Suffolk University Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from December 2007
Last Number: March 2023

Suffolk University Law School
ISSN 0039-4696

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 508

June 22, 2009

  • Contractarianism and its discontents: reflections on unincorporated business organization law reform.

  • A single theory of limited liability companies: an evolutionary analysis.

  • LLCs and nonprofit organizations - for-profits, nonprofits, and hybrids.

  • The plight of the bare naked assignee.

  • My dog ate my email: creating a comprehensive adverse inference instruction standard for spoliation of electronic evidence.

  • Are the courts developing a unique theory of limited liability companies or simply borrowing from other forms?

  • Morse v. Frederick one year later: new limitations on student speech and the "Columbine factor".

  • Opportunity lost? The ineffective assistance doctrine's applicability to foregone plea bargains.

  • External entities and internal aggregates: a deconstructionist conundrum.

  • Two for the T, three for you and me: the MBTA's exception to the three-year statute of limitations.

  • Limited liability companies at 20.

  • January 01, 2010

  • Eliminating the risk to taxpayers: privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

  • Criminal procedure - good-faith exception to exclusionary rule extends to illegal searches based on police recordkeeping errors - Herring v. United States.

  • Five is a crowd: a constitutional analysis of the Boston zoning amendment prohibiting more than four college students from living together.

  • Immigration Law - second drug offense not aggravated felony merely because of possible felony recidivist prosecution - Alsol v. Mukasey.

  • When law firms fail.

  • Citation of foreign decisions in constitutional adjudication: the relevance of the democratic deficit.

  • Judicial review, judicial activism, queer rights, and literature: a conversation between the honorable Michael Kirby and Professor Ruthann Robson.

  • Journalistic freedom and privacy: a case of relative compatibility.

  • Citation to foreign decisions in constitutional adjudication.

  • A step back from substantive competition policy convergence: the international implications of Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc.

  • The failure of the PRO-IP Act in a consumer-empowered era of information production.

  • Twombly and Iqbal: the latest retreat from notice pleading.

  • Sentencing law - Sixth Circuit affirms sentence enhancement based on acquitted conduct.

  • March 22, 2010

  • Employment Discrimination Law - Sixth Circuit denies standing to former smployees under Title I of Americans with Disabilities Act - McKnight v. General Motors Corporation.

  • Denying choice of forum: an interference by the Massachusetts trial court with domestic violence victims' rights and safety.

  • Oil and water: how the polluted wake of the Exxon Valdez has endangered the essence of punitive damages.

  • Legislation is necessary for deferred prosecution of corporate crime.

  • A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn't Mean What It Meant Before.

  • E-discovery in criminal cases: a need for specific rules.

  • Administrative law - government agency withholding information, reimbursing attorney fees - Davy v. Central Intelligence Agency.

  • Trusts and estates law - knowledge of successor trustee sufficient to commence statute of limitations - O'Connor v. Redstone.

  • A look at the smallest circuit.

  • Lost chances, felt necessities, and the tale of two cities.

  • June 22, 2010

  • Criminal procedure - First Circuit establishes less demanding requirement of particularized need to access prior grand jury testimony - In re Grand Jury.

  • A constitutional court for China within the Chinese Communist Party: scientific development and a reconsideration of the institutional role of the CCP.

  • Criminal procedure - Supreme Judicial Court delineates method for application of forfeiture to indigent criminal defendant - Commonwealth v. Means.

  • Forgotten trust: a check-the-box Achilles' heel.

  • CEO, CFO, COO ... cube dweller? Attorney-client privilege and corporate communication: whose communications should Massachusetts law protect?

  • As Montville, Maine goes, so goes Wolcott, Vermont? A primer on the local regulation of genetically modified crops.

  • The Communist Party and the law: an outline of formal and less formal linkages between the ruling party and other legal institutions in the People's Republic of China.

  • Constitutional law - Ninth Circuit upholds constitutionality of felon-in-possession of body armor statute with de minimus jurisdictional element - United States v. Alderman.

  • Criminal procedure - government may not introduce evidence derived from illegal private wiretaps despite its "clean hands" - United States v. Crabtree.

  • Nulla poena sine lege in China: rigidity or flexibility?

  • Beware the federal government bearing gifts: how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 could become a whistleblowing trojan horse.

  • Foreword: symposium on constitutional review in China.

  • Federal civil practice - local district court rule does not provide judge authority to order "narrowcast" of motion hearing - In re Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

  • A comment on the rise and fall of the Supreme People's Court's reply to Qi Yuling's case.

  • Constitutional review in China: an unaccomplished project or a mirage?

  • January 01, 2011

  • Five realities about the current financial and economic crises.