Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 159, SF 104 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; amending penalties for specified sexual offenses; establishing crimes for sexual abuse of minors as specified; providing penalties; amending definition of violent felony and other definitions; conforming provisions; repealing specified sexual offenses committed against...

  • Chapter 69, HB 60 – State investment policy

  • Chapter 158, SF 124 – An act relating to community colleges; providing appropriations for certain capital construction projects as specified; providing for carry over of unexpended funds; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 157, HB 96 – An act relating to child care; providing appropriations for the quality child care program; reappropriating a prior appropriation; providing an appropriation for the child care development fund program; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 3, HB 9 – An act relating to motor vehicles; authorizing the towing of overweight vehicles as specified; requiring a permit; establishing a fee; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 156, HB 95 – An act relating to child caring facilities; providing reporting requirements as specified; providing for professional development grants as specified; providing for business management services; providing for family strengthening programs; repealing executed and inconsistent provisions; repealing provisions...

  • Chapter 2, HB 8 – An act relating to the Wyoming national guard educational assistance plan; authorizing the adjutant general to waive training requirements as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 155, HB 69 – An act relating to the Uniform Trust Code; providing for the creation of qualified spendthrift trusts; specifying what constitutes qualified trust property; providing for qualified transfers of trust property and duties of trustees; providing for distribution of trust assets; specifying when and how trust...

  • Chapter 1, HB 6 – An act relating to taxation and revenue; repealing the excise tax on the commercial transportation of coal as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 154, SF 2 – An act relating to fiduciaries; creating the Wyoming Unitrust Act; authorizing the creation of or the conversion of an income trust to a unitrust; authorizing trustees latitude to invest trust funds for the benefit of current and future beneficiaries; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 153, HB 11 – An act relating to subdivisions; providing an additional holding period for the family exemption; providing an additional exemption; providing that transfers of stock within family corporations are eligible for the family exemption as specified; providing for documentation; providing conforming amendments;...

  • Chapter 152, SF 173 – An act relating to state employee compensation; modifying certain provisions of the state compensation plan; specifying factors used to determine rates of pay; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 68, HB 35 – Sponsorship of legislation

  • Chapter 151, SF 106 – An act relating to state symbols; designating western wheatgrass as the state grass of Wyoming; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 150, SF 31 – An act relating to motor vehicles; providing for issuance of a new certificate of title following the death of a joint owner as specified; providing for transfer of a vehicle by a surviving joint owner; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 67, HB 6 – Principle based reserving

  • Chapter 149, SF 127 – An act relating to the Medical Assistance and Services Act; expanding the list of third party payors to which the department's right of subrogation attaches; providing that the department's right of subrogation supersedes other statutes; providing that third party payors, as a condition of doing business,...

  • Chapter 148, SF 155 – An act relating to public funds; designating monies within certain higher education accounts as inviolate funds pursuant to article 15, section 2 0 of the Wyoming Constitution; prohibiting expenditure of principal accordingly; providing for investment by the state treasurer; authorizing investment of funds...

  • Chapter 147, HB 115 – An act relating to school finance; requiring the state superintendent of public instruction to review at-risk program strategies funded under the block grant model; specifically including alternative schools and imposing a moratorium on new alternative schools recognized under the model during the review...

  • Chapter 146, HB 279 – An act relating to fire protection districts; providing for division of fire protection districts; providing for petition to county commissioners; providing for protests; providing for distribution of assets and liabilities following division; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 145, SF 166 – An act relating to minerals; providing for the confidentiality of drilling reports as specified; modifying report requirements; requiring notice of the provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 144, SF 66 – An act relating to unemployment compensation contribution rates; providing that a positive fund balance adjustment factor be apportioned among employers as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 143, HB 197 – An act relating to the environmental quality council; authorizing the council to appoint a hearing officer as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 142, SF 78 – An act relating to telecommunications; recognizing competition from alternate providers; requiring certificates of public convenience and necessity for all telecommunications providers; providing definitions; repealing cost based pricing; providing for downward pricing flexibility for telecommunications...

  • Chapter 66, SF 126 – Guides and outfitters-penalties

  • Chapter 141, HB 247 – An act relating to the department of state parks and cultural resources; authorizing the collection, editing and publishing of archival documents of William F

  • Chapter 140, HB 93 – An act relating to taxation and revenue; removing the sales and use tax on food; repealing the optional reduction in sales and use tax rate based upon the general fund balance to stabilize revenue; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 65, SF 56 – Omnibus water bill-planning

  • Chapter 139, HB 124 – An act relating to eminent domain; establishing reclamation and restoration requirements; defining public purpose; requiring notice; requiring surveys to be provided to condemnee; providing measurements for good faith negotiations; providing for mediation or arbitration; providing for determinations for fair...

  • Chapter 64, SF 51 – Approval of water funds transfer

  • Chapter 63, SF 45 – Liquor dispensing rooms

  • Chapter 62, SF 15 – Special district budget requirements

  • Chapter 138, SF 33 – An act relating to motor vehicles; prohibiting transportation and possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles as specified; providing definitions and exceptions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 137, SF 85 – An act relating to the University of Wyoming; establishing the Wyoming conservation corps at the University of Wyoming; establishing a matching grant program; providing bridge funding pending the program becoming self-sufficient; requiring reports; providing for an appropriation; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 61, SF 36 – Education-leader evaluation and support

  • Chapter 60, SF 67 – CHIP-program amendments

  • Chapter 59, SF 27 – State archives-amendments

  • Chapter 58, SF 69 – Small employer health reinsurance program amendments

  • Chapter 136, HB 1 – An act relating to supplemental appropriations for the operation of state government; increasing or decreasing certain amounts; adjusting the number of authorized positions; modifying prior appropriations; making additional appropriations; making certain appropriations subject to the terms and conditions...

  • Chapter 57, SF 102 – Board of county commissioners designee-zoning certificates

  • Chapter 135, HB 29 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; modifying penalty for eluding a peace officer; including eluding peace officers enforcing specified watercraft laws as an offense subject to a surcharge for the crime victims' compensation account; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 56, SF 118 – Food freedom act-sales locations

  • Chapter 134, HB 50 – An act relating to oil and gas; modifying consent requirements necessary for the amendment of orders entered by the Wyoming oil and gas conservation commission or cooperative agreements relating to specified recovery operations; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 55, SF 48 – Farm loan program amendments

  • Chapter 133, HB 329 – An act relating to taxation and revenue; authorizing an increase in the optional sales and use tax for general purposes as specified; increasing the maximum limit of specified local optional taxes; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 54, SF 47 – State institution revenue accounts

  • Chapter 132, HB 302 – An act relating to the Wyoming professional assistance program; extending provisions of the program to teachers as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 131, HB 215 – An act relating to law enforcement dispatchers; authorizing the peace officers standards and training commission to establish standards for employment of dispatchers as specified; providing for revocation of certification; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 130, HB 42 – An act relating to education; amending the per child reimbursement amount for developmental preschool service providers as specified; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 129, HB 74 – An act relating to the department of health; requiring a portion of funding to community-based mental health and substance abuse programs to be withheld until specified conditions are met; providing for reversion of funds as specified; specifying applicability of the restriction; and providing for an...