Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

January 01, 1999

  • Freedom via Acquired Profession? On the Possibility of Being a Jurist in an Estate Society

  • Prohibition of Discrimination in Labour Relations

  • Freedom of Contract in Labour Relations

  • On the Development of Bankruptcy Law in Estonia

  • Developments in Estonian Intellectual Property Law: Some Issues Concerning Copyright and Related Rights

  • Defending the Rights of Minority Shareholders in Estonia

  • Legal Remedies Provided in the Estonian Draft Law of Obligations Act for Breach of Contractual Obligations

  • Principle of Proportionality in Sentencing and Economic Approach in Criminology

  • On the Possible Role and Status of the Defender in the Future Estonian Criminal Procedure

  • Fundamental Rights, Right of Recourse to the Courts and Problems Connected with the Guaranteeing of the Right of Recourse to the Courts in Estonian Criminal Procedure

  • Protection of Fundamental Rights in Estonian Criminal Law

  • Right to the Environment in the Context of EC Approximation and Codification of Estonian Environmental Law

  • Means Ensuring Protection of Taxpayers´ Rights in Estonian Tax Law

  • Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Estonia

  • Influence of European Community Law on Estonian Law and, in Particular, Law-making

  • Some Problems of International Judicial Assistance from an Estonian Perspective

  • Justice, Order and Anarchy: The Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and the Conflicting Values in International Law

  • Legislative Acts of Local Government Bodies and the Protection of Personal Rights and Freedoms

  • Right of Action in Estonian Administrative Procedure

  • January 08, 1999

  • Protection of Persons´ Rights and Freedoms by Estonian Administrative Courts: Development and Key Problems

  • January 01, 1999

  • Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in Estonian Constitutional Jurisprudence

  • Holders and Addressees of Basic Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

  • Comprehension of the Constitution (from the Communitarian Point of View)

  • Dear reader,

  • January 01, 1998

  • Supranational Law as International Law and Vice Versa

  • Relations Between State Bodies in Implementing Constitution

  • Problems in Harmonisation of Acts Regulating Commercial Register Entries

  • On Reform of Estonian Succession Law

  • On Questions Surrounding Collective Agreements in Estonia

  • On Legal Bases and Process of Accreditation of Teaching of Law in Estonia (University of Tartu Faculty of Law Case)

  • Legal Regulation of Surveillance de lege lata and de lege ferenda : Constitutional and Criminal Procedural Aspects

  • Integration as Reception: University of Tartu Faculty of Law Case in 19th Century

  • Harmonisation of Estonian and European Community Environmental Law: Present Situation and Expected Developments

  • Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in Estonian Constitution

  • European Social Security Law - Social Security System for Migrant Workers and Estonian Situation

  • Estonian Institutions of Justice Within the Legal Socialisation System of Young

  • Estonian Criminal Law as a Component of International Criminal Law

  • Estonian Constitutional System of Government

  • Effect of Harmonisation of European Civil Law on Development of Estonian Law of Obligations

  • Dear reader,

  • Corpus Juris and Estonian Criminal Procedure

  • Constitutional Review under 1992 Constitution

  • Collective Redundancies

  • Arrangement - Form of Procedure Based on Guilty Plea and Presumption of Guilt?

  • About Two Relations between European Union and Local Authorities - Citizenship of EU and Committee of Regions

  • January 01, 1997

  • The Nature and Formation of Labour Law

  • The Role of Language Cognition in Legal Method

  • The Principle of Separate and Balanced Powers in Estonian Constitutions

  • Teenage Criminality in Estonia

  • Legal Issues Concerning Local Governments