William and Mary Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1997
Last Number: May 2023

College of William and Mary, Marshall Wythe School of Law
ISSN 0043-5589

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1171

December 01, 2008

  • Imperial and imperiled: the curious state of the executive.

  • I'll make you a deal: how repeat informants are corrupting the criminal justice system and what to do about it.

  • March 01, 2009

  • Original sin and judicial independence: providing accountability for justices.

  • Some thoughts about citizen lawyers.

  • The citizen lawyer - a brief informal history of a myth with some basis in reality.

  • 'Public service must begin at home': the lawyer as civics teacher in everyday practice.

  • What should citizens (as participants in a republican form of government) know about the Constitution?

  • A golden age of civic involvement: the client centered disadvantage for lawyers acting as public officials.

  • The citizen lawyer.

  • Lawyers as citizens.

  • The citizen lawyer and the administrative state.

  • Citizen as lawyer, lawyer as citizen.

  • Harmonizing the exclusionary rights of patents with compulsory licensing.

  • April 01, 2009

  • Diversity and discrimination: a look at complex bias.

  • Tort experiments in the laboratories of democracy.

  • Leaving the Chisholm trail: the Eleventh Amendment and the background principle of strict construction.

  • Courting specialization: an empirical study of claim construction comparing patent litigation before federal district courts and the International Trade Commission.

  • An end-run around the takings clause? The law and economics of Bivens actions for property rights violations.

  • Taking aim at Tiahrt.

  • May 01, 2009

  • Corruption of religion and the establishment clause.

  • Dr. Miles is dead. Now what? Structuring a rule of reason for evaluating minimum resale price maintenance.

  • The economics of deal risk: allocating risk through MAC clauses in business combination agreements.

  • The content/envelope distinction in Internet law.

  • New theories of guilt on appeal in Virginia criminal cases.

  • Clarifying departmentalism: how the framers' vision of judicial and presidential review makes the case for deductive judicial supremacy.

  • October 01, 2009

  • Randomization in adjudication.

  • Federalism, forum shopping, and the foreign injury paradox.

  • Contingent constitutionalism: state and local criminal laws and the applicability of federal constitutional rights.

  • How the new economics can improve employment discrimination law, and how economics can survive the demise of the 'rational actor'.

  • Voting with their feet and dollars: the role of investors and the influence of the mutual fund market in regulating fees.

  • Suspicionless border seizures of electronic files: the overextension of the border search exception to the Fourth Amendment.

  • November 01, 2009

  • Introduction: boundaries of intellectual property symposium.

  • Trademarks and the boundaries of the firm.

  • Administering fair use.

  • Statutory damages in copyright law: a remedy in need of reform.

  • Economies of desire: fair use and marketplace assumptions.

  • A new deal for end users? Lessons from a French innovation in the regulation of interoperability.

  • The new invention creation activity boundary in patent law.

  • Rules and standards on the forefront of patentability.

  • Distinguishing lost profits from reasonable royalties.

  • Patent examination priorities.

  • Developing a private international intellectual property law: the demise of territoriality?

  • Spillovers theory and its conceptual boundaries.

  • How to write a life: some thoughts on fixation and the copyright/privacy divide.

  • An alternate approach to channeling?

  • December 01, 2009

  • Self-realizing inventions and the utilitarian foundation of patent law.

  • Playing by the rules: combating al Qaeda within the law of war.

  • The hidden legacy of Holy Trinity Church: the unique national institution canon.

  • A new look at the original meaning of the diversity clause.

  • Avoiding another Eldorado: balancing parental liberty and the risk of error with governmental interest in the well-being of children in complex cases of child removal.