Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 43, HB 28 – An act relating to the Medical Assistance and Services Act; including specified human organ and tissue transplants as authorized services; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 104, HB 220 – Ad valorem taxation-liens on mineral production

  • Chapter 42, SF 22 – An act relating to courts; conforming provisions to reflect that all justice of the peace courts and county courts have been replaced by circuit courts; eliminating archaic references as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 41, SF 16 – An act relating to public safety communications; renaming the law enforcement communications commission; modifying the duties, composition, terms and authority of the commission; providing definitions; conforming related provisions; repealing the provisions regarding the state public safety communications...

  • Chapter 103, HB 211 – Developmental preschool payment calculations-amendments

  • Chapter 102, HB 171 – Unemployment insurance-delinquency contributions

  • Chapter 40, SF 32 – An act relating to administration of government; repealing provisions for the automatic transfer of funds from certain earnings on state investments; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 39, SF 14 – An act relating to veterans; amending provisions relating to payments for military funeral duties; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 101, HB 87 – Return of victim's property held as evidence

  • Chapter 100, HB 84 – Worker's compensation-delinquent employers

  • Chapter 38, SF 3 – An act relating to carbon storage; extending provisions relating to carbon sequestration activities; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 99, HB 47 – Water rights procedures

  • Chapter 37, HB 147 – An act relating to the regulation of tobacco product wholesalers; modifying provisions for the release of escrowed funds as specified; amending a definition; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 36, HB 103 – An act relating to game and fish; modifying provisions relating to fees charged for the sale of specified hunting and fishing licenses, permits, stamps and tags; providing for additional charges to the price of licenses, permits, stamps and tags; modifying provisions for the retention of fees by selling...

  • Chapter 35, HB 125 – An act relating to motor vehicles; authorizing incidental operation of off-road recreational vehicles, as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 98, HB 28 – Approved depositories for public funds

  • Chapter 34, HB 118 – An act relating to water development projects; authorizing specified Level I and Level II studies and providing appropriations; providing definitions; requiring reports; providing for reversion of unexpended funds; providing an appropriation for the office of water programs; and providing for an effective...

  • Chapter 184, HB 224 – An act relating to the Certified Real Estate Appraiser Act; modifying duties of the certified real estate appraiser board; amending permit application requirements; specifying requirements for permitees; providing for criminal background checks of permit applicants; providing definitions; providing penalties...

  • Chapter 33, HB 95 – An act relating to the Wyoming Economic Development Act; authorizing the business council to establish a maximum annual grant or loan under the community infrastructure program; authorizing grants or loans for projects of up to three years duration; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 32, HB 52 – An act relating to worker's compensation; specifying the age at which surviving children's benefits terminate; providing for semimonthly payment of temporary total disability benefits; making a technical correction; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 31, HB 114 – An act relating to mines and minerals; providing for the education and experience requirements for certification of mine foremen and mine examiners as specified; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 183, HB 216 – An act relating to the military department; providing for design and planning of a runway at Camp Guernsey; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 182, HB 22 – An act relating to criminal procedure; specifying what seized property may be summarily disposed of; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 30, HB 55 – An act relating to game and fish; granting the game and fish commission authority to establish preference point programs for hunting licenses and permits; authorizing the establishment of fees; making conforming amendments; and providing for effective dates

  • Chapter 181, HB 138 – An act relating to economic development; establishing a program to provide funding for cities, towns, counties, special improvement districts and joint powers boards for workforce housing infrastructure and community land trusts; establishing an account; providing for administration of the program and...

  • Chapter 180, HB 52 – An act relating to game and fish; creating a free and reduced price license revenue recoupment program; providing for recoupment of license revenues lost due to statutorily designated free and reduced priced hunting and fishing licenses; providing for reports; providing an appropriation; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 179, HB 306 – An act relating to law enforcement; providing that a mutual aid agreement may contain specific emergency events for which law enforcement may respond without the governor's approval; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 29, HB 5 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; increasing the minimum age at which a defendant shall be subject to the death penalty for murder in the first degree; specifying applicability of provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 28, SF 15 – An act relating to private school licensing; modifying performance bonding amounts; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 97, HB 275 – Driver's licenses-revisions

  • Chapter 178, HB 246 – An act relating to environmental quality; amending the date on which the point source discharge permit fee is assessed; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 96, HB 156 – Involuntary commitment-emergency detention amendments

  • Chapter 95, HB 40 – Education accountability

  • Chapter 27, HB 44 – An act relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a sales and use tax exemption for machinery and machine tools used in manufacturing as specified; providing definitions; providing limitations; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 94, HB 139 – School finance-court ordered placement

  • Chapter 26, SF 17 – An act relating to civil actions and judicial proceedings; modifying the time in which a dormant judgment may be revived as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 93, HB 98 – LLC-dissolution distributions

  • Chapter 25, SF 9 – An act relating to circuit courts and judicial proceedings; amending requirements for retention of records as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 92, HB 41 – Court ordered placements-age restrictions

  • Chapter 24, SF 4 – An act relating to liens; providing for the filing of feeder's and breeder's liens as specified; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 23, SF 23 – An act relating to the state coin; designating the Sacajawea golden dollar coin as the state coin; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 22, SF 38 – An act relating to public offices; specifying, modifying and clarifying procedures for filling vacancies in certain offices; modifying time periods for filling vacancies; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 21, SF 21 – An act relating to administration of government; providing for local government audit information to be public as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 91, HB 79 – State funds equity investments pool

  • Chapter 90, HB 164 – Professional licensing boards-telemedicine/telehealth

  • Chapter 177, HB 75 – An act relating to unemployment compensation; clarifying conditions for termination of an employer's delinquent contribution rate; amending the size of projects that require incremental bond payments as specified; amending conditions for cancellation of overpayments; repealing obsolete provisions; making...

  • Chapter 89, HB 111 – County collective accounts

  • Chapter 176, HB 269 – An act relating to cities and towns; repealing requirements for elections to authorize the governing bodies of cities and towns to grant waterworks franchises; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 88, HB 254 – Public purpose investments

  • Chapter 175, HB 227 – An act relating to fair employment practices; adding discrimination based on pregnancy to the list of prohibited employment practices; and providing for an effective date