Dick et Al v R
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Core Citations
This document cites
California - 83 Cal.App.2d 405, 655, People v. Doggett
Iowa - 27 Iowa 503 (Iowa. 1869), Close v. Samm
Kentucky - 17 S.W. 183 (Ky.App. 1891), Dorsey v. Commonwealth
Kentucky - 201 S.W. 475 (Ky.App. 1918), Parker v. Commonwealth
Vermont - 132 A.2d 623 (Vt. 1957), 1286, State v. Lionel R. Goyet
See all quotations
West Virginia - 180 S.E. 1 (W.Va. 1935), 8074, Moore v. Lowe
R v Khan (Lal)
R v O'Sullivan
Maxwell v DPP
George Smith
Mancini v DPP
R v Gilbert (Raymond)
Hyam v DPP
R v Whitfield (Melvyn)
R v Richards
R v Chapman
R v Moghal
R v Lake
R v Maxwell (Note)
DPP for Northern Ireland v Lynch
R v Howe; R v Bannister; R v Burke; R v Clarkson
R v Angeli
R v Kilbourne
R v Howe; R v Bannister; R v Burke; R v Clarkson
R v Cascoe
Harris v DPP
R v McInnes
Johnson v Youden
R v Nelson
Pooran v R
R v Boodram Lall
Frank Sookram v The State
The State v Gowkarran Persaud, Jowalla Persaud and Michael Boodram
The State v Abdool Azim Sattaur and Rafeek Mohamed
The State v Rudolph Baichandeen