Suffolk Transnational Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from December 2007
Last Number: June 2022

Suffolk University Law School
ISSN 1072-8546

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 287

December 22, 2007

  • Precedent of the European Convention on Human Rights to the CIA'S high value detainees program in and through Europe.

  • The use of cluster munitions in the war on terrorism.

  • International trade law - original DSB rulings apply to subsequent remedial measures.

  • International law - core characteristics test determines "agency or instrumentality" status for takings exception to Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.

  • Private security contractors in Iraq violate laws of war.

  • Un-informed consent: the United Nation's failure to appropriately police clinical trials in developing nations.

  • Interim measures and civil litigation.

  • Opening for business in India: retailers' options.

  • Interim measures and civil litigation.

  • June 22, 2008

  • Three narratives of Medellin v. Texas.

  • Medellin v. Texas: implications of the Supreme Court's decision for the United States and the rule of law in international affairs.

  • Making sense of the U.S. President's intervention in Medellin.

  • Medellin, Avena, the supremacy of treaties, and relevant executive authority.

  • The anti-commandeering doctrine and foreign policy federalism - the missing issue in Medellin v. Texas.

  • International law, the United States of America and capital punishment.

  • The right to consular notification as a human right.

  • The Medellin v. Texas Symposium: a case worthy of comment.

  • December 22, 2008

  • The Union of South American Nations: the new(est) regionalism in Latin America.

  • Drawing dead: recognizing problems with Congress' attempt to regulate the online gambling industry and the negative repercussions to international trade.

  • Creating a torture culture.

  • "Not our problem": Russia's resistance to joining the Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings.

  • Performance enhancement: what the Israel Baseball League can learn from the agreement between Major League Baseball and Japan.

  • International law - I.C.J. maintains high evidentiary standard in granting requests for indication of provisional measures: Argentina v. Uruguay: request for the indication of provisional measures, January 23, 2007.

  • China's influence on the American legal system resulting from China's rise to power.

  • International arbitration - ICSID jurisdiction under NAFTA - Bayview Irrigation District v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/05/1, award 19 June 2007.

  • Agency and constitutional law - civil liability of United States officials for acts committed against non-resident aliens - Rasul V. Myers, 512 F.3d 644 (D.C. Cir. 2008).

  • Public law as the law of the res publica.

  • September 22, 2009

  • A growing headache: the prevalence of international counterfeit pharmaceutical trade in developing African nations.

  • U.N.-safe: the global road safety crisis in Africa.

  • International taxation: a guide for academics abroad.

  • The right to food for all: a right-based approach to hunger and social inequality.

  • International law - the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction - father failed to establish that he maintained rights of custody under Chilean law - Villegas Duran v. Arribada Beaumont.

  • The WTO dispute settlement system: administration, court or tertium genus?

  • Executing the death penalty: international law influences on United States Supreme Court decision-making in capital punishment cases.

  • International law - prohibition on refoulement - remedies - Maher Arar v. John Ashcroft.

  • June 22, 2009

  • Causation, morality, and quantum.

  • Should arbitrators live on Mars? Challenge of arbitrators in investment arbitration.

  • Investor-state arbitration - ICSID suggests caution in resting treaty claims on disputes over which tribunals can decline jurisdiction - Duke Energy Electroquil Partners & Electroquil S.A. v. Republic of Ecuador.

  • The investor and civil society as twin global citizens: proposing a new interpretation in the legitimacy debate.

  • Forbidding depecage: law governing investment treaty arbitration.

  • Passport, s'il vous plait? Investment treaty protection and the individual investor's citizenship.

  • The overwhelming merits of bilateral investment treaties.

  • Investor-state arbitration: where does China stand?

  • Toward a minimalist system of international investment law?

  • December 22, 2010

  • International law - rights of access with ne exeat clause do not create rights of custody under Hague Convention - Abbott v. Abbott.

  • International legal protection for women and female children: Rwanda - a case study.

  • The plight of the persecuted: the European Union and United States asylum law.

  • Trading in the carbon market: leveling the playing field in sustainable investment.

  • International law and laws of war and international criminal law - prosecution of child soldiers - United States v. Omar Ahmed Khadr.

  • The responsibility to protect and the duty to prevent genocide: lessons to be learned from the role of the international community and the media during the Rwandan genocide and the conflict in the former Yugoslavia.