William and Mary Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1997
Last Number: May 2023

College of William and Mary, Marshall Wythe School of Law
ISSN 0043-5589

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1171

November 01, 2011

  • Regulating governmental data mining in the United States and Germany: constitutional courts, the state, and new technology.

  • Partisan conflicts over presidential authority.

  • Is legality political?

  • Contracting for procedure.

  • Federalism under Obama.

  • Disparate impact realism.

  • Tragic rights: the rights critique in the age of Obama.

  • Technologies of control and the future of the First Amendment.

  • January 01, 2012

  • Plausibility beyond the complaint.

  • March 01, 2012

  • Interpretive contestation and legal correctness.

  • The structural role of private enforcement mechanisms in public law.

  • Explaining the Supreme Court's shrinking docket.

  • Disability cause lawyers.

  • The 'flesh and blood' defense.

  • Negligent hiring and the information age: how state legislatures can save employers from inevitable liability.

  • April 01, 2012

  • Our federalism(s).

  • Release as remedy for excessive punishment.

  • Revisiting the impact of judicial review on agency rulemakings: an empirical investigation.

  • Katz cradle: holding on to Fourth Amendment parity in an age of evolving electronic communication.

  • Neuroscience in the courtroom: an international concern.

  • May 01, 2012

  • Free speech and parity: a theory of public employee rights.

  • The null patent.

  • Unintentional levels of force in s. 1983 excessive force claims.

  • November 01, 2012

  • Spandrel or Frankenstein's monster? The vices and virtues of retrofitting in American law.

  • The structural constitutional principle of Republican legitimacy.

  • The structural constitutional principle of Republican legitimacy.

  • The litigation finance contract.

  • The litigation finance contract.

  • The role of aspiration in corporate fiduciary duties.

  • The role of aspiration in corporate fiduciary duties.

  • In name only: how Major League Baseball's reliance on its antitrust exemption is hurting the game.

  • Applying equitable estoppel to ERISA pension benefit claims.

  • February 01, 2013

  • General law in federal court.

  • General law in federal court.

  • Untethered norms after Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins: positivism, international law, and the return of the "brooding omnipresence".

  • The federal common law of statutory interpretation: Erie for the age of statutes.

  • The federal common law of statutory interpretation: Erie for the age of statutes.

  • Can Erie survive as federal common law.

  • Law's dark matter.

  • How customary is customary international law?

  • A critical guide to Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins.

  • A critical guide to Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins.

  • Valid rule due process challenges: Bond v. United States and Erie's constitutional source.

  • Why jurisprudence doesn't matter for customary international law.

  • A general theory of governance: due process and lawmaking power.

  • A general theory of governance: due process and lawmaking power.

  • March 01, 2013

  • Copyright essentialism and the performativity of remedies.

  • Copyright essentialism and the performativity of remedies.

  • Nonmarket values in family businesses.

  • Nonmarket values in family businesses.