Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

May 17, 1994

  • Authority of Department of Housing and Urban Development to Initiate Enforcement Actions Under the Fair Housing Act Against Other Executive Branch Agencies, 051794 DOJ, 94-13

  • November 30, 2004

  • Terms of Members of the Civil Rights Commission, 113004 DOJ, 04-21

  • March 20, 1998

  • Interpretation of Inspector General Act, 032098 DOJ, 98-7

  • September 27, 1990

  • Reimbursing Justice Department Employees for Fees Incurred in Using Private Counsel Representation at Congressional Depositions, 092790 DOJ, 90-19

  • May 23, 1994

  • Reconsideration of Applicability of the Davis-Bacon Act to the Veterans Administration's Lease of Medical Facilities, 052394 DOJ, 94-14

  • February 23, 2010

  • Department of Justice Views On The Proposed Constitution Drafted By The Fifth Constitutional Convention of The United States Virgin Islands, 022310 DOJ, 10-2

  • November 16, 1995

  • Participation in Congressional Hearings During an Appropriations Lapse, 111695 DOJ, 95-24

  • December 11, 1997

  • Application of Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996 to Presidential Nomination and Appointment Process, 121197 DOJ, 97-29

  • December 16, 2009

  • The Attorney General's Authority In Certifying Whether A State Has Satisfied The Requirements for Appointment of Competent Counsel for Purposes of Capital Conviction Review Proceedings, 121609 DOJ, 09-20

  • January 29, 1997

  • Delegation of the President's Power to Appoint Members of the National Ocean Research Leadership Council, 012997 DOJ, 97-4

  • February 13, 1996

  • Transactions Between the Federal Financing Bank and the Department of the Treasury, 021396 DOJ, 96-11

  • August 11, 1997

  • Use of General Agency Appropriations to Purchase Employee Business Cards, 081197 DOJ, 97-22

  • July 18, 1978

  • Antilobbying Laws (18 U.S.C. § 1913, Public Law 95-465, 92 Stat. 1291)—Department of the Interior, 071878 DOJ, 78-39

  • September 08, 2000

  • Applicability of the Privacy Act to the White House, 090800 DOJ, 00-17

  • April 23, 1987

  • Temporary Workers' Under § 301 of the Immigration Reform and Control Act, 042387 DOJ, 87-8

  • December 13, 1985

  • Constitutionality of a Judicial Review Provision Providing for Automatic Affirmance of Agency Decisions, 121385 DOJ, 85-17

  • July 25, 2001

  • Constitutionality of the Rohrabacher Amendment, 072501 DOJ, 01-21

  • March 17, 1981

  • Application of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to the Former Panama Canal Zone, 031781 DOJ, 81-15

  • June 05, 1980

  • Presidential Authority to Use Funds From the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund, 060580 DOJ, 80-80

  • September 08, 2003

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Actions Against Public Employers to Enforce Settlement or Conciliation Agreements, 090803 DOJ, 03-18

  • November 06, 1978

  • Enrolled Bills—Effect of of Approval by the President—Revenue and Energy Tax Acts of 1978 (26 U.S.C. § 46), 110678 DOJ, 78-97

  • November 01, 2011

  • Whether Postal Employees Are Entitled To Receive Service Credit, for Purposes of Their Retirement Annuity Under The Federal Employees’ Retirement System, for Periods of Employment During Which The United States Postal Service Has Not Made Its Required Employer Contributions, 110111 DOJ, 11-11

  • December 14, 1977

  • Presidential Approval of Naval Petroleum Reserve Contract NOd 4219-2664, 121477 DOJ, 77-69

  • February 08, 1980

  • Management of Admiralty Island and Misty Fiords National Monuments., 020880 DOJ, 80-47

  • March 20, 1980

  • Constitutional Issues Raised by Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration., 032080 DOJ, 80-60

  • December 26, 1963

  • Providing Government Films to the Democratic National Committee or Congressmen, 122663 DOJ, 63-2

