Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

July 08, 2009

  • Eligibility of A Retired Military Officer for Appointment As Administrator of The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 070809 DOJ, 09-9

  • January 11, 1985

  • Disqualification of Prosecutor Because of Former Representation, 011185 DOJ, 85-1

  • November 10, 1995

  • The Secretary of the Treasury's Authority with Respect to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, 111095 DOJ, 95-23

  • August 16, 1988

  • Investigative Authority of General Accounting Office, 081688 DOJ, 88-20

  • February 06, 2003

  • Department of Transportation Authority to Exempt Canadian Truck Drivers From Criminal Liability for Transporting Explosives, 020603 DOJ, 03-5

  • January 28, 1998

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. §203 to Maintenance of Contingent Interest in Expenses Recoverable in Litigation Against the United States, 012898 DOJ, 98-1

  • August 15, 1980

  • Disclosure of Confidential Business Records Obtained Under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act., 081580 DOJ, 80-94

  • January 18, 2005

  • Treatment of Expunged State Convictions Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, 011805 DOJ, 05-1

  • April 29, 1988

  • Disclosure of Advisory Committee Deliberative Materials, 042988 DOJ, 88-11

  • July 08, 1987

  • Resolution of Legal Dispute between the Department of Energy and the Tennessee Valley Authority, 070887 DOJ, 87-12

  • March 21, 1983

  • Authority for the Removal of Fugitive Felons Apprehended Under 18 U.S.C. § 1073, 032183 DOJ, 83-10

  • March 09, 1995

  • Authority to Issue Executive on Government Procurement, 030995 DOJ, 95-7

  • January 17, 1992

  • Issues Raised by Provisions Directing Issuance of Official or Diplomatic Passports, 011792 DOJ, 92-4

  • May 02, 1979

  • Garnishment—Federal Employees—Consumer Credit Protection Act (15 U.S.C. § 1673)—Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 659), 050279 DOJ, 79-29

  • December 23, 1982

  • Continuing Obligations Under Congressional Subpoenas After the Adjournment of Congress, 122382 DOJ, 82-78

  • March 22, 1985

  • Scope of Congressional Oversight and Investigative Power with Respect to the Executive Branch, 032285 DOJ, 85-7

  • July 20, 1977

  • Compensation of Court-Appointed Expert Witnesses, 072077 DOJ, 77-42

  • September 13, 2005

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c) to Proposed Communications Between Retired Navy Flag Officer and Marine Corps Commanders in Iraq Regarding Security Issues, 091305 DOJ, 05-14

  • September 21, 2022

  • Intergovernmental Immunity for Dep't of Veterans Affairs & Its Emps. When Providing, Certain Abortion Servs., 092122 DOJ, 2022-01

  • March 30, 2007

  • Status of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Under 18 U.S.C. § 207(c), 033007 DOJ, 07-5

  • February 07, 1979

  • Employment of Temporary or Intermittent Attorneys and Investigators—5 U.S.C. § 3109; 31 U.S.C. §§ 665(b), 686(a)—Office of the Special Counsel, Merit Systems Protection Board, 020779 DOJ, 79-12

  • August 24, 1981

  • Status of Persons Who Emigrate for Economic Reasons Under the Refugee Act of 1980., 082481 DOJ, 81-43

  • November 03, 1993

  • The Legal Significance of Presidential Signing Statements, 110393 DOJ, 93-16

  • September 24, 1979

  • Conflicts of Interest—18 U.S.C. § 207—Former Executive Branch Officer, 092479 DOJ, 79-70

  • July 31, 1989

  • Applicability of the Service Contract Act to Volunteer Workers' at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 073189 DOJ, 89-31

  • October 23, 2002

  • Authority of the President Under Domestic and International Law to Use Military Force Against Iraq, 102302 DOJ, 02-15

  • February 09, 1978

  • Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act (20 U.S.C. § 972)- Statutory Limits-Dresden Exhibit, 020978 DOJ, 78-8

  • May 29, 1942

  • Senatorial Courtesy, 052942 DOJ, 42-2

  • January 27, 1978

  • Drug Enforcement Administration—Supergrade Positions— Exemption From Competitive Service, 012778 DOJ, 78-5

  • March 02, 1939

  • Presidential Authority to Order Removal of Original Engrossed Constitution From Library of Congress, 030239 DOJ, 39-1

  • March 27, 1990

  • Application of Federal Advisory Committee Act to Editorial Board of Department of Justice Journal, 032790 DOJ, 90-7

  • September 13, 1995

  • Authority to Employ the Services of White House Office Employees During an Appropriations Lapse, 091395 DOJ, 95-17

  • December 18, 1978

  • Supremacy Clause (Art. VI, cl. 2)—Central Intelligence Agency—Polygraph Examinations of Employee of CIA Contracts, 121878 DOJ, 78-98

  • April 16, 1984

  • Proposed Legislation to Restrict the Sales of Alcoholic Beverages in Interstate Commerce, 041684 DOJ, 84-7

  • July 05, 1979

  • Ethics in Government Act—Financial Report—Application to Spouses and Children of Reporting Official (5 U.S.C.A. App. I), 070579 DOJ, 79-49

  • February 14, 2001

  • Applicability of APA Notice and Comment Procedures to Revocation of Delegation of Authority, 021401 DOJ, 01-11

  • May 31, 1977

  • United States Attorney, Virgin Islands—Hatch Act Applicability, 053177 DOJ, 77-31

  • March 16, 1978

  • Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978—Equal Employment Opportunity Commission—Transfer of Function, 031678 DOJ, 78-17

  • September 12, 1977

  • Proposed District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act, 091277 DOJ, 77-49

  • January 06, 2003

  • Authority of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to Impose Monetary Sanctions Against Federal Agencies for Failure to Comply With s Issued by EEOC Administrative Judges, 010603 DOJ, 03-3

  • January 30, 1980

  • Use of Foreign Vessels to Transport Petroleum from the Virgin Islands to the United States Mainland., 013080 DOJ, 80-41

  • May 22, 1970

  • The President and the War Power: South Vietnam and the Cambodian Sanctuaries, 052270 DOJ, 70-3

  • January 11, 2006

  • Financial Interests of Nonprofit Organizations for Purposes of 18 U.S.C. § 208, 011106 DOJ, 06-3

  • October 06, 1978

  • The President—Authority to Participate in International Negotiations—Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. § 2101)—Participation in Producer-Consumer Fora, 100678 DOJ, 78-55

  • May 13, 1981

  • Payment of Legal Fees in Connection with a Cabinet Member's Confirmation Hearings, 051381 DOJ, 81-21

  • December 19, 1989

  • Garnishment Under the Child Support Enforcement Act of Compensation Payable by the Department of Veterans Affairs, 121989 DOJ, 89-50

  • March 21, 1977

  • Appointment of Deputy Director of the Council on International Economic Policy (CIEP) by Its Executive Director, 032177 DOJ, 77-12

  • July 08, 1988

  • President's Veto Power, 070888 DOJ, 88-19

  • July 15, 2008

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege Concerning the Special Counsel's Interviews of the Vice President and Senior White House Staff, 071508 DOJ, 08-2

  • July 21, 1978

  • Classification of Documents (28 CFR Part 17)—Effect of a Tie Vote by the Department Review Committee, 072178 DOJ, 78-42