Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

September 02, 1997

  • Applicability of Emoluments Clause to "Representative" Members of Advisory Committees, 090297 DOJ, 97-24

  • November 25, 2017

  • Designating an Acting Director of Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, 112517 DOJ, 17-3

  • September 20, 2011

  • Whether Proposals By Illinois and New York To Use The Internet and Out-Of-State Transaction Processors To Sell Lottery Tickets To In-State Adults Violate The Wire Act, 092011 DOJ, 11-9

  • January 06, 1937

  • Authority of the Federal Communications Commission to Deny a Broadcast License to a Newspaper Owner, 010637 DOJ, 37-1

  • January 23, 1996

  • Whether the District of Columbia's Clean Air Compliance Fee May Be Collected, 012396 DOJ, 96-5

  • September 27, 1996

  • Submission of Aviation Insurance Program Claims to Binding Arbitration, 092796 DOJ, 96-37

  • October 28, 2022

  • In re the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987 to Diplomatic Visit of Palestinian Delegation, 102822 DOJ, 22-01

  • September 27, 1977

  • Transfer of Watergate Special Prosecution Force Records to the National Archives—Income Tax Information—26 U.S.C. § 6103(a), 092777 DOJ, 77-54

  • April 24, 2001

  • Obligation to Sell Governors Island, 042401 DOJ, 01-14

  • June 09, 1988

  • Deportation Proceedings of Joseph Patrick Thomas Doherty, 060988 DOJ, 88-1

  • December 01, 1974

  • Constitutionality of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 120174 DOJ, 74-3

  • November 10, 1993

  • Whether Missouri Municipalities May Tax the Portion of Federal Salaries Voluntarily Contributed to the Thrift Savings Plan, 111093 DOJ, 93-17

  • March 13, 1998

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 431 to Limited Partnership Interests in Government Leases, 031398 DOJ, 98-5

  • August 15, 1996

  • Contractor Access to Information from Interstate Identification Index, 081596 DOJ, 96-30

  • November 17, 1977

  • Acceptance of Cash Prize by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Examiner, 111777 DOJ, 77-65

  • June 03, 1986

  • Legislative Proposal to Nullify Criminal Convictions Obtained Under the Ethics in Government Act, 060386 DOJ, 86-10

  • June 28, 1982

  • Acquisition of Land by the Department of the Air Force, 062882 DOJ, 82-43

  • December 05, 1989

  • Availability of the Judgment Fund for the Payment of Judgments or Settlements in Suits Brought against the Commodity Credit Corporation Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, 120589 DOJ, 89-46

  • July 22, 1977

  • Federal Election Commission—Appointment of Members (2 U.S.C. § 437), 072277 DOJ, 77-80

  • November 10, 1977

  • Participation of Antitrust Division Attorney in "Armored Car" Cases, 111077 DOJ, 77-64

  • April 16, 1990

  • Prohibitions and Penalties Under Section 582 of the 1990 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 041690 DOJ, 90-11

  • April 22, 1977

  • Proposed Tax Assessment Against United States Postal Service, 042277 DOJ, 77-22

  • July 30, 1991

  • Authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Collect Annual Charges from Federal Agencies, 073091 DOJ, 91-10

  • June 22, 2001

  • Indirect Aid to Faith-Based Organizations Under the Charitable Choice Provisions of the Community Solutions Act of 2001, 062201 DOJ, 01-18

  • December 12, 1988

  • Applicability of Appointment Provisions of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 to Incumbent Officeholders, 121288 DOJ, 88-30

  • June 12, 1972

  • Implementation of Standstill Agreement Pending Approval of ABM Treaty and ICBM Interim Agreement, 061272 DOJ, 72-1

  • January 23, 1992

  • Transfers of Forfeited Property to State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, 012392 DOJ, 92-5

  • March 11, 1983

  • Termination of an Assistant United States Attorney on Grounds Related to His Acknowledged Homosexuality, 031183 DOJ, 83-7

  • March 04, 1977

  • Provision of Transportation and Other Services to Former Presidents and Vice Presidents, 030477 DOJ, 77-11

  • August 21, 2007

  • Whether the Office of Administration Is an “Agency” for Purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 082107 DOJ, 07-15

  • March 09, 2005

  • Application of the Emoluments Clause to a Member of the President's Council on Bioethics, 030905 DOJ, 05-5

  • June 15, 1979

  • Settlement of Litigation—Authority of the Postal Service (39 U.S.C. §§ 409, 2008)—Authority of the Attorney General (28 U.S.C. §§ 516, 519), 061579 DOJ, 79-43

  • January 29, 1977

  • Conflict of Interest—Propriety of Using a Leased Airplane for Personal and Official Purposes, 012977 DOJ, 77-4

  • March 26, 1953

  • Authority of the Department of Justice to Represent Members of Congress in a Civil Suit, 032653 DOJ, 53-2

  • April 24, 1981

  • Amendment of the Farmers Home Administration Disaster Loan Program., 042481 DOJ, 81-18

  • August 18, 1977

  • Price Support for Sugar Producers—Agriculture Act of 1949, 081877 DOJ, 77-47

  • May 23, 2019

  • Attempted Exclusion of Agency Counsel From Congressional Depositions of Agency Employees, 052319 DOJ, 19-3

  • May 16, 1978

  • Bureau of Prisons—Inmates—Administrative Segregation— Supplemental Views, 051678 DOJ, 78-25

  • February 19, 1952

  • Presidential Authority to Direct the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Not to Comply With a Congressional Subpoena Seeking Testimony About Private Activities, 021952 DOJ, 52-1

  • December 15, 1983

  • Payment of Attorney Fee Awards Against the United States Under 28 U.S.C. § 2412(b), 121583 DOJ, 83-24

  • August 22, 1986

  • Assignment of Army Lawyers to the Department of Justice, 082286 DOJ, 86-15

  • September 03, 2019

  • “Urgent Concern” Determination by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, 090319 DOJ, 19-7

  • November 21, 1996

  • Procedural Rights of Undocumented Aliens Interdicted in U.S. Internal Waters, 112196 DOJ, 96-44

  • March 27, 1980

  • Representation of Government Employees in Cases Where Their Interests Diverge from Those of the United States, 032780 DOJ, 80-62

  • June 08, 1988

  • Department of Justice Funding of Representation of Victims in Connection with a West German Prosecution, 060888 DOJ, 88-15

  • July 28, 2005

  • Assignment of Certain Functions Related to Military Appointments, 072805 DOJ, 05-11

  • November 21, 1979

  • Presidential Implementation of Emergency Powers Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act., 112179 DOJ, 79-16

  • July 11, 1990

  • Employment Status of the Members of the Board of Directors of the Federal Housing Finance Board, 071190 DOJ, 90-18

  • October 07, 1996

  • The Constitutionality of Cooperative International Law Enforcement Activities Under the Emoluments Clause, 100796 DOJ, 96-38

  • October 10, 1995

  • Scope of Treasury Department Purchase Rights with Respect to Financing Initiatives of the U.S. Postal Service, 101095 DOJ, 95-18