Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice

from March 16, 1934
Last Document: May 29, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1389

April 24, 2001

  • Obligation to Sell Governors Island, 042401 DOJ, 01-13

  • December 13, 1995

  • Effect of Appropriations for Other Agencies and Branches on the Authority to Continue Department of Justice Functions During the Lapse in the Department's Appropriations, 121395 DOJ, 95-27

  • August 24, 1981

  • Disclosure of Information Collected Under the Export Administration Act, 082481 DOJ, 81-42

  • December 08, 2009

  • Whether Subsection 104(B)(4) of Clean Air Act Permits The Receipt of Monetary Donations, 120809 DOJ, 09-19

  • December 02, 1982

  • Proposed Cooperative Agreement for the Administration of the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, 120282 DOJ, 82-73

  • March 04, 2003

  • NLRB Quorum Requirements, 030403 DOJ, 03-8

  • December 31, 1996

  • Application of the Ineligibility Clause, 123196 DOJ, 96-48

  • October 06, 2010

  • Applicability of The Emoluments Clause and The Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act To The Göteborg Award for Sustainable Development, 100610 DOJ, 10-8

  • September 30, 1996

  • Assertion of Executive Privilege for Memorandum to the President Concerning Efforts to Combat Drug Trafficking, 093096 DOJ, 96-4

  • June 01, 2005

  • Scope of Criminal Enforcement Under 42 U.S.C. § 1320d-6, 060105 DOJ, 05-7

  • June 26, 1981

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. §205 to Union Organizing Activities of Department of Justice Employee, 062681 DOJ, 81-31

  • January 06, 2012

  • Lawfulness of Recess Appointments During A Recess of The Senate Notwithstanding Periodic Pro Forma Sessions, 010612 DOJ, 12-1

  • April 12, 1961

  • Intervention by States and Private Groups in the Internal Affairs of Another State, 041261 DOJ, 61-4

  • July 18, 1989

  • Constitutionality of the Qui Tarn Provisions of the False Claims Act, 071889 DOJ, 89-26

  • September 16, 1983

  • The Secretary of Transportation's Continued Authority v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919 1983, 091683 DOJ, 83-18

  • February 14, 1994

  • Whether the Office of the Vice President is an "Agency" for Purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 021494 DOJ, 94-3

  • November 08, 1979

  • President—Consultation—Form—Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (§ 507(a)(1), 43 U.S.C. § 2007(a)(1)), 110879 DOJ, 79-81

  • December 22, 2000

  • Whether the President May Have Access to Grand Jury Material in the Course of Exercising His Authority to Grant Pardons, 122200 DOJ, 00-30

  • May 08, 1996

  • Placing of United States Armed Forces Under United Nations Operational or Tactical Control, 050896 DOJ, 96-18

  • December 21, 1978

  • Judges—Members of Congress—Constitutional Restriction on Appointment (Article I, § 6, cl. 2)—Omnibus Judgeship Bill (28 U.S.C. § 133, as amended), 122178 DOJ, 78-99

  • July 19, 1978

  • Conflicts of Interest (18 U.S.C. § 207)—American Bar Association Code of Professional Responsibility, 071978 DOJ, 78-40

  • May 03, 1977

  • Promotional Use of the President's Name 15 U.S.C. § 1051, 15 U.S.C. § 45, 050377 DOJ, 78-79

  • February 17, 1998

  • Applicability of 18 U.S.C. §§ 431-433 to Limited Partnership Interests in Government Leases, 021798 DOJ, 98-4

  • July 14, 1999

  • The Federalism Accountability Act, 071499 DOJ, 99-14

  • December 30, 1982

  • Approval and Disapproval of Bills by the President After Sine Die Adjournment of the Congress, 123082 DOJ, 82-80

  • May 29, 1979

  • (1) Conflict of Interest-Financial Interest (18 U.S.C. § 208)-Husband and Wife (2) Executive No. 11222-Appearance of Conflict of Interest, 052979 DOJ, 79-38

  • February 28, 1961

  • Authority of President to Designate Another Member as Chairman of Federal Power Commission, 022861 DOJ, 61-2

  • July 18, 2003

  • Interpretation of Section 586 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 071803 DOJ, 03-14

  • September 05, 1979

  • Immigration and Nationality Act—Alien Crewmen—Temporary Landing—Review by Attorney General of Decisions by Board of Immigration Appeals, 090579 DOJ, 79-64

  • March 16, 1989

  • Whether the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices is Empowered to Challenge Constitutionality of State Statutes, 031689 DOJ, 89-7

  • February 04, 2013

  • Availability of Appropriations for Social Security Administration Grant Programs Following The Expiration of Authorizations of Appropriations, 020413 DOJ, 13-2

  • December 24, 1981

  • Defending the Revocation of the Tax-Exempt Status of Certain Private Schools in Light of the Ashbrook Amendment., 122481 DOJ, 81-67

  • July 12, 1978

  • Standards of Conduct (28 CFR Part 45)—Service of Employee in State Chapter of a National Organization, 071278 DOJ, 78-38

  • January 14, 1997

  • Bureau of Prisons Disclosure of Recorded Inmate Telephone Conversations, 011497 DOJ, 97-2

  • October 10, 1961

  • Lobbying by Executive Branch Personnel, 101061 DOJ, 61-6

  • December 22, 1981

  • Peyote Exemption for Native American Church, 122281 DOJ, 81-63

  • May 31, 2018

  • April 2018 Airstrikes Against Syrian Chemical-Weapons Facilities, 053118 DOJ, 18-1

  • June 08, 1982

  • Title VI and Urban Indian Housing, 060882 DOJ, 82-37

  • October 17, 1984

  • Congressional Subpoenas of Department of Justice Investigative Files, 101784 DOJ, 84-22

  • September 27, 1979

  • Attorney General-Delegation of Authority-18 U.S.C. § 2516, 092779 DOJ, 79-72

  • May 29, 1980

  • Constitutionality of Legislation Extending Federal Grants to Students at Nonpublic Schools, 052980 DOJ, 80-78

  • December 09, 1986

  • Constitutionality of Government Commission's Use of Logo Including an Historical Cross in Its Design, 120986 DOJ, 86-19

  • July 30, 1980

  • The Attorney General's Duty to Defend and Enforce Constitutionally Objectionable Legislation, 073080 DOJ, 80-9

  • May 06, 1982

  • Constitutionality of Legislation Limiting the Remedial Powers of the Inferior Federal Courts in School Desegregation Litigation, 050682 DOJ, 82-1

  • March 12, 1980

  • Vesting of Iranian Assets, 031280 DOJ, 80-22

  • December 21, 1979

  • Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (49 U.S.C. § 1656(a))—Water Resources Council—Calculation of Primary Direct Navigation Benefits of a Water Resources Project (§ 7(a) of the Act), 122179 DOJ, 79-88

  • March 11, 1988

  • Statute Limiting President's Authority to Supervise Director of Centers for Disease Control in Distribution of an AIDS Pamphlet, 031188 DOJ, 88-7

  • April 09, 1987

  • Relevance of Senate Ratification History to Treaty Interpretation, 040987 DOJ, 87-7

  • October 31, 1979

  • Conflict of Interest-18 U.S.C. § 207-Applicability to the General Accounting Office, 103179 DOJ, 79-80

  • December 05, 1989

  • Review of Final in Alien Employer Sanctions Cases, 120589 DOJ, 89-47