Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 28, SF 96 – An act relating to municipalities; providing for conducting and filing of survey of boundaries upon annexation; providing for filing of notice of survey with all special districts affected by annexation; modifying time of notice; deleting archaic language; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 27, HB 263 – An act relating to oil and gas; expanding rulemaking authority of the oil and gas conservation commission as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 26, HB 40 – An act relating to the administration of the government; amending duties of the select committee on developmental programs as specified; requiring reports; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 25, SF 59 – An act relating to state lands; directing that the interest in certain state lands be transferred to the department of state parks and cultural resources; directing the interest in certain state lands be transferred to the game and fish commission; providing an appropriation; reducing an appropriation; and...

  • Chapter 24, SF 4 – An act relating to criminal procedure; modifying the method of execution by lethal injection as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 23, HB 18 – An act relating to military service member protections; providing that state employees' military leave of absence applies to active duty service; specifying that employees of community colleges receive employment protections; amending definitions; extending reinstatement rights and state retirement credits,...

  • Chapter 22, SF 6 – An act relating to the national guard; authorizing the governor to designate honorary enlisted guard members; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 21, SF 10 – An act relating to the Wyoming military department; providing for fingerprinting and background checks for employment applicants and volunteers; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 20, HB 62 – An act relating to the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Funding Act; providing for funding of large projects under that act; specifying large projects approved for funding; providing appropriations; providing for reversion of funds; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 19, HB 9 – An act relating to corporations; prohibiting the issuance of bearer shares; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 18, HB 4 – An act relating to limited partnerships and registered limited liability partnerships; providing for reinstatement within two years of administrative dissolution or lapse of registration for failure to pay fees; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 17, HB 3 – An act relating to the department of transportation and commercial drivers licenses; requiring rulemaking for out-of-service orders as required by federal law; providing for a security threat assessment before issuance of a hazardous materials driver's license endorsement; coordinating penalties for certain...

  • Chapter 16, SF 39 – An act relating to game and fish violations; providing additional penalties for hunting when hunting privileges have been revoked or suspended; extending penalties; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 15, SF 20 – An act relating to professions and occupations; amending provisions relating to certified animal euthanasia technicians; providing a definition; amending fee provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • March 07, 2024

  • Chapter 7, HB 40 – School district trustee oath of office

  • Chapter 14, HB 11 – State land lease amendments

  • Chapter 16, SF 21 – Public utilities-net power cost sharing ratio

  • Chapter 1, SF 4 – Rehiring retired firefighters-continued retirement benefits

  • Chapter 21, HB 8 – Commercial driver license-hazardous materials endorsement

  • Chapter 9, HB 27 – DFS and law enforcement-cross reporting

  • March 08, 2024

  • Chapter 30, HB 15 – Health insurance-reimbursement of overpayments

  • March 11, 2024

  • Chapter 41, HB 31 – Peace officers-records and reporting

  • Chapter 34, SF 9 – Parental rights in education-1

  • March 13, 2024

  • Chapter 63, HB 145 – Open banking-amendments

  • Chapter 54, SF 79 – Malt beverage franchise agreements

  • Chapter 58, SF 22 – Public service commission-electricity reliability

  • Chapter 60, HB 83 – Public retirement-actuarially determined contributions

  • March 25, 2024

  • Chapter 20, HB 23 – Vehicle registration e-certificate and grace period

  • Chapter 17, HB 66 – Firefighter-cancer screening benefits

  • Chapter 2, SF 15 – Acceptance of retrocession-federal military installations

  • Chapter 13, HB 10 – Grace period-state land lease renewals

  • Chapter 3, SF 17 – Plane coordinates system-amendments

  • Chapter 4, HB 73 – Abandoned mine reclamation accounts

  • Chapter 11, HB 21 – Charter school leasing

  • Chapter 8, HB 46 – Chancery court-timeline for resolution of disputes

  • Chapter 12, HB 16 – Sutton state archaeological site-legal description

  • Chapter 19, HB 14 – Prior authorization regulations

  • Chapter 15, SF 30 – Influencing jurors and witnesses-judges amendment

  • Chapter 6, HB 72 – Worker's compensation-provision for adverse deviation

  • Chapter 5, HB 71 – Broadband development subaccount-amendments

  • Chapter 18, SF 3 – State employee leave for volunteer emergency services

  • Chapter 10, HB 26 – Emergency protective services-effective period

  • Chapter 64, HB 141 – State land oil and gas leases-operator requirement

  • Chapter 55, SF 12 – Meat processing plants-hides and carcasses

  • Chapter 57, SF 18 – Indian child welfare act-safe haven amendments

  • Chapter 66, HB 20 – School finance-regional cost adjustment study

  • Chapter 47, SF 48 – Patrol, warden and investigator retirement-contributions

  • Chapter 51, SF 60 – 2024 large project funding

  • Chapter 50, SF 50 – Unincorporated nonprofit DAO's

  • Chapter 61, HB 116 – Sage grouse implementation-notice to landowners