Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

October 26, 1979

  • Conflict of Interest-18 U.S.C. § 207-Applicability to Former Assistant U.S. Attorneys, 102679 DOJ, 79-78

  • October 07, 1994

  • The Twenty-Second Decennial Census, 100794 DOJ, 94-23

  • May 05, 1995

  • Whether 18 U.S.C. §603 Bars Civilian Executive Branch Employees and Officers from Making Contributions to a President's Authorized Re-Election Campaign Committee, 050595 DOJ, 95-9

  • October 13, 1981

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege in Response to a Congressional Subpoena., 101381 DOJ, 81-4

  • July 16, 1979

  • Indian Lands—Eminent Domain—Mineral Rights Held by the United States as Trustees, 071679 DOJ, 79-52

  • January 16, 1981

  • Authority for the Continuance of Government Functions During a Temporary Lapse in Appropriations, 011681 DOJ, 81-1

  • March 17, 2004

  • Deployment of United States Armed Forces to Haiti, 031704 DOJ, 04-5

  • August 17, 1984

  • Authority of the State Department Office of Security to Investigate Passport and Visa Fraud, 081784 DOJ, 84-16

  • July 03, 2003

  • VA's Authority to Fill Certain Prescriptions Written by Non-VA Physicians, 070303 DOJ, 03-13

  • November 23, 1979

  • (1) Presidential Protection Assistance Act (18 U.S.C. § 3056 note)—Retroactive Effect (2) Federal Improvements to Real Property Owned by a Former President—Title Thereto—Removal Of, 112379 DOJ, 79-82

  • June 06, 1980

  • Cuban Obligation to Accept Returning Nationals, 060680 DOJ, 80-82

  • April 28, 1986

  • Response to Congressional Requests for Information Regarding Decisions Made Under the Independent Counsel Act, 042886 DOJ, 86-9

  • September 24, 1985

  • Legislation Providing for Court-ed Disclosure of Grand Jury Materials to Congressional Committees, 092485 DOJ, 85-13

  • April 11, 1980

  • The President's Authority to Control the Export of Hazardous Substances., 041180 DOJ, 80-67

  • May 26, 1998

  • Permissibility Under Posse Comitatus Act of Detail of Defense Department Civilian Employee to the National Infrastructure Protection Center, 052698 DOJ, 98-14

  • April 07, 1978

  • Veterans—Benefits—Effect of Upgraded Discharges (38 U.S.C.A. 3103), 040778 DOJ, 78-93

  • April 15, 1994

  • Sixth Amendment Implications of Law Enforcement Contact with Corporate Executives, 041594 DOJ, 94-8

  • November 22, 2000

  • State Taxation of Income of Native American Armed Forces Members, 112200 DOJ, 00-25

  • October 16, 2007

  • Responsibility of Agencies to Pay Attorney's Fee Awards Under the Equal Access to Justice Act, 101607 DOJ, 07-19

  • October 12, 1999

  • Appointment of a Senate-Confirmed Nominee, 101299 DOJ, 99-23

  • February 22, 1980

  • Use of Polygraph Examinations in Investigating Disclosure of Information About Pending Criminal Investigations., 022280 DOJ, 80-51

  • August 24, 1998

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 208 to Service by Executive Branch Employees on Boards of Standard-Setting Organizations, 082498 DOJ, 98-23

  • March 23, 1982

  • Funding of Attorney Fee Awards Under the Equal Access to Justice Act, 032382 DOJ, 82-25

  • June 12, 1997

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. §208 to the Federal Communications Commission's Representative on the Board of Directors of the Telecommunications Development Fund, 061297 DOJ, 97-15

  • July 26, 1996

  • Nomination of Sitting Member of Congress to be Ambassador to Vietnam, 072696 DOJ, 96-29

  • June 22, 2006

  • Divestiture of Stock and Purchase of Government Bonds by an Incoming Secretary of the Treasury, 062206 DOJ, 06-4

  • October 10, 2007

  • Department of Justice Authority to Represent the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in Certain Potential Suits, 101007 DOJ, 07-17

  • September 27, 1994

  • Deployment of United States Armed Forces into Haiti, 092794 DOJ, 94-21

  • January 14, 1992

  • Recess Appointments During an Intrasession Recess, 011492 DOJ, 92-3

  • September 13, 1993

  • Ethics Issues Related to the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, 091393 DOJ, 93-7

  • May 21, 1996

  • Relocation Deadline Provision Contained in the 1996 Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act, 052196 DOJ, 96-21

  • March 24, 2003

  • Scope of the Attorney General's Authority to Assign Duties Under 21 U.S.C. § 878(a)(5), 032403 DOJ, 03-9

  • January 26, 2007

  • Days of Service by Special Government Employees, 012607 DOJ, 07-2

  • May 26, 1999

  • Accessibility Guidelines and Federal Lease Renewals, 052699 DOJ, 99-11

  • August 31, 2001

  • The President's Authority to Make a Recess Appointment to the National Labor Relations Board, 083101 DOJ, 01-24

  • April 03, 2012

  • Whether Reservists Who Otherwise Qualify for Leave Under Both 5 U.S.C.§ 6323(A) and 5 U.S.C.§ 6323(B) Must Exhaust Available Leave Under Section 6323(B) Before Taking Leave Under Section 6323(A), 040312 DOJ, 12-6

  • November 15, 1982

  • Legal Authorities Available to the President to Respond to a Severe Energy Supply Interruption or Other Substantial Reduction in Available Petroleum Products, 111582 DOJ, 82-71

  • October 16, 2008

  • Scope of Exemption Under Federal Lottery Statutes for Lotteries Conducted by a State Acting Under the Authority of State Law, 101608 DOJ, 08-16

  • March 02, 2012

  • Whether General Services Administration May Proceed With An Assisted Acquisition for The Department of Veterans Affairs In Fiscal Year 2012 Using The Department's Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Funds, 030212 DOJ, 12-3

  • September 22, 2003

  • Holdover and Removal of Members of Amtrak's Reform Board, 092203 DOJ, 03-19

  • September 16, 1999

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege With Respect to Clemency Decision, 091699 DOJ, 99-1

  • April 05, 2007

  • Use of Appropriated Funds to Provide Light Refreshments to Non-Federal Participants at EPA Conferences, 040507 DOJ, 07-6

  • December 30, 2004

  • Definition of Torture Under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2340-2340A, 123004 DOJ, 04-23

  • January 09, 1981

  • United States Attorney's Representation of Private Insurance Co. in Civil Litigation, 010981 DOJ, 81-5

  • October 23, 2009

  • Applicability of Section 163 of Division B of Public Law 111-68 to Payments in Satisfaction of Pre-Existing Contractual Obligations, 102309 DOJ, 09-16

  • September 26, 1977

  • Constitutionality of 18 U.S.C. § 1302—Lotteries, 092677 DOJ, 77-53

  • April 17, 1996

  • The Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy, 041796 DOJ, 96-16

  • October 23, 1979

  • Small Business Administration and Community Services Administration—Eligibility of Community Development Corporations for Participation in Certain Government Procurement Programs (15 U.S.C. § 637(a); 42 U.S.C. § 2985a), 102379 DOJ, 79-77

  • June 15, 1977

  • Power of the President to Designate Acting Member of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 061577 DOJ, 77-38

  • April 11, 1977

  • Interpretation of Grandfather Clause in 18 U.S.C. § 709, 041177 DOJ, 77-19