Juridica International

from January 1996
Last Number: November 2019

Iuridicum Foundation
ISSN 1406-1082

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 580

January 01, 2008

  • European Initiatives (CFR) and Reform of Civil Law in New Member States: Differences between the Draft Common Frame of Reference and the Principles of European Contract Law

  • Draft Common Frame of Reference and Estonian Law of Obligations Act: Similarities and Differences in the System of Contractual Liability

  • Dear reader

  • A Secured Transactions’ Regime for Europe: Treatment of Acquisition Finance Devices and Creditor’s Enforcement Rights

  • July 01, 2007

  • The Role of the Constitutional Court in Democratic Society

  • The Concept and Practice of Judicial Activism in the Experience of Some Western Constitutional Democracies

  • The Chancellor of Justice’s Role in Protecting the Constitution and Balancing the Legislature’s Activity: Is the Chancellor of Justice Only a Prosecutor of the Supreme Court?

  • The Area of Responsibility of a Local Government at County Level and Possibilities for the Legal Organisation Thereof

  • Settlement of Disputes Related to Election Rules for Local Government Councils: Judicial Practice of the Estonian Supreme Court

  • Safeguarding Municipal Autonomy by the Supreme Court

  • Rights, Democracy and Local Self-governance: Social Rights in the Constitution of Finland

  • Relationship of the State and Political Parties in Estonia

  • Opening speech at the International Research Conference on the 15th Anniversary of the Constitution

  • Opening speech at the International Research Conference on the 15th Anniversary of the Constitution

  • Judicial Activism in the Practice of the German Federal Constitutional Court: Is the GFCC an Activist Court?

  • Judicial Activism in Constitutional Review Decisions of the Supreme Court of Estonia

  • How to Handle a Double-edged Sword Safely: Protection of the Elements of the Principle of the Social State in the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Estonia

  • Extension of the National Audit Office’s Powers to Audit of Local Governments: Limitation or Constitutional Protection of Local Democracy?

  • Discrimination Law and Social Rights: Intersections and Possibilities

  • Courts as Political Institutions

  • Constitutional Courts in Central and Eastern Europe: What Makes a Question Too Political?

  • A Comparative Presentation on Constitutional Courts as Guardians of Competition between Political Parties

  • January 01, 2007

  • Unfair Contracts of Suretyship - a Question about the Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights or about the Application of Contract Law Principles

  • The Concept of Dominance in Estonian Competition Law

  • The Changing Landscape of Cross-border Insolvency Law in Europe

  • Some Issues Regarding Entrepreneurial Universities and Intellectual Property

  • Should Estonian Law Provide for an Award of Punitive Damages?

  • Roman Law in the Baltic Private Law Act -the Triumph of Roman Law in the Baltic Sea Provinces?

  • Procedural Issues Relating to EU Law in the Estonian Supreme Court

  • Problems of Introduction of Societas Europaea in Estonian Law

  • Principles of Law and Legal Dogmatics as Methods Used by Constitutional Courts

  • Precautionary Environmental Protection and Human Rights

  • Peter Schlechtriem (2.3.1933-23.4.2007)

  • Lexica iuridica in Juridica: Latin Terms as a Reflection of Europanisation of Estonian Legal Culture

  • Free Movement v. Social Rights in an Enlarged Union - the Laval and Viking Cases before the ECJ

  • Fault in the Three-stage Structure of the General Elements of Tort

  • Differentiation of Mistake and Fraud as Grounds for Rescission of Transaction

  • Discourse upon the Constituent Human Rights Developments in the European Union

  • Developments in European Law: European Initiatives (CFR) and Reform of Civil Law in New Member States

  • Dear Reader

  • Constitution in a Blast of Changes

  • An Early Decision with Far-reaching Consequences

  • A Glance at the Estonian Legal Landscape in View of the Constitution Amendment Act

  • January 01, 2006

  • Transformation of Legal Capital Rules in Estonia -- Inevitability or Permanent Misunderstanding?

  • The Ambivalence of Reforms and their Absence: Baltic Lections of the 19th Century

  • State Responsibility for Private Armed Groups in the Context of Terrorism

  • State Liability without the Liability of State. Constitutional Problems related to Individual Professional Liability of Estonian Notaries, Bailiffs and Sworn Translators

  • Standing of NGOs in Relation to Environmental Matters in Estonia

  • Scientific Tradition of Roman Law in Dorpat: usus modernus or Historical School of Law?

  • Recent Judgments and Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights towards Estonia