Wyoming Session Laws

from January 01, 2001
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 3732

July 14, 2023

  • Chapter 78, SF 120 – An act relating to the Wyoming retirement system; modifying participation of rehired retirees under the system; specifying employer contributions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 77, HB 41 – An act relating to the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act; providing for emergency services for developmental disabilities and adult brain injuries under that act; granting rulemaking authority; requiring reports; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 76, HB 133 – An act relating to the department of health; authorizing the sharing of client information data within the department and from specified entities that have contracted with the department to provide services; providing limits on the sharing of client information as specified; specifying procedures for the use...

  • Chapter 75, HB 67 – An act relating to the interstate compact for the prevention and control of forest fires; adopting the compact; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 74, HB 151 – An act relating to taxation and revenue; increasing the authorized resort sales and use tax rate as specified; providing for termination of the tax; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 73, HB 127 – An act relating to economic development; creating the entertainment industry financial incentives program; authorizing incentives for qualified film productions; providing for administration of the program; providing penalties for false claims; providing an appropriation; providing a sunset for the program;...

  • Chapter 72, SF 25 – An act relating to driving under the influence; providing additional penalties for driving under the influence with a child in the vehicle; providing for investigation by child protective services; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 71, HB 72 – An act relating to probation and parole; providing that specified payments may be required as conditions of parole; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 70, HB 189 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; establishing elements for the crime of taking contraband into penal institutions and correctional facilities; providing definitions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 69, HB 195 – An act relating to crimes; making the killing or injuring of a police or corrections animal, fire dog or search and rescue dog a felony; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 68, HB 171 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; providing penalties for theft of fuel; providing for suspension of driver's license upon conviction of theft of fuel; correcting an omission in a citation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 67, HB 148 – An act relating to cities and towns; providing for vacation of public parks for school or educational purposes; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 66, HB 134 – An act relating to involuntary commitments; amending procedures for the involuntary commitment of persons with mental illnesses; eliminating a requirement that the Wyoming state hospital be the hospital of last resort; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 65, HB 15 – An act relating to state employee retirement; providing an appropriation for state employees serving in the United States military, as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 64, HB 14 – An act relating to the military department; authorizing the adjutant general to use either state or federal procurement procedures for contracts regarding state owned property; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 63, HB 7 – An act relating to fire protection districts; increasing the limitation on bonded indebtedness; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 62, HB 83 – An act relating to game and fish; modifying penalties for game and fish violations; providing for a lesser number of levels of misdemeanors; making conforming amendments; repealing provisions for levels of misdemeanors as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 61, HB 48 – An act relating to the Wyoming Health Care Decisions Act; amending terminology relating to health care providers and physicians; adding persons who may not be witnesses for a power of attorney for health care as specified; eliminating requirements for signing a power of attorney for health care; amending the...

  • Chapter 60, HB 26 – An act relating to domestic relations; authorizing great-grandparents to petition to establish visitation in specified circumstances; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 59, HB 65 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; providing that defrauding a drug or alcohol test is a crime as specified; establishing the elements of the crime; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 58, HB 30 – An act relating to cities and towns; allowing cites and towns to employ bands for concerts whose members are not residents of the city or town; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 57, HB 16 – An act relating to senior citizen and disabled adult services; modifying provisions relating to the community based in-home services program as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 56, HB 32 – An act relating to the senior services board; amending membership of the board; modifying basic and other grant distributions and administration of grant funds; providing for certain administrative costs to be paid from amounts otherwise available for grants, as specified; specifying initial term of...

  • Chapter 55, HB 149 – An act relating to administration of the government; expanding the duties of the advisory council on aging; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 54, HB 272 – An act relating to alcohol beverage licenses and permits; amending requirements for signing and verifying applications for licenses or permits as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 53, HB 77 – An act relating to crimes and offenses; providing for a prohibition against picketing and other forms of protesting at funerals; providing for penalties; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 52, HB 332 – An act relating to gambling; repealing definition of "bingo game" created by a 2007 enrolled act; specifying legislative intent; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 51, SF 23 – An act relating to gambling; amending definitions; clarifying that profit from gambling does not include benefits of proprietorship; providing standards for bingo games; limiting games to charitable and nonprofit organizations existing for three years; limiting persons authorized to operate games; specifying...

