William and Mary Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1997
Last Number: May 2023

College of William and Mary, Marshall Wythe School of Law
ISSN 0043-5589

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1171

October 01, 2015

  • Basing budget baselines.

  • Basing budget baselines.

  • A new fulcrum point for city survival.

  • A new fulcrum point for city survival.

  • Measuring monopsony: using the antitrust toolbox to protect market competition and help the television consumer.

  • Parting the dark money sea: exposing politically active tax-exempt groups through FEC-IRS hybrid enforcement.

  • November 01, 2015

  • Personal jurisdiction based on the local effects of intentional misconduct.

  • Personal jurisdiction based on the local effects of intentional misconduct.

  • Forfeiting trust.

  • Forfeiting trust.

  • Fiduciary governance.

  • Fiduciary governance.

  • The costs of easy victory.

  • Drugs for the indigent: a proposal to revise the 340B drug pricing program.

  • NCAA and the rule of reason: analyzing improved education quality as a procompetitive justification.

  • January 01, 1997

  • On the danger of wearing two hats: Mistretta and Morrison revisited.

  • What's guilt (or deterrence) got to do with it? The death penalty, ritual, and mimetic violence.

  • Adjudication in Indian country: the confusing parameters of state, federal, and tribal jurisdiction.

  • The Cigarette Papers.

  • Smokescreen: The Truth Behind the Tobacco Industry Cover-up.

  • Ashes to Ashes: America's Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris.

  • Of Pitcairn's Island and American constitutional theory.

  • Theoretical bang and practical whimper? An illustrative analysis based on lower court treatment of the Child Support Recovery Act.

  • The test for seaman status: the Supreme Court muddies the waters again.

  • March 01, 1997

  • The politics of takings: choosing the appropriate decisionmaker.

  • Muddle or muddle through? Takings jurisprudence meets the Endangered Species Act.

  • Inserting the last remaining pieces into the takings puzzle.

  • The delicate art of balance - ruminations on change and expectancy in local land use.

  • Counting votes and discounting holdings in the Supreme Court's takings cases.

  • The takings-puzzle puzzle.

  • The Armstrong principle, the narratives of takings, and compensation statutes.

  • How takings legislation could improve environmental regulation.

  • Rolling the 'barrel' a little further: allowing res ipsa loquitur to assist in proving strict liability in tort manufacturing defects.

  • Everything old is new again: reaching the limits of INDOPCO's future benefits with the just-in-time management philosophy.

  • May 01, 1997

  • Guns, words, and constitutional interpretation.

  • CERCLA's mistakes.

  • Liberty, trade, and the Uniform Commercial Code: when should default rules be based on business practices?

  • Is 'diligent prosecution of an action in a court' required to preempt citizen suits under the major federal environmental statutes?

  • A would-be tiger: assessing Vietnam's prospects for gaining most favored nation status from the United States.

  • July 01, 1997

  • The free exercise thereof.

  • Multiemployer bargaining, antitrust law, and team sports: the contingent choice of a broad exemption.

  • Legislative heart and phase transitions: an exploratory study of Congress and minority interests.

  • Outtakes, hidden cameras, and the First Amendment: a reporter's privilege.

  • From fear to rage: black rage as a natural progression from and functional equivalent of battered woman syndrome.

  • October 01, 1997

  • Divorce and domicile: time to sever the knot.

  • Forum on attorney's fees in copyright cases: are we running through the jungle now or is the old man still stuck down the road?

  • Modern discrimination theory and the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Three versions of tax reform.

  • Addressing the cloud over employee references: a survey of recently enacted state legislation.

  • Getting wireless carriers wired for less: an argument for federal regulation of LEC-CMRS interconnection agreements.