Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

January 01, 2013

  • Freiwilligkeit - gleichzeitig der Eckstein und der Stolperstein bei der Behandlung des Rücktritts vom Versuch: Die Bestimmung des Begriffes der Freiwilligkeit und die Abgrenzung vom misslungenen Versuch

  • State Fees: Is the Legislator Free in Setting the Rates of State Fees? An Estonian Example

  • Das römischrechtliche precarium im deutsch-baltischen und estnischen Recht: eine Besonderheit aus der estnischen Rechtsgeschichte

  • Evgeny Krasheninnikov 9 May 1951 - 13 October 2013

  • January 01, 2014

  • Der moderne Staat. Ein Glanzstück europäischer Form und occidentalen Rationalismus

  • Die Entstehung des Allgemeinen Teils des Verwaltungsrechts (1850?1900)

  • Perversion der Verwaltung ? Verwaltung der Perversion in der NS Zeit

  • Die Schaffung und Entwicklung der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit in Estland

  • Verfassungsrechtliche Determinanten der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland

  • Abgrenzung von Allgemeinverfügung und Rechtsverordnung

  • Reformentwurf für das estnische Verwaltungsrecht (1997?1999)

  • On the Situation of Law-enforcement Law in Estonia

  • Zur Europäisierung des Verwaltungsrechts

  • Warum wir an der Universalität der westlichen Werte festhalten sollten

  • The Legal Concept of Slavery in the Modern European Legal Sphere

  • Extraterritorial Merger Control Enforcement in Small Economies? Challenges and Possibilities

  • The Buyer's Right to Require Reimbursement for Repair Costs of Defective Goods under the CISG, the CESL, and Estonian Law

  • Formation of Creditor Groups in Reorganisation Proceedings: Does Estonia Need a Better Regulation?

  • Personal Liability of a Director to Creditors in the Case of Thin Capitalisation of a Company

  • Legal Aspects of Insolvency of Natural Persons in the Baltic States

  • Company Board Members' Liability and Prerequisites for it in Bankruptcy Proceedings

  • Succession Law Procedure Coverage in Estonian Public Electronic Databases: Ametlikud Teadaanded and the Succession Register

  • The Possibility of Compensation for Health Damage in Cases of Uncertain Causes within the Victim's Sphere

  • The Right to Collective Action in Labour Relations in Estonia: Is the Right to Organise a Strike Guaranteed?

  • December 01, 2014

  • Why do We Need Grundstücke (Land Units), and What are They? On the Difficulties of Divining a European Concept of ?Thing' in Property Law

  • The Scandinavian Approach to Property Law, Described through Six Common Legal Concepts

  • Proprietary Security Rights in Movables?European Developments: A Spotlight Approach to Book IX DCFR

  • Developments in the Scottish Law of Land Registration

  • Reform of Land Registration in Latvia

  • Norway: Non-secured Instant Loans to Consumers

  • Regulation of Instant Loans and Other Credits in Swedish Law

  • The Way to Over-indebtedness?Intensive Marketing, Easy Access to Loans, and Insufficient Legislation (Denmark)

  • Instant Loans: Problems and Regulations in Finland

  • Legal Problems and Regulations related to Easy-access Non-secured Consumer Loans in Estonia

  • A Strict Regulatory Framework for SMS Credit and Its Effectiveness in Latvia

  • The Future of Consumer Credit in Lithuania: Quo vadis, Consumer Credit?

  • January 01, 2015

  • Dear reader

  • European Human Rights Law and Estonia: One- or Two-way Street?

  • Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of Estonia in Disclosing Personal Data in Court Judgments

  • Application of the Public Policy Exception in the Context of International Contracts - The Rome I Regulation Approach

  • The Estonian Perspective on the Transposition of the Directive on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

  • The Health-care Provider's Civil Liability in Cases of Wrongful Life: An Estonian Perspective

  • The Shortcomings of the Commercial-pledge Regulation and Need for Reform

  • Shareholder's Individual Information Right: Prerequisites and Boundaries

  • Special Treatment of the Floating Charge in Insolvency Proceedings

  • Available Options for Funding the Insolvency Proceedings of Corporate Debtors

  • The Concept of Preventive Actions Securing the Enforcement of Tax Liability to be Determined in the Future: Prosperity under the Principle of Prevention in Tax Law

  • Legal Remedies Available to Competitors of Recipients of Unlawful State Aid under Estonian Law

  • Protection of the Right to Life in Prison

  • The Right to Choose Counsel in the Pre-trial Stage of Criminal Proceedings and Consequences of its Violation, by Example of Estonian Supreme Court Decision 3-1-2-2-14