Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

January 01, 2009

  • Development of Apartment Ownership Legislation in Estonia in 1994-2009 and Reform Plans in the Context of European Judicial Practice

  • Der Streitgegenstand im estnischen Verwaltungsprozess

  • Criminal Liability of Legal Persons in Estonia

  • Constitutional Boundaries of Transfer of Public Functions to Private Sector in Estonia

  • Anti-tax-avoidance Measures and Their Compliance with Community Law

  • September 01, 2009

  • About the Principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia from the Perspective of Independent Statehood in Estonia

  • July 01, 2008

  • The Compatibility of the Estonian Corporate Income Tax System with Community Law

  • The Siege of the Estonian Embassy in Moscow: Protection of a Diplomatic Mission and Its Staff in the Receiving State

  • The Impact of European Union Law on Employee Involvement in Estonia

  • The Estonian Universal Enforcement Procedure and the Bailiff as the Taker of Procedural Decisions

  • LL.M., Assistant of Civil Law, University of Tartu

  • The Council of the University of Tartu awarded at its 30 May 2008 session Professor Emeritus Werner Krawietz from the University of Münster the title of honorary doctor

  • The Buyer’s Free Choice Between Termination and Avoidance of a Sales Contract

  • Subordination of Shareholder Loans in Estonian Law

  • Specificatio in Baltic Private Law and Production (Verarbeitung) in the Baltic Private Law Act - Continuity or Change?

  • Some Issues of the Estonian Innovation and Intellectual Property Policy

  • Shareholder’s Derivative Claim - Does Estonian Company Law Require Modernisation?

  • Scope and Substance of the Integration Principle in EC Law and Its Application in Estonia

  • Propaganda, Information War and the Estonian-Russian Treaty Relations: Some Aspects of International Law

  • Processes of Modernisation of Private Law Compared, and the CFR’s Influence

  • On Imperative Regulation of Information Duties in Financial Services Contracts

  • Terminological Turn As a Turn of Legal Culture

  • Implications of the Smallness of an Economy for Merger Remedies

  • Estonian Schoolchildren’s Opinions about Violence and the Possibilities for Preventing It

  • Dear Reader

  • Beteiligungsmodelle im neuen Estnischen Strafgesetzbuch. Begrenzung zwischen Täterschaft und Teilnahme durch Tatherrschaftslehre

  • January 01, 2008

  • Various Approaches to Unfair Terms and Their Background Philosophies

  • January 06, 2008

  • Unfair Terms in the Draft Common Frame of Reference (Comments on the Occasion of the Tartu Conference on Recent Development in European Private Law)

  • January 01, 2008

  • Unfair Terms in the Acquis Principles and Draft Common Frame of Reference: A Study of the Differences between the Two Closest Members of One Family

  • The Structure of the Law on Multiparty Situations in the Draft Common Frame of Reference

  • The Present State of Harmonisation of Bulgarian Private Law, and Future Perspectives: Historical Development and Scope of the Private Law - Compliance with European Private Law

  • The Open Method of Convergence

  • The Nature and Purposes of the Common Frame of Reference

  • The Launch of the Draft Common Frame of Reference

  • The Influence of Instruments of Harmonisation of Private Law upon the Reform of Civil Law in Lithuania

  • The Influence of Harmonisation on Civil Law in the Slovak Republic

  • The Influence of Harmonisation of Private Law on the the Development of the Civil Law in Hungary

  • The European Consumer Sales Directive - the Impact on Estonian Law

  • The Draft Common Frame of Reference and "Cancellation" of Contracts

  • The Development of the Concept of Pre-contractual Duties in Estonian Law

  • Secured Transactions

  • Reform of the Hungarian Law of Security Rights in Movable Property

  • Reform of Contract Law in Estonia: Influences of Harmonisation of European Private Law

  • Pre-contractual Obligations: The General Contract Law Background

  • Performance and Remedies for Non-performance: Comparative Analysis of the PECL and DCFR

  • Integration of the European Developments in Private Law into the Domestic Civil Law: Factors Framing the Reception of the DCFR in Romania

  • Harmonisation of Private Law in Europe and the Development of Private Law in Slovenia

  • From the Acquis Communautaire to the Common Frame of Reference - The Contribution of the Acquis Group to the DCFR

  • European Initiatives and Reform of Civil Law in Poland

  • European Initiatives (PECL, DCFR) and Modernization of Latvian Civil Law