Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

April 18, 1989

  • Authority to Decline Compensation for Service on the National Council of Arts, 041889 DOJ, 89-13

  • July 10, 2007

  • Immunity of the Former Counsel to the President From Compelled Congressional Testimony, 071007 DOJ, 07-13

  • September 26, 2008

  • Enforceability of Certain Agreements Between the Department of the Treasury and Government-Sponsored Enterprises, 092608 DOJ, 08-15

  • August 17, 1989

  • Compensation of Government Employees for Referring Potential Job Applicants, 081789 DOJ, 89-33

  • February 01, 1989

  • Authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to Indemnify Its Employees, 020189 DOJ, 89-3

  • February 11, 2008

  • Payment of Back Wages to Alien Physicians Hired Under the H-1B Visa Program, 021108 DOJ, 08-6

  • May 09, 1977

  • Status of Baggers as Federal Employees-Fair Labor Standards Act, 050977 DOJ, 77-25

  • April 30, 2003

  • Authority of the Department of the Interior to Provide Historic Preservation Grants to Historic Religious Properties Such as the Old North Church, 043003 DOJ, 03-10

  • September 23, 1993

  • Reimbursement for Costs of Attending Certain Banquets, 092393 DOJ, 93-10

  • September 19, 1977

  • Transfer of Authority of Secretary of the Navy to Secretary of Energy-Naval Petroleum Reserve, 091977 DOJ, 77-50

  • May 21, 2004

  • Authority of Agency Officials to Prohibit Employees From Providing Information to Congress, 052104 DOJ, 04-9

  • February 24, 1958

  • Constitutionality of Enrolled Bill Restricting Withdrawal of Public Land for National Defense, 022458 DOJ, 58-1

  • June 14, 1977

  • Request of Federal Employee—Appearance on Behalf of His Daughter in IRS Audit, 061477 DOJ, 77-37

  • June 22, 1993

  • Applicability of the Civil Service Provisions of Title 5 of the United States Code to the United States Enrichment Corporation, 062293 DOJ, 93-4

  • September 19, 1977

  • Transfer of Authority of the Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of Energy—Naval Petroleum Reserve, 091977 DOJ, 77-50

  • December 14, 1979

  • Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. § 1801 et seq.) —Boundaries between Adjoining Regional Fishery Management Councils, 121479 DOJ, 79-86

  • March 19, 2004

  • Status of National Veterans Business Development Corporation, 031904 DOJ, 04-8

  • October 14, 1977

  • Personal Tort Liability of Regional Fishery Management Council Members and Staff, 101477 DOJ, 77-58

  • August 23, 1985

  • Limitations on Presidential Power to Create a New Executive Branch Entity to Receive and Administer Funds Under Foreign Aid Legislation, 082385 DOJ, 85-11

  • August 14, 2009

  • Legality of Intrusion-Detection System to Protect Unclassified Computer Networks in the Executive Branch, 081409 DOJ, 09-10

  • October 02, 1980

  • Presidential Authority to Control the Export of Hazardous Wastes Under the Export Administration Act of 1979., 100280 DOJ, 80-103

  • March 30, 1981

  • Constitutionality of Allowing Punishment of Misdemeanor by a Sentence Exceeding One Year, 033081 DOJ, 81-16

  • May 09, 1977

  • Control of Production of Papaver Bracteatum-Drug Enforcement Administration, 050977 DOJ, 77-24

  • October 12, 1979

  • Bonneville Power Administration-Authority to Conduct Pilot Conservation Programs (16 U.S.C. §§ 832, 838), 101279 DOJ, 79-76

  • January 19, 2006

  • Legal Authorities Supporting the Activities of the National Security Agency Described by the President, 011906 DOJ, 06-1

  • December 14, 1977

  • Effect of Agency Interpretation of Regulations—Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 121477 DOJ, 77-70

  • December 28, 1990

  • Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of the Commission on National and Community Service, 122890 DOJ, 90-23

  • September 01, 1992

  • Legal Authority of the Department of the Treasury to Issue Regulations Indexing Capital Gains for Inflation, 090192 DOJ, 92-14

  • May 14, 1970

  • Presidential Authority to Permit Incursion Into Communist Sanctuaries in the Cambodia-Vietnam Border Area, 051470 DOJ, 70-2

  • September 05, 2006

  • Jurisdiction of Integrity Committee When Inspector General Leaves Office After Referral of Allegations, 090506 DOJ, 06-8

  • June 29, 1978

  • Advisory Committees—Food and Drug Administration—Conflicts of Interest (18 U.S.C. § 208), 062978 DOJ, 78-37

  • December 31, 2002

  • Legality of Fixed-Price Intergovernmental Agreements for Detention Services, 123102 DOJ, 02-22

  • July 30, 1998

  • Ineligibility of New Jersey Transit Corporation Board Member for Appointment to Amtrak Board of Directors, 073098 DOJ, 98-20

  • August 27, 1993

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c) to the Briefing and Arguing of Cases in Which the Department of Justice Represents a Party, 082793 DOJ, 93-6

  • May 20, 2019

  • Testimonial Immunity Before Congress of Former Counsel to President, 052019 DOJ, 19-2

  • May 29, 1990

  • Whether Agents of the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General are "Investigative or Law Enforcement Officers" Within the Meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 2510(7), 052990 DOJ, 90-14

  • February 11, 1982

  • Department of Justice Representation in Federal Criminal Proceedings, 021182 DOJ, 82-17

  • July 09, 1986

  • Nominations for Prospective Vacancies on the Supreme Court, 070986 DOJ, 86-13

  • March 13, 1989

  • Issuance of Passports to Aliens to Facilitate "Sting" Operation by State Department Inspector General, 031389 DOJ, 89-6

  • November 28, 2001

  • Constitutional Issues Raised by Commerce, Justice, and State Appropriations Bill, 112801 DOJ, 01-33

  • January 27, 1982

  • Acting Officers, 012782 DOJ, 82-12

  • April 12, 1988

  • Authority of Foreign Law Enforcement Agents to Carry Weapons in the United States, 041288 DOJ, 88-10

  • March 30, 1984

  • Acting Attorneys General, 033084 DOJ, 84-5

  • June 29, 2007

  • Application of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to the Award of a Grant Pursuant to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, 062907 DOJ, 07-12

  • September 09, 1977

  • Dual Office—Compensation (5 U.S.C. § 5333)—Peace Corps—ACTION, 090977 DOJ, 78-83

  • February 28, 1991

  • Severability of Legislative Veto Provision, 022891 DOJ, 91-6

  • June 08, 1981

  • Legality Under Anti-Lottery Laws of Amendments to Simultaneous Oil and Gas Leasing Procedures., 060881 DOJ, 81-25

  • November 22, 1983

  • Delegation of the Attorney General's Authority to Investigate Credit Card Fraud, 112283 DOJ, 83-22

  • October 18, 1993

  • Liability of the United States for State and Local Taxes on Seized and Forfeited Property, 101893 DOJ, 93-13

  • November 13, 1980

  • Congressional Authority to Modify an Executive Agreement Settling Claims Against Iran, 111380 DOJ, 80-32