Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

January 01, 2006

  • On the Need for a Progressive Harmonisation of Private Law in The European Union: The Role of Legal Science and Education

  • On Legislative Style and Structure

  • Meaning of Fault with regard to Liability for Damage Caused by the Unlawful Action of Another Person

  • L’objet du référendum en Estonie

  • Liberal Communitarian ­Interpretation of Social and Equality Rights: a Balanced Approach?

  • Legal Regulation of the Board Structure of Public Limited Companies in the light of Regulatory Communication between the European Union and Member States

  • How Comparable are Legal Concepts? The Case of Causation

  • General Objectives of Legal Theory and Significance of Values in the Context of Globalisation

  • Friedrich Carl von Savigny, the Legal Method, and the Modernity of Law

  • Freedom of Contract: Mandatory and Non-mandatory Rules in European Contract Law

  • European Harmonisation of Civil Law from a Nordic Perspective

  • Discretion of Interests in Planning Procedure: Legal Protection and Abuse of Discretion

  • Development of Contemporary Means of Communication and Their Efficiency of Use in Labour Relations

  • Dear reader,

  • Common Frame of Reference: Conciliation or Clash?

  • Applicability of the Census Case in Estonian Personal Data Protection Law

  • January 01, 2005

  • Working Together Toward a Common Frame of Reference

  • Which Continuity: The Tartu Peace Treaty of 2 February 1920, the Estonian-Russian Border Treaties of 18 May 2005, and the Legal Debate about Estonia’s Status in International Law

  • The Status and Protection of Unlawful Combatants

  • The Main Features of the New Lithuanian Contract Law System Based on the Civil Code of 2000

  • The Leniency Programme in Estonia - Illusion or Reality?

  • The Impact of Copyright Industries on Copyright Law

  • The Development of European Private Law and the European Commission’s Action Plan on Contract Law

  • The Claim for Elimination of Unlawful Consequences and the Claim for Compensation for Damage under Estonian State Liability Law

  • Systematisation of Objective Law: From Codification to Reformation of Law

  • Sustainable Development as the Fundamental Principle of Europe’s Environmental Ius Commune

  • Social and Economic Fundamental Rights in Estonian Constitutions Between World Wars I and II: A Vanguard or Rearguard of Europe?

  • Polish Plumbers, the EU Constitutional Treaty, and the Principle of the Welfare State

  • Penalty and Other Punitive Sanctions in the Estonian and European Legal Order

  • On the Development and Objectives of Statutory Share Law in Estonia

  • Latin: The Common Legal Language of Europe?

  • Justice Laws of 1889 - a Step in Estonia’s Constitutional Development

  • Indispensability of the Law of Obligations in Employment Relationships: Problems in Application of the Law of Obligations to Employment Relationships in Estonia

  • Forms of Liability in the Law of Delict: Fault-Based Liability and Liability without Fault

  • Der französische Code civil im Jahr 2005 - Monument oder Gespenst?

  • Dear reader,

  • Damage arising from Defect in Object of Contract to Creditor’s Absolute Legal Rights: Contractual or Delictual Liability?

  • Contractual Aspects of Formation and Composition of Commercial Partnerships

  • Basic Structures and General Concepts of the CISG as Models for a Harmonisation of the Law of Obligations

  • Baltic Yearbook of International Law - Five-Year Anniversary

  • January 01, 2004

  • The Concept of General Duties of Care in the Law of Delict

  • Restrictions on Active Legal Capacity

  • Le controle parlementaire de la politique européenne du Gouvernement en République d’Estonie au regard des nouvelles dispositions du règlement intérieur du Riigikogu

  • Iuridicum Database - Evaluations by Users of the Web Version of Juridica. On Publishing Legal Literature in Estonia (1992-2004)

  • Good Law Making Practice and Legislative Drafting Conforming to It in the Republic of Estonia

  • Europäisierung des Privatrechts - vom Beruf unserer Zeit für ein Europäisches Privatrecht

  • European and Estonian Law of Obligations - Transposition of Law or Mutual Influence?

  • Estonia’s Integration into International Organisations - from the Viewpoint of Security

  • Dissenting Opinion in the European Court of Justice - Estonia’s ­Possible Contribution to the Democratisation of the European Union Juridcial System

  • Determination of the Level of Environmental Protection and the Proportionality of Environmental Measures in Community Law