  • Chapter 50, SF 79 – An act relating to cities and towns; authorizing cities and towns to appoint special municipal officers who are not certified as peace officers; authorizing special municipal officers to issue citations to persons as specified; conforming provisions; providing limitations; providing a definition; and...

  • Chapter 49, SF 149 – An act relating to abandoned mine land funds; creating the abandoned mine land funds account; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 48, SF 109 – An act relating to school facilities; clarifying school facilities commission authority pertaining to school building and facility projects; clarifying district facility plan filing requirements and procedure; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 47, SF 97 – An act relating to administration of the government; providing for law enforcement retirement benefits as specified; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 46, SF 58 – An act relating to community colleges; removing restrictions on use of revenues from additional mill levies; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 45, SF 48 – An act relating to community colleges; increasing the percentage of unrestricted operating funds which may be carried forward to subsequent biennial periods; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 44, SF 19 – An act relating to insurance; amending provisions as necessary to maintain department accreditation; providing for actuarial opinions for property and casualty insurance providers; providing for filing of specified reports; providing definitions; providing for custody of insurance company securities; making...

  • Chapter 43, SF 18 – An act relating to insurance; repealing sunset date on rules governing disclosure of personal information; repealing sunset date on rules governing licensing of insurance producers; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 42, SF 17 – An act relating to insurance; providing for measure of health organization solvency; providing reporting requirements; providing for hearings; providing for confidentiality; providing exemptions; providing for immunity; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 41, HB 172 – An act relating to public employee retirement; modifying calculation for purchase of service credit; removing limitation on purchase of service credit; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 40, HB 221 – An act relating to the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act; adding specified controlled substances to schedules I through V of the act; moving a controlled substance from schedule V to schedule III of the act; adding chemical compounds as specified; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 39, HB 92 – An act relating to elections; providing for ballot formats; providing for transmittal of ballot counts; providing for rules; providing for placement of write in candidates on ballots; providing for position of independent candidates on ballots; providing for student poll workers; and providing for an...

  • Chapter 38, HB 56 – An act relating to limited partnerships; providing for limited liability limited partnerships; limiting liability of general partners in limited liability limited partnerships; providing for registration of foreign limited liability limited partnerships; providing definitions; providing conforming...

  • Chapter 37, HB 45 – An act relating to administration of government; modifying organization, powers and duties of the state employee compensation commission; providing for commission recommendations to be included in the state budgeting process as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 36, HB 20 – An act relating to courts; amending compensation for retired judges assigned to hear cases as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 35, HB 38 – An act relating to school districts; requiring bonding propositions for facility or facility feature enhancements to include a reserve or sinking fund for maintenance; expanding bonding purposes accordingly; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 34, HB 13 – An act relating to motor vehicles; providing for issuance of titles for and registration of multipurpose vehicles, as specified; amending definitions; providing a definition of multipurpose vehicle; providing for registration fees and display of licenses for multipurpose and other vehicles; prescribing...

  • Chapter 33, SF 30 – An act relating to state lands; distinguishing state lands from public lands; modifying legislative committee name; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 32, SF 8 – An act relating to registration of motor vehicles; authorizing transfer of license plates and stickers to another vehicle, as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 31, HB 64 – An act relating to counties; providing for the salaries of county attorneys and county and prosecuting attorneys as specified; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 30, SF 107 – An act relating to county and prosecuting attorneys; amending the amounts paid by the state for county and prosecuting attorneys and assistant county and prosecuting attorneys as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date

  • Chapter 29, SF 95 – An act relating to fire protection; providing for mutual aid agreements between noncontiguous cities and fire districts; providing immunity for fire protection districts acting outside district boundaries; providing for the use of tax revenues for provision of services pursuant to a mutual aid agreement; and...