Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

January 01, 2011

  • Problems in Transposing the European Union's Nature Conservation Directives into Estonian Law and Plans for Solving Them

  • Current and Savings Deposits in Conventional and Islamic Retail Banking in the EU

  • VAT Fraud and the Fight against It in Estonia: Laws and the Practice of the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court

  • Comparison of Knowledge of Law Enforcement and Lay People Regarding Eyewitness Testimony

  • FIDE-Uniting Great Minds of European Law: 50 years of the International Federation for European Law

  • Iurisprudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque iniusti scientia

  • January 01, 2012

  • Dear reader

  • Soziale Grundrechte unter den Bedingungen wirtschaftlicher und finanzieller Krisen

  • The Financial Guarantee of Local Government and Possibilities for its Protection

  • Evaluation of the Constitutionality of Good-Faith Acquisition

  • The numerus clausus Principle and the Type Restriction-Influence and Expression of These Principles. Demonstrated in the Area of Common Ownership and Servitudes

  • Copyright and Constitutional Aspects of Digital Language Resources: The Estonian Approach

  • The Constitutional Approach to Basic Consumer Rights

  • Transparenzgebot der AGB-Klauseln in den Verbraucherverträgen

  • The Position of the Duty of Care in the Structure of the General Composition of Delict

  • Vertragsfreiheit und ihre Grenzen im Ehevertragsrecht

  • The Role of Collective Agreements in Regulation of Work Conditions in View of the Effects of Estonian Labour-law Reform

  • The Importance of the Structure of the Insolvency System for Facilitation of Business Operators' Reorganisation

  • International Legal Norms

  • Who Has the Last Word on the Protection of Human Rights in Europe?

  • The Constitutional Require ments for Averting of a Danger: The Principles of a State Based on Democracy, and the Rule of Law v. Averting of a Danger

  • Prospectus Liability v. Criminal Punishment: The Case of Public v. Private (But without Enforcement)

  • Die schuldhafte strafrechtliche Verantwortung der juristischen Person. Theoretische Grundlagen und estnische Gerichtspraxis

  • 'I Use What I Use': Estonian Investigators' Knowledge of Investigative Interviewing

  • The Right of the Suspect to Counsel in Pre-trial Criminal Proceedings, Its Content, and the Extent of Application

  • Mortality Rate and Causes of Death of Delinquent Individuals: Data from the Estonian Longitudinal Study of Criminal Careers

  • Book review: Prof. Dr. Bob Wessels, International Insolvency Law 3rd ed., Kluwer, Deventer, 2012

  • January 01, 2013

  • Dear reader

  • The Role of Comparative Law in the Making of European Private Law

  • Application of General Principles in Private Law in the Nordic Countries

  • The CESL Proposal: An Overview

  • Protection of Consumers in Consumer-Credit Contracts: Expectations and Reality in Estonia

  • Restitution of Performances after Avoidance of Contracts under the CESL and Estonian Law

  • Should Price Reduction be Recognised as a Separate Contractual Remedy?

  • Fitting the Estonian Notions of Contractual and Non-contractual Obligations under the European Private International Law Instruments

  • The Latvian Law of Obligations: The Current Situation and Perspectives

  • A Farewell to (Private) Law: Musings on the Belgian Law of Obligations

  • Agreements and Decisions

  • Independent Security Rights under Russian Legislation

  • Non-married Cohabiting Couples and Their Constitutional

  • Kommissionsvorschlag zur Klärung der Vermögens verhältnisse bei internationalen Paaren und mögliche Folgen

  • Loyalty to the EU and the Duty to Revise Pre-Accession International Agreements

  • The Possibility of Protection of Legitimate Expectations in Recovery of Unlawful State Aid

  • Wirksamkeit des angefochtenen Verwaltungsakts als Voraussetzung für die Stattgebung der Aufhebungsklage in der Rechtsetzung und Rechtsprechung Estlands

  • Popular Initiatives as Means of Altering the Core of the Republic of Latvia

  • Problems of Estonian Local Government in 2013 and Co-operation as an Instrument of Their Resolution

  • Operators' General Obligations as an Environmental Duty of Care

  • Principles of Debt Restructuring and Restrictions on Initiation of Debt Restructuring Proceedings

  • Does Commission Proposed Financial Transaction Tax Comply With European Union Law?

  • Law as Danger-prevention Law