Suffolk University Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from December 2007
Last Number: March 2023

Suffolk University Law School
ISSN 0039-4696

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 508

January 01, 2011

  • Forward to states in the vanguard: protecting consumers during the financial crisis.

  • Up in smoke? Commercial free speech in the United States and the European Union: why comprehensive tobacco advertising bans work in Europe, but fail in the United States.

  • Voices of the Death Penalty Debate: A Citizen's Guide to Capital Punishment.

  • Justice undeterred: a call for Massachusetts legislation on post-conviction DNA access.

  • Can public nuisance law protect your neighborhood from big banks?

  • Small-dollar loans, big problems: how states protect consumers from abuses and how the federal government can help.

  • Constitutional law - Seventh Circuit applies Ex parte Young doctrine to allow state agency's action against state officials - Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services v. Indiana Family and Social Services Administration.

  • Indefinite detention after Boumediene: judicial trailblazing in uncharted and unfamiliar territory.

  • Model citizenship: the Supreme Court redefines principal place of business.

  • Constitutional law - warrants required to search cell phones seized incident to arrest - State v. Smith.

  • The finger in the dike: state and local laws combat the foreclosure tide.

  • September 22, 2010

  • Arbitration law - Second Circuit holds Section 7 of the Federal Arbitration Act does not permit arbitration panels to issue prehearing document subpoenas to nonparties - Life Receivables Trust v. Syndicate 102 at Lloyd's of London.

  • Carbon dioxide: our newest pollutant.

  • Making homes safer with safe homes: a look at the controversial way Boston attempted to reduce youth violence.

  • Corporate law - interested board of director's termination of sales process subject to entire fairness review - Gantler v. Stephens.

  • Consumer law - buy before you sue: standing to sue for ticket scalping requires purchase - Herman v. Admit One Ticket Agency LLC.

  • Employment law - Title VII does not extend to third-party retaliation claim by fiancee of discrimination claimant - Thompson v. North American Stainless, LP.

  • Client files and digital law practices: rethinking old concepts in an era of lawyer mobility.

  • The impact of Gross v. FBL Financial Services, Inc. and the meaning of the but-for requirement.

  • A National Security Agenda revisited.

  • The frequency, predictability, and proportionality of jury awards of punitive damages in State Courts in 2005: a new audit.

  • The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999: a bridge too far? Or not far enough?

  • Criminal law - Fourth Circuit allows (section) 3582(c) (2) sentence modification under Rule 11 plea agreement to specific term - United States v. Dews.

  • Constitutional Law - Court of International Trade holds Article III standing not required to intervene in existing litigation - Canadian Wheat Board v. United States.

  • March 22, 2012

  • Discriminatory opportunism: why undertaking self-employment to mitigate damages creates unique challenges.

  • Civil Procedure - Ninth Circuit focuses on importance of subsidiary rather than control to impose general jurisdiction over foreign corporation - Bauman v. DaimlerChrysler Corp.

  • What's going on? The right to confrontation.

  • Constitutional reform and the abolition of the mandatory death penalty in Kenya.

  • Insuring the knot: the Massachusetts approach to postnuptial agreements.

  • Only as strong as the missing link: the unsteady constitutionality of the Adam Walsh Act.

  • Legal guardianship of individuals incapacitated by mental illness: where do we draw the line?

  • The Federalist Papers, the Commerce Clause, and federal tort reform.

  • June 22, 2011

  • Criminal law - Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts fails to require statistical analysis for nonexclusion DNA test results.

  • June 22, 2012

  • The Holmesian bad man flubs his entrance.

  • Contract is not promise; contract is consent.

  • Theories of contract law and enforcing promissory morality: comments on Charles Fried.

  • The sacred and profane contracts machine: the complex morality of contract law in action.

  • Do promises distinguish contract from tort?

  • 'Contract as Promise' thirty years on.

  • Promises and prices.

  • Virtue ethics and efficient breach.

  • The promise principle and contract interpretation.

  • On the new pluralism in contract theory.

  • Contract as meaning: an introduction to "Contract as Promise at 30".

  • The expectation remedy and the promissory basis of contract.

  • Promise and private law.

  • The equitable dimension of contract.

  • Promissory autonomy, imperfect courts, and the immorality of the expectation damages default.

  • March 22, 2013

  • Choosing a home: when should children make autonomous choices about their home life?

  • Not a bad idea: the increasing need to clarify free appropriate public education provisions under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.