Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

October 21, 2022

  • Fed. Vacancies Reform Act's Application to a Vacancy for Which Prior Presidents Submitted Multiple Nominations, 102122 DOJ, 22-01

  • March 05, 2023

  • In re Retaining Private Counsel to Represent The DHS Sec'y in Impeachment Processes, 030523 DOJ, 23-1

  • January 11, 1999

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 205 to Employees Serving on an Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignment, 011199 DOJ, 99-3

  • July 24, 1987

  • Proposed Legislation to Establish the National Indian Gaming Commission, 072487 DOJ, 87-13

  • November 09, 1981

  • Steel Industry Compliance Extension Act of 1981, 110981 DOJ, 81-53

  • December 19, 1985

  • Authority to Transfer Forfeited Property to the General Services Administration for Potential Sale to a Municipality, 121985 DOJ, 85-18

  • April 01, 2011

  • Authority To Use Military Force In Libya, 040111 DOJ, 11-2

  • June 08, 1989

  • Constitutionality of Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Imposition of Civil Penalties on the Air Force, 060889 DOJ, 89-16

  • March 14, 1980

  • Effect of a Judicial Stay on Administrative Fund Termination Proceedings, 031480 DOJ, 80-57

  • June 13, 1980

  • Effect of 31 U.S.C. §484 on the Settlement Authority of the Attorney General, 061380 DOJ, 80-84

  • June 06, 1978

  • Comptroller of the Currency—Litigation Authority (15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)), 060678 DOJ, 78-32

  • December 19, 1945

  • Reinstatement of a Federal Judge Following His Service in the Army, 121945 DOJ, 45-2

  • June 03, 1986

  • Application of Emoluments Clause to Part-Time Consultant for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 060386 DOJ, 86-11

  • March 28, 1980

  • Legislation Authorizing the Transfer of Federal Judges from One District to Another, 032880 DOJ, 80-63

  • June 26, 2000

  • Applicability of the Post-Employment Restrictions of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c) to Assignees Under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act, 062600 DOJ, 00-12

  • August 16, 1978

  • Civil Service Reform Act (5 U.S.C. § 1101 et seq.)— Director of Office of Personnel Management, 081678 DOJ, 78-95

  • April 27, 2016

  • Authority of The Department of Justice To Disclose Statutorily Protected Materials To Its Inspector General In Light of Section 540 of The Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016, 042716 DOJ, 16-3

  • April 13, 1990

  • Application of Conflict of Interest Rules to Members of Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee, 041390 DOJ, 90-10

  • April 27, 1990

  • Constitutional Limits on "Contracting Out" Department of Justice Functions under OMB Circular A-76, 042790 DOJ, 90-12

  • September 27, 1977

  • Dues-Paying Practices of Private Clubs—Discriminatory Practices, 092777 DOJ, 77-55

  • February 11, 1991

  • FBI Authority to Charge User Fees for Record Check Services, 021191 DOJ, 91-3

  • March 13, 2002

  • Role of Legal Guardians or Proxies in Naturalization Proceedings, 031302 DOJ, 02-3

  • January 20, 2017

  • Application of the Anti-Nepotism Statute to a Presidential Appointment in the White House Office, 012017 DOJ, 17-1

  • May 24, 1977

  • President's Authority to Appoint an Acting Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board, 052477 DOJ, 77-29

  • January 19, 2001

  • Investment of Federal Trust Funds for Cheyenne River and Lower Brule Sioux, 011901 DOJ, 01-8

  • September 10, 1996

  • Fourth Amendment Issues Raised by Chemical Weapons Inspection Regime, 091096 DOJ, 96-32

  • July 24, 2003

  • Eligibility of Unlegitimated Children for Derivative Citizenship, 072403 DOJ, 03-15

  • September 20, 2004

  • Legality of EEOC's Class Action Regulations, 092004 DOJ, 04-18

  • May 30, 2008

  • Admissibility in Federal Court of Electronic Copies of Personnel Records, 053008 DOJ, 08-12

  • August 10, 2005

  • Authority Under the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act to Close or Realign National Guard Installations Without the Consent of State Governors, 081005 DOJ, 05-12

  • December 13, 1991

  • Permissibility of Recess Appointments of Directors of the Federal Housing Finance Board, 121391 DOJ, 91-13

  • May 05, 1978

  • Constitutional Law—First Amendment—Flexibility in Federal Employee Work Schedules—Religious Observance, 050578 DOJ, 78-22

  • April 15, 2009

  • Withdrawal of Office of Legal Counsel Cia Interrogation Opinions, 041509 DOJ, 09-3

  • July 28, 1981

  • Constitutionality of Proposed Revisions of the Export Administration Regulations, 072881 DOJ, 81-37

  • August 27, 2004

  • Requirement That “Private Citizens” Be Appointed From “Private Life” to the National Council for the Humanities, 082704 DOJ, 04-15

  • May 07, 1982

  • Application for Approval of a Joint Operating Arrangement Under the Newspaper Preservation Act, 050782 DOJ, 82-31

  • October 31, 1995

  • Constitutionality of Awarding Historic Preservation Grants to Religious Properties, 103195 DOJ, 95-20

  • October 17, 1947

  • Presidential Authority to Call a Special Session of Congress, 101747 DOJ, 47-3

  • June 08, 1989

  • Application of Vacancy Act Limitations to Presidential Designation of an Acting Special Counsel, 060889 DOJ, 89-17

  • December 15, 1988

  • Maintaining Essential Services in the District of Columbia in the Event Appropriations Cease, 121588 DOJ, 88-31

  • July 15, 1994

  • Constitutionality of Legislation Extending Terms of Office of United States Parole Commissioners, 071594 DOJ, 94-20

  • March 12, 1992

  • Application of 18 U.S.C. § 205 to Proposed "Master Amici", 031292 DOJ, 92-7

  • November 05, 2010

  • Whether The Special Master for Troubled Asset Relief Program Executive Compensation Is A Principal Officer Under The Appointments Clause, 110510 DOJ, 10-9

  • January 28, 1953

  • Authority of Florida Police Officers to Make Arrests on the Basis of FBI Pick-Up Notices, 012853 DOJ, 53-1

  • March 16, 1994

  • Application of the Brady Act's Criminal Penalties to State or Local Law Enforcement Officers, 031694 DOJ, 94-6

  • April 07, 1980

  • Applicability of Anti-lottery Laws to Simultaneous Oil and Gas Leasing Procedures., 040780 DOJ, 80-65

  • February 12, 1991

  • Application of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act to the Proposed Lease of the Albany County Airport, 021291 DOJ, 91-4

  • August 28, 1998

  • Authority of the D.C. Council Under the Home Rule Act to Amend the Schedule of Heights of Buildings, 082898 DOJ, 98-24

  • April 12, 1979

  • Presidential Appointees-Resignation Subject to the Appointment and Qualification of a Successor, 041279 DOJ, 79-24

  • March 08, 1994

  • OCC Mortgage Lending Testing Program, 030894 DOJ, 94-5