Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

August 28, 1989

  • Department of Justice Authority Regarding Relocations, Reorganizations, and Consolidations, 082889 DOJ, 89-34

  • September 17, 2007

  • Authority of the President to Name an Acting Attorney General, 091707 DOJ, 07-16

  • June 26, 1996

  • Constitutionality of Legislative Provision Regarding ABM Treaty, 062696 DOJ, 96-25

  • October 22, 1990

  • White House Communications Agency Expenses Incurred on Political or Personal Travel by the President, 102290 DOJ, 90-21

  • June 12, 2002

  • Authority of Federal Judges and Magistrates to Issue “No-Knock” Warrants, 061202 DOJ, 02-8

  • January 31, 2007

  • Presidential Signing Statements, 013107 DOJ, 07-3

  • December 12, 1991

  • Legal Obligations of the United States Under Article 33 of the Refugee Convention, 121291 DOJ, 91-12

  • March 01, 1978

  • Administrative Law—Agency Authority—Payment of Attorneys' Fees— Greene County Planning Board, 030178 DOJ, 78-14

  • August 27, 1984

  • Recommendation that the Department of Justice Not Defend the Constitutionality of Certain Provisions of the Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Judgeship Act of 1984, 082784 DOJ, 84-16

  • April 29, 1991

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 219 to Members of Federal Advisory Committees, 042991 DOJ, 91-8

  • March 24, 1989

  • Congressional Requests for Information from Inspectors General Concerning Open Criminal Investigations, 032489 DOJ, 89-8

  • June 20, 1978

  • Advisory Committees—Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. § 661(a)(4))—Poultry Products Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. § 454(a)(4)), 062078 DOJ, 78-34

  • December 01, 1969

  • Presidential Authority to Impound Funds Appropriated for Assistance to Federally Impacted Schools, 120169 DOJ, 69-2

  • November 01, 1996

  • UN Draft Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Groups, 110196 DOJ, 96-41

  • July 27, 2006

  • Application of the Appointments Clause to a Statutory Provision Concerning the Inspector General Position at the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, 072706 DOJ, 06-5

  • February 14, 1979

  • Assertion of State Secrets Privilege in Civil Litigation, 021479 DOJ, 79-14

  • January 17, 2001

  • Reimbursing Transition-Related Expenses Incurred Before Administrator of General Services Ascertained Who Were Apparent Successful Candidates for the Offices of President and Vice President, 011701 DOJ, 01-2

  • June 19, 2012

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege Over Documents Generated in Response to Congressional Investigation Into Operation Fast and Furious, 061912 DOJ, 12-8

  • February 10, 1977

  • Federal Register Act—Date of "Promulgation" of Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Regulations, 021077 DOJ, 77-6

  • June 20, 2011

  • Constitutionality of Legislation Extending The Term of The FBI Director, 062011 DOJ, 11-6

  • July 13, 2007

  • Applicability of the Presidential Records Act to the White House Usher's Office, 071307 DOJ, 07-14

  • July 08, 1994

  • Review of 1988 Opinion Concerning the Applicability of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to Individuals Infected with HIV, 070894 DOJ, 94-18

  • September 17, 2002

  • Relationship Between Section 203(d) of the Patriot Act and the Mandatory Disclosure Provision of Section 905(a) of the Patriot Act, 091702 DOJ, 02-13

  • December 04, 2007

  • Term of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 120407 DOJ, 07-22

  • October 30, 1979

  • Indians-Offset by Government of Claims Arising Out of Gratuitous Payments-Authority of Attorney General to Withdraw Offset, 103079 DOJ, 79-79

  • January 26, 1999

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 208 to National Gambling Impact Study Commission, 012699 DOJ, 99-4

  • February 05, 1981

  • Whether the Agreement with Iran Can Be Treated as Void in Part, 020581 DOJ, 81-37

  • January 22, 1979

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation—Disclosure of Criminal Record—Admission to the Bar, 012279 DOJ, 79-7

  • May 27, 1937

  • Presidential Authority to Direct Departments and Agencies to Withhold Expenditures From Appropriations Made, 052737 DOJ, 37-3

  • December 13, 1995

  • Legislation Denying Citizenship at Birth to Certain Children Born in the United States, 121395 DOJ, 95-28

  • May 03, 2019

  • Whether the Food and Drug Administration Has Jurisdiction over Articles Intended for Use in Lawful Executions, 050319 DOJ, 19-1

  • August 01, 1997

  • Applicability of 3 U.S.C. § 112 to Detailees Supporting the President's Initiative on Race, 080197 DOJ, 97-18

  • May 21, 2015

  • Authority of The Chairman of The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board To Disclose Performance Appraisals of Senior Executive Service Employees, 052115 DOJ, 15-1

  • October 13, 1995

  • The Food and Drug Administration's Discretion to Approve Methods of Detection and to Define the Term "No Residue" Pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 101395 DOJ, 95-19

  • January 16, 1979

  • Constitutional Law—Constitution—Article V —The Amending Process—The Convention Method, 011679 DOJ, 79-4

  • February 26, 1962

  • Authority of Congress to Regulate Wiretapping by the States, 022662 DOJ, 62-1

  • January 25, 1985

  • Issuance of a Preferred Stock Dividend by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 012585 DOJ, 85-2

  • December 07, 2001

  • Application of Federal Advisory Committee Act to Non-Governmental Consultations, 120701 DOJ, 01-35

  • March 09, 1961

  • Participation of the Vice President in the Affairs of the Executive Branch, 030961 DOJ, 61-3

  • June 05, 1980

  • Use of Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Program Grant Funds for Administrative Purposes, 060580 DOJ, 80-81

  • August 14, 1978

  • Veterans Preference Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 2108, 3309-3320)— Application to Attorney Positions, 081478 DOJ, 78-45

  • January 27, 1977

  • Conflict of Interest—Former United States Attorney, 012777 DOJ, 77-1

  • May 08, 2002

  • Application of Conflict of Interest Rules to Appointees Who Have Not Begun Service, 050802 DOJ, 02-6

  • August 22, 2002

  • Application of 44 U.S.C. § 1903 to Procurement of Printing of Government Publications, 082202 DOJ, 02-12

  • November 05, 1990

  • Constitutionality of Subsection 4117(b) of Enrolled Bill H.R. 5835, the “Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990”, 110590 DOJ, 90-22

  • June 22, 1994

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. § 208 to Proposed Appointment of Government Official to the Board of Connie Lee, 062294 DOJ, 94-17

  • November 08, 1995

  • Authorization of Immigration Emergency Fund Reimbursements, 110895 DOJ, 95-22

  • March 24, 1989

  • Cost of Living Allowances for Employees on Pay Retention, 032489 DOJ, 89-9

  • January 14, 1991

  • Ex parte Communications During FCC Rulemaking, 011491 DOJ, 91-1

  • January 11, 2005

  • Application of Record Destruction Requirements to Information Received From the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, 011105 DOJ, 05-2