Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

January 01, 2002

  • Constitutional Activism and Deference Through Judicial Reasoning: Confirming An Indeterminacy Thesis

  • Compatibility of the Estonian Rules of Evidence in Criminal Procedure to the Needs for Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Community

  • Co-existence of the Estonian Constitution and European Law

  • Building a Just Society: the Role of the Constitutional Judge. Idea of Justice in the Contemporary Value Jurisprudence and the Process of Argumentation

  • January 01, 2001

  • About Grounds for Exemption from Performance under the Draft Estonian Law of Obligations Act

  • Towards a (Post)modern European Contract Law

  • Why Do We Fear Civil Law in Labour Law?

  • The Structure and the Salient Features of the Principles of European Contract Law

  • The New Law of Obligations in Estonia and the Developments Towards Unification and Harmonisation of Law in Europe

  • The Law of Property Act - Cornerstone of the Civil Law Reform

  • The Concept of Ownership in Current Russian Law

  • The Civil Law Institutes as Part of Criminal Law

  • Textbook of Pandects or New Style of Legislation in Estonia?

  • Subjective Fault as a Basis of Delictual Liability

  • Statutory Marital Property Law de lege lata and de lege ferenda

  • Status of International Law in the Estonian Legal System under the 1992 Constitution

  • Regulation of Limitation Periods in Estonian Private Law: Historical Overview and Prospects

  • Problems of Consumer Protection in Russia

  • Private Law Instruments in the System of Environmental Control

  • On the Scope of Competitiveness of Court Proceedings in the Draft Code of Criminal Procedure

  • On Options of Law-interpretation in the Context of the General Part of the Civil Code Act

  • Legal Status of Religious Communities in the Realms of Public and Private Law

  • Laws of Succession in Europe and Estonia: How We Got to Where We Are and Where We Should Be Heading

  • Law Applicable to Persons Pursuant to Draft Private International Law Act

  • Latvian Property and Collateral Law and Protection of Foreign Investments

  • Latvian Contract Law and the EU

  • Dear reader,

  • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia in the Light of Accession to the European Union

  • Compatibility of the Estonian Penal Law to the Need for Protection of Financial Interests of the European Union

  • Applicable Law in the Light of Modern Law of Obligations and Bases for the Preparation of the Law of Obligations Act

  • January 01, 2000

  • Trends in Regulating Working and Rest Time in Estonia. Proceedings from the European Union Law

  • Theories of Punishment and Reform of Criminal Law (Reforms as a Change of Mentality)

  • The Position of Labour Law in the Private Law System. The Past, Present and Future of Estonian Labour Law

  • Supreme Court Judgement as Source of Estonian Criminal Procedural Law

  • State Continuity in the Light of Estonian Treaties Concluded before World War II

  • Private Law of the Baltic Provinces as a Patriotic Act

  • On Formation of Policy Analysis and Legal Policy in Estonia

  • Legal Policy Decisions and Choices in the Creation of New Private Law in Estonia

  • Legal Knowledge of Estonian Youth. Comparison of 1970s and 1990s

  • Legal Integration and Reforms - Innovation and Traditions

  • Estonian Municipal Law, Municipal Policy and Municipal Politics on the Threshold of Changes

  • Estonian Code of Criminal Procedure as Legal Political Decision

  • Dialogue or Conflict? The Legal Reform of 1889 and Baltic Private Law Code

  • Dear reader,

  • Criminal Policy Choices and the Reform of the Estonian Criminal Law

  • Codification of Environmental Law. Major Challanges and Options

  • Assignment of Public Tasks to Private Legal Persons. Legal Bases and Limits

  • About the Regulation of Termination of Employment Contracts in Draft Employment Contracts Act

  • About the Meaning of the Legal Aspect of Practical Semantics in Estonian Legal Order

  • January 01, 1999

  • Law Philosophy Society of Estonia