Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

May 08, 1996

  • Protective Assertion of Executive Privilege Regarding White House Counsel's Office Documents, 050896 DOJ, 96-1

  • November 16, 2004

  • Applicability of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to Tribally Controlled Schools, 111604 DOJ, 04-20

  • September 24, 1998

  • Lack of Authority of the Office of the United States Trade Representative to Represent Private Industry in Proceedings Before the United States International Trade Commission, 092498 DOJ, 98-27

  • May 29, 2012

  • Duty To Report Suspected Child Abuse Under 42 U.S.C.& 13031, 052912 DOJ, 12-7

  • June 07, 1990

  • Applicability of Conflict of Interest Laws to Current and Former Executive Branch Employees Serving as Trustees in Bankruptcy Cases, 060790 DOJ, 90-17

  • November 05, 1982

  • Procedures for Investigating Allegations Concerning Senior Administration Officials, 110582 DOJ, 82-69

  • January 09, 2013

  • Whether The Peace Corps Director May Certify Peace Corps Response Volunteers for Noncompetitive Eligibility for Federal Employment Under Executive 11103, 010913 DOJ, 13-1

  • March 04, 1983

  • Agency Rules as Constraints on the Exercise of an Agency's Statutory Discretion, 030483 DOJ, 83-6

  • November 08, 2002

  • Effect of a Recent United Nations Security Council Resolution on the Authority of the President Under International Law to Use Military Force Against Iraq, 110802 DOJ, 02-16

  • June 18, 1997

  • Funding of State Department Settlements of Foreign Tort Claims, 061897 DOJ, 97-16

  • October 16, 2007

  • Whether the Defense of Marriage Act Precludes the Nonbiological Child of a Member of a Vermont Civil Union From Qualifying for Child's Insurance Benefits Under the Social Security Act, 101607 DOJ, 07-20

  • June 16, 1978

  • Interstate Commerce Commission—Furnishing Information to Congress (49 U.S.C. § 322(d)), 061678 DOJ, 78-33

  • July 01, 1996

  • Constitutionality of Statute Governing Appointment of United States Trade Representative, 070196 DOJ, 96-27

  • May 31, 1977

  • United States Attorney, Virgin Islands—Hatch Act Applicability, 053177 DOJ, 77-31

  • May 03, 2010

  • Applicability of Tax Levies Under 26 U.S.C. § 6334 To Thrift Savings Plan Accounts, 050310 DOJ, 10-5

  • October 28, 2011

  • Nonimmigrant Aliens and Firearms Disabilities Under The Gun Control Act, 102811 DOJ, 11-10

  • June 12, 2002

  • Survey of the Law of Expatriation, 061202 DOJ, 02-9

  • May 23, 2003

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 603 to Contributions to the President's Re-Election Committee, 052303 DOJ, 03-11

  • May 11, 1999

  • United Stales Marshals Service Obligation to Take Steps to Avoid Anticipated Appropriations Deficiency, 051199 DOJ, 99-10

  • June 08, 1981

  • Negotiated Sale of Foreign Gifts to Members of Congress., 060881 DOJ, 81-26

  • May 17, 2007

  • When a Prior Conviction Qualifies as a "Misdemeanor Crime of Domestic Violence", 051707 DOJ, 07-8

  • November 26, 1996

  • Access to Classified Information, 112696 DOJ, 96-47

  • June 14, 1985

  • Operation of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment Respecting Presidential Succession, 061485 DOJ, 85-8

  • July 24, 2008

  • Scope of the Definition of "Variola Virus" Under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, 072408 DOJ, 08-13

  • June 15, 1989

  • Authority of the Customs Service to Offer Rewards for Information Concerning the Whereabouts of Indicted Drug Traffickers, 061589 DOJ, 89-18

  • December 23, 2022

  • In re the Comstock Act, 122322 DOJ, 00-12

  • December 14, 1977

  • Effect of Agency Interpretation of Regulations—Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 121477 DOJ, 77-70

  • July 03, 1979

  • Conflict of Interest (18 U.S.C. § 208)-Financial Interest, 070379 DOJ, 79-48

  • June 21, 1977

  • Borrowing Practices of Bank Examiners, 062177 DOJ, 77-39

  • September 23, 2005

  • Waiver of Sovereign Immunity With Respect to Whistleblower Provisions of Environmental Statutes, 092305 DOJ, 05-16

  • October 05, 1977

  • Impact of Panama Canal Zone Treaty on the Filling of the Vacancy in the Office of the District Judge for the United States District Court for the District of the Canal Zone, 100577 DOJ, 77-57

  • March 16, 2000

  • Date of Appointment for Purposes of Calculating the Term of an Interim United States Attorney, 031600 DOJ, 00-7

  • May 07, 1980

  • Severance Agreement Between a Prospective Federal Appointee and His Law Firm, 050780 DOJ, 80-71

  • July 31, 1989

  • Constitutionality of Proposed Statutory Provision Requiring Prior Congressional Notification for Certain CIA Covert Actions, 073189 DOJ, 89-30

  • October 17, 1977

  • Privacy—Persons Writing to the President—Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552e (1976), 101777 DOJ, 78-87

  • September 10, 1999

  • Restrictions on Travel by Voice of America Correspondents, 091099 DOJ, 99-18

  • September 23, 1980

  • Environmental Protection Agency Overflights and Fourth Amendment Searches., 092380 DOJ, 80-101

  • January 31, 1977

  • Conflict of Interest—Propriety of Appearance of a Former Justice Department Attorney in a Condemnation Case, 013177 DOJ, 77-5

  • March 29, 1977

  • Liability of Government for Retroactive Veterans' Benefits Where Discharges Are Upgraded, 032977 DOJ, 77-15

  • October 07, 2004

  • Use of Appropriations to Pay Travel Expenses of International Trade Administration Fellows, 100704 DOJ, 04-19

  • December 18, 1978

  • Central Intelligence Agency—Supremacy Clause (Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2)—Possible State-Federal Law Conflict Involving Classified Information—CIA's Proposed Administration of Polygraph Examinations of Its Contractors' Employees, 121878 DOJ, 78-66

  • June 05, 1989

  • Authority of the FBI to Conduct Background Investigations for Congress, 060589 DOJ, 89-15

  • January 27, 1977

  • Legality of a Certain Proposed Composition of a Multiemployer Pension Fund Board of Trustees, 012777 DOJ, 77-2

  • July 07, 1938

  • Presidential Appearance as a Character Witness, 070738 DOJ, 38-1

  • February 06, 1986

  • Constitutionality of Proposed Conditions to Senate Consent to the Interim Convention on Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals, 020686 DOJ, 86-3

  • October 25, 1977

  • The President—Constitutional Law (Article I, § 7, cl. 2)— Presentation of Enrolled Bills—Absence of the President, 102577 DOJ, 78-88

  • August 22, 1979

  • Animal Welfare Act (7 U.S.C. § 2131 et seq.) —Commerce—Application to Intrastate Activity, 082279 DOJ, 79-61

  • July 20, 1977

  • Compensation of Court-Appointed Witnesses, 072077 DOJ, 77-43

  • June 22, 2004

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 207(f) to a Former Senior Employee, 062204 DOJ, 04-11

  • May 24, 2001

  • Emoluments Clause and World Bank, 052401 DOJ, 01-15