Suffolk Transnational Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from December 2007
Last Number: June 2022

Suffolk University Law School
ISSN 1072-8546

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 287

January 01, 2012

  • Strengthening the rule of virtue and finding Chinese law in 'other' places: gods, kin, guilds, and gifts.

  • U.S. Corporation going European? The one-tier societas Europaea (SE) in Germany.

  • U.S. Corporation going European? The one-tier societas Europaea (SE) in Germany.

  • Fails so good: an examination of the United Nations' ineffective implementation of Resolution 1820 in Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • A waterspring in the desert: advancing human rights within Sharia tribunals.

  • June 22, 2013

  • Results-based lending and the evolving fiduciary and safeguard policy requirements of the World Bank's lending operations.

  • Dangerous precedents: circumventing extradition to implement the death penalty.

  • Above capacity: relieving overcrowded prison systems in Latin America with international drug control reform.

  • The certainties in life: death, taxes, and global warming? An analysis of border tax adjustments as incentives for promoting worldwide energy efficiency.

  • Epic failure: the uncomfortable truth about the United States' role in the failure of the global war on drugs and how it is going to fix it.

  • Second Circuit denies interlocutory appeal of discovery sanctions requiring foreign defendant to violate bank secrecy laws.

  • Ninth Circuit issues preliminary injunction recognizing activist conservation society as pirates.

  • Neglected consequences of the terrorism exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

  • Eleventh Circuit holds private commercial arbitration panel is a 'tribunal' for purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1782.

  • September 22, 2013

  • Regulation of international surrogacy arrangements: do we regulate the market, or fix the real problems?

  • International fertility tourism: the potential for stateless children in cross-border commercial surrogacy arrangements.

  • International fertility tourism: the potential for stateless children in cross-border commercial surrogacy arrangements.

  • International fertility tourism: the potential for stateless children in cross-border commercial surrogacy arrangements.

  • Being fruitful and multiplying: legal, philosophical, religious, and medical perspectives on assisted reproductive technologies in Israel and internationally.

  • Protecting the voiceless: rights of the child in transnational surrogacy agreements.

  • Liberation or exploitation: commercial surrogacy and the Indian surrogate.

  • January 01, 2014

  • Pluralism anxiety and globalization: development of constitutional law in the new framework.

  • Building a new future: the 2022 FIFA World Cup as a potential catalyst for labor reform in Qatar.

  • Why Honduras should not jump on the ban wagon: a study of open pit mining bans and their pitfalls.

  • Too big to tackle? The persistent problem of pirate fishing and the new focus on port state measures.

  • Housing over handcuffs: the criminalization of homelessness in Hungary.

  • First Circuit ruling prevents Persian antiquities from being attached under Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.

  • Plaintiff's financial loss considered sufficient nexus for commercial activity exception of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

  • No nexus, no problem: no jurisdictional error related to defendant's conviction for drug trafficking overseas.

  • Ninth Circuit enforces Japanese judgment against church under California Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act.

  • Habitual residence, changing custody rights, and wrongful retention and removal under the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

  • March 22, 2014

  • Antitrust law - Second Circuit interprets the Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act as requirement for establishing jurisdiction in U.S. courts.

  • Collaborative consumption: evaluating the convergence between terrorism and transnational organized crime and its implications for the national security of the United States.

  • Re-inventing the wheel: returning sex trafficking discourse to its basic human rights origins.

  • Justice beyond bars: exploring the restorative justice alternative for victims of rape and sexual assault.

  • Justice beyond bars: exploring the restorative justice alternative for victims of rape and sexual assault.

  • Civil procedure - Second Circuit upholds extraterritorial reach over foreign financial institution under the Anti-Terrorism Act.

  • How to dismantle an atomic bomb: toward an achievable ban on the testing of nuclear weapons.

  • The three (million) little pigs: why the United States must do more than huff and puff.

  • International contract law - website incorporation into contracts requires actual notice under the CISG.

  • Immigration law - alien denied entry to another country and returned involuntarily to United States, not "found in" United States.

  • June 22, 2015

  • A benchmark in Asian judicial reform: the new Korean jury system.

  • The applicability of the humanitarian intervention "exception" to the Middle Eastern refugee crisis: why the international community should intervene against ISIS.

  • Secular government, religious finance: Turkey's growth in Islamic finance and banking.

  • "Fat taxing" our way to a healthier world.

  • Beyond good intentions: the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention's pursuit of prescriptive enforcement.

  • A stick in the global carrot patch: the business of corporate social responsibility in India's Companies Act 2013.

  • United States quickly shuts door to Cuba in most recent jurisdictional FSIA case.

  • Second Circuit applies defense of in pari delicto to Racketeer Influence Corrupt Organization Act claim.

  • Informer lacks standing to bring complaint under s. 962 of the Neutrality Act.