Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 5, SF 29 – Supervised probation of misdemeanants

  • Chapter 139, SF 89 – Presumptive disability for firefighters

  • Chapter 4, SF 27 – Endowment challenge program-fees

  • Chapter 138, SF 155 – Bar and grill liquor license increase

  • Chapter 137, SF 123 – School nutrition pilot project

  • Chapter 3, SF 26 – Endowment challenge program-state funds inviolate

  • Chapter 136, SF 42 – Opiate overdose emergency treatment

  • Chapter 219, SF 89 – An act relating to long term care and the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act (Medicaid); modifying the Medicaid reimbursement formulas for nursing homes and other long term care facilities; modifying limitations on new nursing home construction; expanding the Medicaid home and community based waiver...

  • Chapter 2, SF 15 – Community college major maintenance

  • Chapter 218, SF 131 – An act relating to public health; providing for a comprehensive cancer control program; providing for screening and preventive treatment for colorectal cancer as a necessary support of the poor; providing for additional education, outreach and screening for breast and cervical cancer; creating a pain...

  • Chapter 1, SF 9 – Probation and parole agent arrest authority

  • Chapter 135, HB 20 – Honor and remember flag

  • Chapter 134, HB 165 – Acupuncture Practice Act

  • Chapter 133, HB 114 – Service and assistance animals

  • Chapter 68, HB 176 – An act relating to guardians; specifying who may be appointed as a guardian for an incompetent person or a minor; specifying the order of preference for appointments of guardians; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 217, SF 117 – An act relating to public health; creating the critical access and rural hospital endowment challenge account; providing for separate accounts for each critical access or rural hospital as specified; defining terms; imposing conditions and limitations; establishing a matching program based upon gifts...

  • Chapter 132, HB 80 – Transportation network companies

  • Chapter 67, HB 153 – An act relating to state parks, recreation areas, archeological and historic sites; modifying provisions relating to the disposition and use of fees from state parks, recreation areas, archeological sites and historic site permits; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 131, HB 222 – Background checks-access to federal tax information

  • Chapter 66, HB 7 – An act relating to the civil air patrol; transferring the civil air patrol from the department of transportation to the military department; specifying limitations on expenditures; repealing inconsistent provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 130, HB 161 – Divorce-residency

  • Chapter 65, SF 71 – An act relating to law enforcement retirement; imposing a vesting period for law enforcement nonduty related disability; modifying disability allowances under the state highway patrol, game and fish warden and criminal investigator retirement; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 64, HB 65 – An act relating to motor vehicles; modifying speed limit violations subject to reporting requirements and driver license suspensions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 216, SF 76 – An act relating to mental health and substance abuse services; providing appropriations; providing continuous appropriations; specifying conditions; authorizing positions; continuing a study of mental health and substance abuse service delivery systems; requiring reports; and providing for effective dates

  • Chapter 63, SF 31 – An act relating to state officers; creating a select legislative committee to study administrative issues relating to state elected officers; providing an appropriation; providing for a report; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 215, HB 219

  • Chapter 62, SF 58 – An act relating to circuit courts; eliminating requirement for accounts holding fines, costs and forfeitures to be interest bearing; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 214, HB 313 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; creating a crime involving the use of false identity, citizenship or resident alien documents; providing a penalty; providing for seizure; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 213, HB 326 – An act relating to motor vehicle license plates; authorizing special University of Wyoming license plates; specifying requirements; providing for termination of the issuance of the special plates and report of the termination as specified; providing for a fee and use of fees for student support and financial...

  • Chapter 212, SF 175 – An act relating to civil actions; providing for waiver of governmental immunity for specified contract health professionals providing services for state institutions and county jails; modifying limitations on damages; providing corresponding coverage under the local government and state self-insurance...

  • Chapter 211, SF 61 – An act relating to the Wyoming Pharmacy Act; revising the composition of the board of pharmacy and member eligibility as specified; revising pharmacy license fees as specified; revising qualifications for licensure by examination and by reciprocity; authorizing summary suspensions of licensees by the board;...

  • Chapter 61, HB 150 – An act relating to the University of Wyoming; establishing the athletics challenge account to be used for funding a university athletic facilities matching program; defining terms and specifying program conditions; providing for reversion of funds; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 210, SF 119 – An act relating to the Wyoming Dental Practice Act; providing immunity to board members and activities as specified; providing for a temporary educator's license; authorizing the dental hygienist member of the licensing board to be a full voting member; revising board member compensation as specified;...

  • Chapter 209, HB 300 – An act relating to adult protective services; modifying definitions relating to the abuse and exploitation of vulnerable adults; adding definitions; conforming existing statutes; providing for additional positions in the department of family services; providing an appropriation; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 208, HB 196 – An act relating to civil procedure; establishing maximum bond amounts on supersedeas bonds as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 60, HB 12 – An act relating to public health and safety; providing for the establishment of a fee system for specified water point source discharge permits; providing for implementation of the system; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 129, HB 88 – Background checks-enterprise technology services

  • Chapter 207, HB 251 – An act relating to driving while under the influence; amending the type of test that may be required by a peace officer to determine the controlled substance content in the vehicle operator's blood; clarifying circumstances under which a driver may choose the test to take; conforming language; and providing...

  • Chapter 128, SF 167 – Worker's compensation-rate discount, modification & credit

  • Chapter 206, HB 274 – An act relating to real property; requiring sellers to provide a disclosure statement to prospective buyers as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 59, HB 84 – An act relating to municipal annexations; extending the time for review in annexation proceedings; specifying the time for challenges to annexation ordinances under the Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 58, HB 110 – An act relating to alcoholic beverages; authorizing chambers of commerce to hold twenty-four hour malt beverage permits as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 57, HB 40 – An act relating to insurance; imposing certain restrictions and requirements relating to the issuance, renewal and cancellation of certain contracts of insurance as specified; providing for enforcement; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; and providing for effective dates

  • Chapter 56, HB 122 – An act relating to public lands; providing for industrial, commercial and recreational public land leases as specified; increasing the term of the lease; providing for administration; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 205, HB 76 – An act relating to the Wyoming livestock board; authorizing additional salaries, additional insurance contributions and additional retirement contributions for brand inspectors; providing an appropriation; specifying use of the appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 55, SF 68 – An act relating to retirement benefits under jurisdiction of the Wyoming retirement board; modifying benefit adjustments for cost-of-living increases; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 54, HB 164 – An act relating to conservation districts; amending audit and reporting requirements of conservation districts as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 204, SF 40 – An act relating to the board of agriculture; modifying the board composition; extending the board membership term; increasing the compensation as provided; providing a conforming amendment; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 127, SF 78 – Federal natural resource policy account

  • Chapter 126, SF 72 – 2017 Large project funding