William and Mary Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1997
Last Number: May 2023

College of William and Mary, Marshall Wythe School of Law
ISSN 0043-5589

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1171

December 01, 2006

  • The diversity rationale for affirmative action in employment after Grutter: the case for containment.

  • March 01, 2007

  • Political judging: when due process goes international.

  • Erie, the class action fairness act, and some federalism implications of diversity jurisdiction.

  • When 2 or 3 come together.

  • A products liability theory for the judicial regulation of insurance policies.

  • Secondary liability for actively inducing patent infringement: which intentions pave the road?

  • The tax consequences of the statutory right of redemption in property foreclosures.

  • April 01, 2007

  • Four reflections on law and morality.

  • Introductory remarks.

  • Law's limited domain confronts morality's universal empire.

  • Moral and religious convictions as categories for special treatment: the exemption strategy.

  • Introductory remarks: contract law and morality.

  • The moral impossibility of contract.

  • Contract as a transfer of ownership.

  • Morality and contract: the question of paternalism.

  • Legal determinacy and moral justification.

  • Introductory remarks: criminal law panel.

  • The jurisprudence of punishment.

  • The role of moral philosophers in the competition between deontological and empirical desert.

  • Introductory remarks.

  • The morality of property.

  • The moral subject of property.

  • Three reasons why even good property rights cause moral anxiety.

  • Introductory remarks: explaining tort law.

  • As if it had never happened.

  • Sleight of hand.

  • Derailing the gravy train: a three-pronged approach to end fraud in mass tort medical diagnosing.

  • 'Unspeakable justice': the Oswaldo Martinez case and the failure of the legal system to adequately provide for incompetent defendants.

  • May 01, 2007

  • Discrimination and outrage: the migration from civil rights to tort law.

  • Outsourcing and the globalizing legal profession.

  • Tying conspiracies.

  • Killing Roger Coleman: habeas, finality, and the innocence gap.

  • Unconstitutional conditional release: a pyrrhic victory for arrestees' privacy rights under United States v. Scott.

  • Rolling over borrowers: preventing excessive refinancing and other necessary changes in the payday loan industry.

  • October 01, 2007

  • The mythic 43 million Americans with disabilities.

  • Unfulfilled expectations: an empirical analysis of why Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblowers rarely win.

  • Contractual expansion of the scope of patent infringement through field-of-use licensing.

  • The new Massachusetts health law: preemption and experimentation.

  • Sentencing acquitted conduct to the post-Booker dustbin.

  • Looking forward while looking back: using debtors' post-petition financial changes to find bankruptcy abuse after BAPCPA.

  • November 01, 2007

  • The curious complications with back-end opt-out rights.

  • The price of misdemeanor representation.

  • Contributory disparate impacts in employment discrimination law.

  • The preemployment ethical role of lawyers: are lawyers really fiduciaries?

  • Keep out of MySpace!: protecting students from unconstitutional suspensions and expulsions.

  • 'You fall into Scylla in seeking to avoid Charybdis': the Second Circuit's pragmatic approach to supervised release for sex offenders.

  • December 01, 2007

  • Securitizing audit failure risk: an alternative to caps on damages.

  • The empire of illness: competence and coercion in health-care decision making.

  • The common law genius of the Warren Court.

  • Child welfare's paradox.