  • January 02, 1987

  • Provisions of the Special Foreign Assistance Act of 1986 Relative to the Assets of Jean Claude Duvalier, 010287 DOJ, 87-1

  • June 26, 1981

  • Disaster Assistance and the Supremacy Clause., 062681 DOJ, 81-32

  • October 18, 1982

  • Applicability of 21 U.S.C. § 952(a) to the Importation of Morphine Sulfate by the General Services Administration, 101882 DOJ, 82-63

  • April 09, 1998

  • Application of the Double Jeopardy Clause to Disgorgement s Under the Federal Trade Commission Act, 040998 DOJ, 98-8

  • June 05, 1978

  • Intelligence—Warrantless Electronic Surveillance—Common Carriers (18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2520, 47 U.S.C. § 605), 060578 DOJ, 78-31

  • July 12, 2019

  • Testimonial Immunity Before Congress of Assistant to President and Senior Counselor to President, 071219 DOJ, 19-5

  • August 13, 2014

  • The Authority of The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission To A Federal Agency To Pay A Monetary Award To Remedy A Breach of A Settlement Agreement, 081314 DOJ, 14-2

  • July 19, 1979

  • Constitutional Law-Article I, Section 6, Clause 2-Appointment of Member of Congress to a Civil Office, 071979 DOJ, 79-54

  • June 08, 1988

  • Interpretation of District of Columbia Good Time Credits Act of 1986, 060888 DOJ, 88-14

  • November 13, 1980

  • Limitations on Presidential Authority to Control Export of Certain Hazardous Substances., 111380 DOJ, 80-105

  • March 29, 1982

  • Installation of Slot Machines on U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, 032982 DOJ, 82-30

  • January 19, 2001

  • Applicability of the Antideficiency Act to a Violation of a Condition or Internal Cap Within an Appropriation, 011901 DOJ, 01-5

  • February 08, 1937

  • Censorship of Transmission of Trotzky Speech From Mexico, 020837 DOJ, 37-2

  • December 11, 1986

  • Enforcement by Federal Magistrates of Summonses Issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Aid of Criminal Investigations and Foreign Intelligence Activities, 121186 DOJ, 86-20

  • March 14, 1979

  • Designation of Acting General Counsel, 031479 DOJ, 79-16

  • April 10, 1979

  • Military Officer—Appointments to Civil Office—Administrator of General Services—Effect on Military Office— 10 U.S.C. § 973; 40 U.S.C. § 751(c), 041079 DOJ, 79-23

  • June 03, 1992

  • Marketing Loans for Grains and Wheat, 060392 DOJ, 92-11

  • February 06, 1978

  • Recess Appointments—Constitution (Article II, § 2, cl. 3)— Legal Services Corporation—Effect of Statutory Holdover Provisions, 020678 DOJ, 78-92

  • January 17, 1979

  • Administrative Procedure—Rulemaking—Department of the Interior— Ex Parte Communications—Consultation with the Council of Economic Advisers—Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (30 U.S.C. § 1201 et seq.), 011779 DOJ, 79-5

  • December 15, 1978

  • National Security Mail Covers—Constitutional Challenge—Federal Bureau of Investigation (39 CFR 233.2(d)(2)(ii)), 121578 DOJ, 78-65

  • May 20, 2009

  • Validity of Statutory Rollbacks As A Means of Complying With The Ineligibility Clause, 052009 DOJ, 09-5

  • January 04, 1982

  • Applicability of Federal Advisory Committee Act to Native Hawaiians Study Commission, 010482 DOJ, 82-5

  • December 07, 2009

  • Applicability of The Emoluments Clause and The Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act To The President's Receipt of The Nobel Peace Prize, 120709 DOJ, 09-18

  • March 13, 1983

  • Litigation Authority of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Title VII Suits Against State and Local Governmental Entities, 031383 DOJ, 83-8