Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 99, SF 50 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; modifying the penalties for subsequent convictions of battery against a household member as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 32, HB 91 – Real estate loans-limitations

  • Chapter 98, HB 144 – An act relating to public health and safety; creating the Wyoming Emergency Response Act; creating the state emergency response commission; providing procedures for the response to the release of hazardous materials or a weapons of mass destruction incident as specified; authorizing local emergency planning...

  • Chapter 165, SF 109 – Autocycles

  • Chapter 31, HB 25 – Funeral Service Practitioners Act

  • Chapter 16, HB 6 – Tobacco product tax

  • Chapter 97, SF 59 – An act relating to a military assistance trust fund; creating a military assistance trust fund as specified; specifying eligibility for financial assistance from the interest on the trust funds; requiring an annual report; requiring rulemaking; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 30, HB 32 – Snowmobile permit and registration fees

  • Chapter 15, SF 69 – State board of parolecompensation

  • Chapter 96, HB 119 – An act relating to water development; providing for the compensation of water development commission members as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 164, SF 92 – Local governments-plan review authority

  • Chapter 14, SF 54 – Involuntary commitment proceduresauthorized recordings

  • Chapter 95, HB 1

  • Chapter 163, SF 108 – Lawsuits challenging state legislative acts

  • Chapter 162, SF 14 – Inoperative liquor licenses

  • Chapter 13, SF 52 – Partnership challenge loan programamendments

  • Chapter 161, HB 263 – Senior citizen district elections

  • Chapter 29, SF 82 – 2014 large project funding

  • Chapter 12, SF 43 – Department of transportation rulemaking

  • Chapter 28, SF 45 – Game and fish department-general fund budget requests

  • Chapter 11, SF 39 – Uniform Principal and Income Act

  • Chapter 160, SF 21 – Death certificates

  • Chapter 27, SF 78 – The Jason Flatt Act-2

  • Chapter 159, HB 288 – Game and fish fees

  • Chapter 10, SF 40 – Retention election of circuit judges

  • Chapter 158, HB 131 – Disposition of lottery proceeds

  • Chapter 26, HB 1 – General government appropriations

  • Chapter 9, SF 28 – Insurance code amendments

  • Chapter 25, SF 71 – Reversion of appropriations

  • Chapter 8, SF 11 – Wyoming education trust fund

  • Chapter 24, HB 10 – Water well permits

  • Chapter 7, SF 7 – Property tax redemptionattorney's fees

  • Chapter 23, SF 60 – VIN inspection authority-game and fish

  • Chapter 6, SF 5 – Game and fishduplicate licenses

  • Chapter 94, SF 47 – An act relating to elections; modifying procedures and other provisions relating to voting and registration; modifying provisions relating to public access to certain election, registration and voting records; implementing provisions relating to the federal Help America Vote Act; providing for access to...

  • Chapter 22, SF 51 – Workers' compensation coverage

  • Chapter 5, HB 41 – Uniform Interstate Family Support Act amendments

  • Chapter 93, SF 44 – An act relating to administration of government; clarifying and defining certain authorized investments of state funds; clarifying provision related to the state's retention of services for securities lending; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 4, HB 22 – State park fees

  • Chapter 21, SF 16 – Insurance-guaranty association model act

  • Chapter 3, HB 13 – Transportation of carcasses

  • Chapter 92, HB 148 – An act relating to administration of government; providing for expanded authorized expenditures under the business ready community program; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 2, SF 47 – Omnibus water billconstruction

  • Chapter 1, SF 36 – Minimum wage

  • Chapter 91, SF 5 – An act relating to juveniles; creating the Interstate Compact for Juveniles; repealing the previous Interstate Compact on Juveniles; specifying powers and duties of the Interstate Commission for Juveniles; specifying obligations and duties of compacting states; requiring an assessment of compacting states...

  • Chapter 90, HB 174 – An act relating to civil actions; amending immunity provisions relating to volunteer health care professionals and nonprofit health care facilities; amending requirements for nonprofit health care facilities to be insured as specified; making clarifying and conforming amendments; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 157, HB 119 – Senior citizen districts-use of revenues

  • Chapter 89, HB 146 – An act relating to judicial salaries; increasing judicial salaries as specified; providing for an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 156, HB 22 – Business entities-communications contact

  • Chapter 88, HB 139 – An act relating to mines and minerals; providing for the filing of mining claims as specified; and providing for an effective date