Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

November 01, 2018

  • The General Data Protection Regulation and its Violation of EU Treaties

  • Limitation of Freedom of Speech and of the Press by Penal Law in the Final Decades of the Russian Empire

  • Land Reform and the Principle of Legal Certainty: The Practice of the Supreme Court of Estonia in 1918-1933

  • Which Adverse Environmental Impacts of an Economic Activity Are Legally Acceptable and on What Conditions

  • Shareholders' Draft Resolutions in Estonian Company Law: An Example of Unreasonable Transposition of the Shareholder Rights Directive

  • Tasks and Responsibilities of an Employer in a Digital Age: How to Comply with the Applicable Requirements for Work Conditions

  • Current Challenges of the Labour Law of Ukraine: On the Way to European Integration

  • Identification of Provoked State in Estonian County Court Rulings of 2006-2016

  • Towards a Single Government Approach via Further Consolidation of Law and Order in Estonia, with Domestic Violence as an Example

  • Digital Inheritance: Heirs' Right to Claim Access to Online Accounts under Estonian Law

  • Restraining at Care Institutions Evaluated from the Standpoint of Penal Law

  • The Patient's Will - Why and for Whom? Forms, Formalisation, and Implementation Issues

  • The Group Discussion ?Practical Possibilities of Taking Living Wills into Consideration'

  • Arguments and Comments Presented during the Discussion of Dina Sõritsa's Doctoral thesis The Health-care Provider's Civil Liability in Cases of Prenatal Damages

  • 35th Estonian Lawyers' Days

  • November 01, 2019

  • Dear reader

  • A Half-built House? The New Consumer Sales Directive Assessed as Contract Law

  • Parallele Anwendbarkeit von Grundrechtecharta der EU und nationalen Grundrechten

  • The Use of Human Voice and Speech in Language Technologies: The EU and Russian Intellectual Property Law Perspectives

  • Truth in Criminal Law and Procedure: The Erosion of a Fundamental Value

  • Reforms of the Criminal Sanctions System in Germany ? Achievements and Unresolved Problems

  • The Human Right of Reproduction: Ovum Donation and Surrogacy

  • Die strafrechtliche Verantwortung der juristischen Person: Rechtsvergleichende Überlegungen zwischen Finnland und Estland

  • Superior Responsibility in Estonian Criminal Law and its Compliance with International Law

  • Criminal Liability of Third Parties with Regard to Free-Responsible Suicide: New Developments in the German Jurisdiction

  • The Principle of Trust for Exceptions to the Non-Regression Clause in the Case of Delict of Negligence

  • What Safety are We Entitled to Expect of Self-driving Vehicles?

  • The Concept of Recovery of Credit Institutions in the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive

  • Is Full Preference for a Secured Claim in Insolvency Proceedings Justified?

  • 100 Years Later. The University of Tartu School of Law celebrates the centenary of the establishment of the Estonian national university with an academic conference