Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

December 14, 1977

  • Presidential Approval of Naval Petroleum Reserve Contract NOd 4219-2664, 121477 DOJ, 77-69

  • February 20, 1987

  • Proposed Legislation Providing Authority for the Armed Forces to Recover Remains of Persons Deceased as a Result of Armed Forces Operations, 022087 DOJ, 87-5

  • December 28, 1977

  • Federal Reserve Board—Residency of Board Member (12 U.S.C. § 241), 122877 DOJ, 78-90

  • October 23, 2009

  • Removability of Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, 102309 DOJ, 09-1

  • January 19, 1981

  • Legality of the International Agreement with Iran and Its Implementing Executive Orders, 011981 DOJ, 81-2

  • September 29, 1977

  • Role of Solicitor General, 092977 DOJ, 77-56

  • May 18, 1978

  • Department of Energy—Appointment of Interim Officers— Department of Energy Organization Act (42, U.S.C. § 7342), 051878 DOJ, 78-94

  • May 29, 1980

  • Use of Military Personnel to Maintain Among Cuban Parolees on Military Bases, 052980 DOJ, 80-77

  • July 24, 1979

  • Constitutional Law—Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3)—Constitutional Aspects of the Proposed Energy Mobilization Board Legislation, 072479 DOJ, 79-55

  • April 21, 1980

  • Litigation Responsibility of the Attorney General in Cases in the International Court of Justice., 042180 DOJ, 80-25

  • October 05, 1982

  • Presidential Authority to Adjust Ferroalloy Imports Under § 232(b) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 100582 DOJ, 82-60

  • August 25, 1982

  • Meeting the Uniformed Military Services' Payroll During a Period of Lapsed Appropriations, 082582 DOJ, 82-3

  • July 09, 1979

  • Federal Home Loan Bank Board-Chairperson-Vacancy- Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1947 (5 U.S.C. App. 1), 070979 DOJ, 79-50

  • May 21, 1979

  • Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. § 601)—Effective Date of Act, 052179 DOJ, 79-33

  • November 20, 2012

  • Residence Requirement for Assistant United States Attorneys Under 28 U.S.C. § 545(A), 112012 DOJ, 12-11

  • May 22, 1947

  • Authority to Establish System of Universal Military Training, 052247 DOJ, 47-1

  • March 01, 1994

  • Applicability of Emoluments Clause to Employment of Government Employees by Foreign Public Universities, 030194 DOJ, 94-4

  • July 31, 1979

  • Federally Chartered Corporations—National Consumer Cooperative Bank—Board of Directors, 073179 DOJ, 79-56

  • January 10, 2006

  • Application of the Miscellaneous Receipts Act to the Settlement of False Claims Act Suits Concerning Contracts With the General Services Administration, 011006 DOJ, 06-2

  • January 24, 1979

  • Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (41 U.S.C. § 501 et seq.) —Application to the Department of ' Justice—Drug Enforcement Administration—21 U.S.C. § 872(a)(2), 012479 DOJ, 79-8

  • December 28, 1979

  • Polygraph Test—Central Intelligence Agency—Industrial Polygraph Program-Constitution-Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2), 122879 DOJ, 79-91

  • August 11, 2006

  • Whether a Presidential Pardon Expunges Judicial and Executive Branch Records of a Crime, 081106 DOJ, 06-6

  • August 24, 1981

  • Constitutionality of Legislation Authorizing Permanent Resident Status for Certain Nonimmigrant Aliens, 082481 DOJ, 81-44

  • December 06, 1978

  • National Aeronautics and Space Agency—Disposition of Items Carried by Astronauts on Space Flights, 120678 DOJ, 78-64

  • September 26, 1977

  • Constitutionality of 18 U.S.C. § 1302-Lotteries, 092677 DOJ, 77-53

  • January 28, 1981

  • Presidential Memorandum Delaying Proposed and Pending Regulations, 012881 DOJ, 81-10

  • March 15, 1979

  • Civil Rights—Busing—Effects of Eagleton-Biden Amendments (92 Stat. 1586)—Department of Justice Use of Personnel and Resources of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in Desegregation Litigation, 031579 DOJ, 79-17

  • June 09, 1982

  • United States Secret Service Use of the National Crime Information Center, 060982 DOJ, 82-38

  • April 21, 1980

  • Litigation Responsibility of the Attorney General in Cases in the International Court of Justice., 042180 DOJ, 80-3

  • January 29, 1981

  • Review of Domestic and International Legal Implications of Implementing the Agreement with Iran, 012981 DOJ, 81-36

  • July 23, 1982

  • Department of Justice Representation of Federal Employees in Fair Employment Suits, 072382 DOJ, 82-47

  • March 09, 1989

  • Inspector General Authority to Conduct Regulatory Investigations, 030989 DOJ, 89-5

  • June 14, 2000

  • EPA Assessment of Penalties Against Federal Agencies for Violation of the Underground Storage Tank Requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 061400 DOJ, 00-11

  • August 13, 1980

  • Appropriations Limitation for Rules Vetoed by Congress, 081380 DOJ, 80-93

  • October 03, 1989

  • Sequestration Exemption for the Resolution Funding Corporation, 100389 DOJ, 89-39

  • August 27, 1979

  • Transportation of Executive Branch Officials by Government Passenger Motor Vehicles (31 U.S.C. § 638a), 082779 DOJ, 79-62

  • December 14, 1977

  • Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer of United States, 18 U.S.C. §372, 121477 DOJ, 77-68

  • December 19, 1983

  • Use of the "Pocket Veto" During Intersession Adjournments of Congress, 121983 DOJ, 83-25

  • August 12, 1977

  • Legal Questions Raised by the Library of Congress Critique of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977, 081277 DOJ, 77-46

  • October 19, 1962

  • Legal and Practical Consequences of a Blockade of Cuba, 101962 DOJ, 62-3

  • November 23, 1979

  • The President's Authority to Force the Shah to Return to Iran., 112379 DOJ, 79-17

  • April 06, 1981

  • The Attorney General's Duty to Defend the Constitutionality of Statutes, 040681 DOJ, 81-2

  • June 28, 1979

  • Due Process—United States (as Creditor)—Withholding Wages of Federal Employee (as Debtor) in Satisfaction of Debt Allegedly Owed the Government, 062879 DOJ, 79-46

  • September 18, 2000

  • Applicability of Government Corporation Control Act to "Gain Sharing Benefit" Agreement, 091800 DOJ, 00-19

  • January 28, 1977

  • Conflict of Interest—Litigation Involving a Corporation Owned by Government Attorney, 012877 DOJ, 77-3

  • July 25, 1980

  • Transportation of Federal Prisoners to State Courts Pursuant to Writs of Habeas Corpus, 072580 DOJ, 80-92

  • October 27, 1982

  • Constitutionality of Committee Approval Provision in Department of Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 102782 DOJ, 82-65

  • May 08, 1980

  • Application of the Privacy Act to the Personnel Records of Employees in the Copyright Office., 050880 DOJ, 80-72

  • February 19, 1980

  • Seizure of Foreign Ships on High Seas Pursuant to Special Arrangements, 021980 DOJ, 80-49

  • June 30, 1988

  • The Status of Smithsonian Institution Under Federal Property and Administrative Services Act, 063088 DOJ, 88-18