arms as a Special Deputy U.S. Marshal, 041095 DOJ, 95-8

  • June 14, 1979

  • Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board— Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1977 (5 U.S.C. App.), 061479 DOJ, 79-41

  • December 06, 2004

  • Political Balance Requirement for the Civil Rights Commission, 120604 DOJ, 04-22

  • December 22, 1981

  • Peyote Exemption for Native American Church, 122281 DOJ, 81-63

  • May 16, 1995

  • Bill to Relocate United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, 051695 DOJ, 95-11

  • October 19, 1977

  • Travel and Subsistence Expenses for the Director-designate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 101977 DOJ, 77-60

  • October 25, 1982

  • Recess Appointments Issues, 102582 DOJ, 82-64

  • June 15, 2007

  • Application of the Emoluments Clause to a Member of the FBI Director's Advisory Board, 061507 DOJ, 07-11

  • August 03, 1989

  • Intrasession Recess Appointments, 080389 DOJ, 89-32

  • April 06, 1981

  • The Attorney General's Duty to Defend the Constitutionality of Statutes, 040681 DOJ, 81-3

  • July 20, 2015

  • The Department of Justice Inspector General's Access To Information Protected By The Federal Wiretap Act, Rule 6(E) of The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, and Section 626 of The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 072015 DOJ, 15-2

  • December 09, 1993

  • Authority to Pay State and Local Taxes on Property After Entry of an of Forfeiture, 120993 DOJ, 93-20

  • August 11, 1981

  • Restrictions on Canadian Ownership of Federal Mineral Leases Under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, 081181 DOJ, 81-41

  • February 29, 2008

  • Whether the Department of Justice May Prosecute White House Officials for Contempt of Congress, 022908 DOJ, 08-8

  • November 02, 1995

  • Reassignment of Assistant Secretary of Labor Without Senate Reconfirmation, 110295 DOJ, 95-21

  • February 20, 2003

  • Limitations on the Detention Authority of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 022003 DOJ, 03-7

  • March 30, 2001

  • Authority of the President to Remove the Staff Director of the Civil Rights Commission and Appoint an Acting Staff Director, 033001 DOJ, 01-12

  • January 19, 1983

  • Waiver of the Application of Conflict of Interest Laws for Members of the President's Commission on Strategic Forces, 011983 DOJ, 83-2

  • June 04, 1990

  • Lease or Loan of Aircraft to Foreign Countries for Assistance in International Narcotics Control Under Subsection 506(a)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 060490 DOJ, 90-16

  • January 28, 1982

  • Attribution of Outside Earned Income Under the Ethics in Government Act, 012882 DOJ, 82-13

  • January 31, 2003

  • Whether Canteen Service Provided Through the Veterans' Canteen Service Is Exempt From Review Under the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998, 013103 DOJ, 03-4

  • December 30, 1980

  • Applicability of the Compact Clause to Use of Multiple State Entities Under the Water Resources Planning Act., 123080 DOJ, 80-110

  • July 16, 1997

  • Administrative Assessment of Civil Penalties Against Federal Agencies Under the Clean Air Act, 071697 DOJ, 97-17

  • May 29, 1990

  • Authority of the General Services Board of Contract Appeals to Reimbursement of the Permanent Judgment Fund for Awards of Bid Protest Costs, 052990 DOJ, 90-15

  • January 03, 2003

  • Funding for Technical Assistance for Agricultural Conservation Programs, 010303 DOJ, 03-2

  • April 05, 1978

  • National Commission on Observance of International Women's Year—Transfer of Funds—Authority (Public Law 94-107 (1975), 89 Stat. 1003), 040578 DOJ, 78-20

  • May 02, 1980

  • Part-Time Government Official's Receipt of Compensation for Representational Work Before the Government, 050280 DOJ, 80-70

  • January 02, 1979

  • Department of Energy-Civil Service Commission-Number of Supergrade Positions the Secretary of Energy May Fill Pursuant to the Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. § 7101), 010279 DOJ, 79-1

  • August 05, 1991

  • Comptroller General's Authority to Relieve Disbursing and Certifying Officials From Liability, 080591 DOJ, 91-11

  • May 17, 1980

  • Emergency Authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services under 42 U.S.C. § 243(c)(2)., 051780 DOJ, 80-76

  • October 28, 1986

  • Department of Labor Jurisdiction to Investigate Certain Criminal Matters, 102886 DOJ, 86-17

  • August 12, 2005

  • Proposed Amendments to Military Commission No. 1, 081205 DOJ, 05-13

  • November 03, 1980

  • Government Lawyers' Pro Bono Activities in the District of Columbia, 110380 DOJ, 80-104