Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

January 04, 2000

  • Authority of the Advisory Board for Cuba Broadcasting to Act in the Absence of a Presidentially Designated Chairperson, 010400 DOJ, 00-3

  • October 01, 2001

  • Checking Names of Prohibited Persons Against Records in the NICS Audit Log Concerning Allowed Transfers, 100101 DOJ, 01-27

  • March 13, 1980

  • The President's Authority to Regulate Extensions of Credit Under the Credit Control Act., 031380 DOJ, 80-2

  • January 27, 1978

  • Drug Enforcement Administration—Supergrade Positions Created by Reorganization Plan—Exemption From Competitive Service, 012778 DOJ, 78-6

  • August 18, 1980

  • Applicability of the Federal Advisory Committee Act to the National Endowment for the Humanities, 081880 DOJ, 80-95

  • November 22, 1983

  • Delegation of the Attorney General's Authority to Investigate Credit Card Fraud, 112283 DOJ, 83-22

  • November 06, 1978

  • Constitutional Law—U.S. Tariffs and Customs—Procedures for Levying ad valorem Rates of Customs Duties—Cost-Insurance-Freight (CIF) Customs Valuation System, 110678 DOJ, 78-59

  • November 07, 1979

  • Presidential Powers Relating to the Situation in Iran, 110779 DOJ, 79-13

  • January 19, 1993

  • Authority of the Secretary of the Treasury Regarding Postal Service Bond Offering, 011993 DOJ, 93-2

  • November 15, 2002

  • Designation of Acting Solicitor of Labor, 111502 DOJ, 02-17

  • October 10, 1990

  • Attorney General's Authority with Respect to the Regulatory Initiatives of the U.S. Parole Commission, 101090 DOJ, 90-20

  • April 09, 1986

  • Constitutionality of South African Divestment Statutes Enacted by State and Local Governments, 040986 DOJ, 86-8

  • December 07, 1977

  • General Services -—Disciplinary Matter— Authority of the General Services - (5 U.S.C. § 5596), 120777 DOJ, 77-89

  • April 30, 1981

  • Constitutionality of Statute Imposing Death Penalty for Attempted Assassination of the President, 043081 DOJ, 81-20

  • February 02, 2005

  • Religious Objections to the Postal Service Oath of Office, 020205 DOJ, 05-4

  • October 05, 2001

  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest of Members of FDA Advisory Panels, 100501 DOJ, 01-28

  • September 19, 2011

  • Unconstitutional Restrictions On Activities of The Office of Science and Technology Policy In Section 1340(A) of The Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, 091911 DOJ, 11-8

  • July 06, 1981

  • The Attorney General's Authority to Represent the Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission, 070681 DOJ, 81-35

  • June 07, 1995

  • Waiver of Claims for Damages Arising Out of Cooperative Space Activity, 060795 DOJ, 95-13

  • September 23, 1993

  • Suspension of a United States Marshal, 092393 DOJ, 93-11

  • June 08, 1987

  • Damages and Arbitration Provisions in Proposed Amendments to the Fair Housing Act, 060887 DOJ, 87-10

  • April 21, 1980

  • Litigation Responsibility of the Attorney General in Cases in the International Court of Justice, 042180 DOJ, 80-4

  • April 01, 1977

  • Standards of Conduct—Service of Assistant Section Chief as Reporter on American Law Institute Project, 040177 DOJ, 77-17

  • February 02, 1998

  • Reimbursement of Expenses Under 5 U.S.C. § 5503(a), 020298 DOJ, 98-3

  • May 10, 1994

  • Eligibility of Involuntary Wartime Relocatees to Japan for Redress Under the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, 051094 DOJ, 94-12

  • April 29, 1971

  • Authority to Use Troops to Prevent Interference With Federal Employees by Mayday Demonstrations and Consequent Impairment of Government Functions, 042971 DOJ, 71-1

  • September 20, 1977

  • Commemorative Proclamations—Issuance, 092077 DOJ, 77-85

  • June 12, 2003

  • Designation of Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget, 061203 DOJ, 03-12

  • October 17, 1984

  • Implementation of Bid Protest Provisions of Competition in Contracting Act, 101784 DOJ, 84-21

  • November 05, 1981

  • Applicability of the California Penal Code to Investigations Conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 110581 DOJ, 81-52

  • May 11, 2000

  • Applicability of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act to Vacancies at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, 051100 DOJ, 00-9

  • September 25, 2002

  • Authority of FEMA to Provide Disaster Assistance to Seattle Hebrew Academy, 092502 DOJ, 02-14

  • April 19, 1978

  • Department of Housing and Urban Development—Delegations of Authority (42 U.S.C. §§ 3533, 3535), 041978 DOJ, 78-21

  • October 18, 1982

  • Authority of Military Investigators to Request Search Warrants Under Rule 41, 101882 DOJ, 82-62

  • November 15, 2019

  • Designating an Acting Director of National Intelligence, 111519 DOJ, 19-10

  • April 14, 2016

  • Interpretation of Article 17 Bis of The US-EU Air Transport Agreement, 041416 DOJ, 16-2

  • August 02, 1982

  • Confidentiality of the Attorney General's Communications in Counseling the President, 080282 DOJ, 82-49

  • May 22, 1979

  • Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. § 3401)— Banks—Disclosure of Customer Financial Records, 052279 DOJ, 79-35

  • December 22, 1980

  • Emergency Assistance to the District of Columbia Department of Corrections in Case of a Work Stoppage, 122280 DOJ, 80-109

  • October 10, 1978

  • Bureau of Prisons—Involuntary Transfers of Prisoners to Segregation—Due Process Safeguards in Administrative and Disciplinary Segregation, 101078 DOJ, 78-57

  • May 18, 1978

  • Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. § 1329)—Eluding Inspection—Criminal Offense—Venue, 051878 DOJ, 78-28

  • June 18, 1979

  • Budget Authority—Statutory Construction—Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. § 665)—Applicability to the Directors of the Peace Corps and ACTION, 061879 DOJ, 79-44

  • December 07, 2002

  • Whether False Statements or Omissions in Iraq's Weapons of Mass. Destruction Declaration Would Constitute a “Further Material Breach” Under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441, 120702 DOJ, 02-19

  • September 09, 1980

  • Department of Justice Views on the Constitution Adopted by the Constitutional Convention of the Virgin Islands, 090980 DOJ, 80-98

  • June 15, 1977

  • Power of the President to Designate Acting Member of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 061577 DOJ, 77-38

  • April 10, 1979

  • Veterans Preference Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 2108, 3309-3320)— Hiring Procedures for Attorneys—Excepted Service— Preference Hiring of Eligible Veterans, 041079 DOJ, 79-22

  • August 23, 2011

  • Whether The Department of Health and Human Services May Provide The Government Accountability Office Access To Information In The National Directory of New Hires, 082311 DOJ, 11-7

  • November 15, 1982

  • The Pocket Veto: Historical Practice and Judicial Precedent II, 111582 DOJ, 82-16

  • August 01, 1983

  • Restrictions on a Federal Appointee's Continued Employment by a Private Law Firm, 080183 DOJ, 83-15

  • October 01, 1979

  • Federal Computer Systems—Access by Contractor Employees—Authority to Screen for Security Purposes (31 U.S.C. § 18a; 5 U.S.C. §§ 301, 552a; 44 U.S.C. § 3102)—Due Process, 100179 DOJ, 79-73