Suffolk University Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from December 2007
Last Number: March 2023

Suffolk University Law School
ISSN 0039-4696

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 508

December 22, 2007

  • Massachusetts paves the way: a comparison between the confrontation right guaranteed by the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions in light of Crawford v. Washington.

  • Plurality decisions in the Supreme Court of the United States: a reexamination of the Marks doctrine after Rapanos v. United States.

  • Civil procedure - sufficiency of evidence not reviewable in absence of post-verdict judgment as a matter of law or new trial motion - Unitherm Food Systems, Inc. v. Swift-Eckrich, Inc.

  • The Pension Protection Act of 2006: is it too late to save traditional pension plans?

  • Corporate law - primary-violator liability under 10(b) applies to outside business partners in suits brought by shareholders - Simpson v. AOL Time Warner, Inc.

  • The vanishing substance-procedure distinction in contemporary corporate litigation: an essay.

  • Religion, polygamy, and non-traditional families: disparate views on the evolution of marriage in history and in the debate over same-sex unions.

  • The employees' quest for medical record privacy under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

  • Corporate law - Massachusetts limits tolling of statute of limitations for breach of fiduciary duties in closely held corporations - Aiello v. Aiello.

  • Criminal law - innocent third parties deserve greater Fourth Amendment protections than criminal suspects and defendants - Commonwealth v. Draheim.

  • Paying for cable in Boston, watching it on a laptop in L.A.: does Slingbox violate federal copyright laws?

  • Serious emotional disturbances: children's fight for community-based services through Medicaid litigation.

  • Retaliation in the wake of Burlington Northern: making the case for an updated standard for proving an adverse action in Massachusetts under Chapter 151B.

  • Tripping over TRIPs: is compulsory licensing under eBay at odds with U.S. statutory requirements and TRIPs?

  • March 22, 2008

  • Constitutional law - First Circuit questions correctional facility's blanket ban on inmate preaching.

  • Labor and employment law - First Circuit upholds Department of Labor's broad construction of the FMLA.

  • Constitutional law - diminished expectations of privacy and the human genome: circuits align on mandatory DNA profiling of convicted felons.

  • Labor and employment law - uncertainty over burden of proof for mixed motive employee discharge.

  • Criminal Law - First Circuit allows guilty plea for misprision to stand under plain error review.

  • Criminal law - First Circuit upholds constitutionality of juvenile convictions as predicate offenses under the Armed Career Criminal Act.

  • Commercial and consumer credit law - First Circuit properly construes holder in due course doctrine under Massachusetts Law.

  • Labor and employment law - a deferential standard for administrators within a statute meant to protect workers.

  • Criminal law - derivative entrapment defense applies when government agent acts through unsuspecting middleman to induce targeted defendant.

  • Commercial and consumer credit law - class action remedy unavailable in First Circuit for plaintiffs seeking rescission under Truth in Lending Act.

  • Constitutional law - First Circuit vacates preemption finding relating to three Massachusetts Oil Spill Prevention Act provisions.

  • Securities law - First Circuit limits scope of "safe harbor" disclosure loophole under misappropriation theory of insider trading.

  • Administrative law - First Circuit decides qualified federal law enforcement privilege outweighs state's prerogative to enforce criminal code.

  • Federal jurisprudence - the First Circuit construes plurality opinions to expand the reach of the Clean Water Act.

  • Constitutional law - First Circuit requires minimal commercial effect for RICO violations based on local noneconomic activity.

  • Criminal law - First Circuit holds federal courts lack jurisdiction to expunge criminal records on equitable grounds.

  • December 22, 2008

  • The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement: The Battle for Control of the Law.

  • Casting new light on a continuing problem: re-considering the scope and protections offered by Massachusetts's Condominium Conversion regulations.

  • Criminal procedure.

  • Chapter 40B should buy the farm.

  • The 2007 Roberts Court education law cases: reaffirmation or cut-back of student rights?

  • Copying copyright's willful infringement standard: a comparison of enhanced damages in patent law and copyright law.

  • The need for compromise: introducing Indian gaming and commercial casinos to Massachusetts.

  • How the Supreme Court talks about abortion: the implications of a shifting discourse.

  • Retired tenured professors' early retirement plan compensation subject to Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxation.

  • "Weighting" for protection in Massachusetts: the myth of equal opportunity in employment.

  • The new federalization movement and the Roberts Court.

  • Tort law.

  • Employment discrimination law in the wake of Ledbetter: a recommended approach.

  • Detention and interrogation in the post-9/11 world?

  • September 22, 2008

  • A theory of adjudication: law as magic.

  • Educating workers about labor rights and global wrongs through documentary film.

  • Constitutional law.

  • Working (with) workers: implementing theory.

  • An introduction to the legal profession in China in the year 2008.

  • The Gospel according to the state: an analysis of Massachusetts adoption laws and the closing of Catholic Charities adoption services.