Albany Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from June 1996
Last Number: December 2023

Albany Law School
ISSN 0002-4678

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1331

June 22, 1996

  • The fortification of an emergency regime.

  • Transnational litigation and personal jurisdiction over foreign defendants.

  • Finishing what Quill started: the transactional nexus test for state use tax collection.

  • Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law section 541: the mind-buster busted.

  • Clouding the waters of maritime litigation.

  • March 22, 1997

  • Violence and the international world.

  • Conceptualizing violence: present and future developments in international law.

  • Conceptualizing violence under international law: do tort remedies fit the crime?

  • Sex, culture, and rights: a re/conceptualization of violence for the twenty-first century.

  • The role of market forces in transnational violence.

  • International criminal tribunals: a jurisprudential thought.

  • It's no defense: nullum crimen, international crime and the gingerbread man.

  • Selective reaction to atrocity: war crimes and the development of international criminal law.

  • War crimes, crimes against humanity and the death penalty.

  • Genocidal violence in Burundi: should international law prohibit domestic humanitarian intervention?

  • Didactic and dissident histories in war crimes trials.

  • The tribunal and the ICC: do precedents matter?

  • The Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic: an appraisal of the first international war crimes trial since Nuremberg.

  • Radical rules: the effects of evidential and procedural rules on the regulation of sexual violence in war.

  • Culture confronts the international.

  • Violence against aboriginal women in Australia: possibilities for redress within the international human rights framework.

  • A critical race feminist conceptualization of violence: South African and Palestinian women.

  • Violence against women and the asylum process.

  • Conceptualizing private violence against sexual minorities as gendered violence: an international and comparative law perspective.

  • Genocide, rape, and crimes against humanity: an affirmation of individual accountability in the former Yugoslavia in the Karadzic actions.

  • June 22, 1997

  • The "Scarlet Letter laws" of the 1990s: a response to critics.

  • Adequate provocation, individual responsibility, and the deconstruction of free will.

  • The nondischargeability of divorce-based debts in bankruptcy: a legislative response to the hardened heart.

  • Some overall observations about the 1996 New York State Environmental Bond Act and a closer look at Title 5 and its approach to the "brownfields" dilemma.

  • Perpetuities perpetuated: Symphony Space, Inc. v. Pergola Properties, Inc.

  • New York's freedom from information law: disclosure of public costs of a New York senator's "public interest" mailings.

  • Prewarrant thermal imaging as a Fourth Amendment violation: a Supreme Court question in the making.

  • The same uniform, a different team: copycat's suit up for competition.

  • Protecting New York's children: an argument for the creation of a rebuttable presumption against awarding a spouse abuser custody of a child.

  • The real "Contract with America": the original intent of the Tenth Amendment and the Commerce Clause.

  • Can the feds put deadbeat parents in jail? A look at the constitutionality of the Child Support Recovery Act.

  • The evolving conflict between employment discrimination laws and immunity under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Article VII of the FCN Treaty between the United States and Japan - the Papaila case.

  • They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

  • September 22, 1997

  • The impact of Croson on equal protection law and policy.

  • A narrow view of creative cooperation: the current state of jount work doctrine.

  • The case for the alternative third-year program.

  • Zeran v. AOL and the effect of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act upon liability for defamation on the internet.

  • Appropriate use of scientific literature at trial in New York and other jurisdictions: is 'authoritative' a magic word?

  • Recent developments concerning the taxation of damages under section 104(a) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • The resurgence of the marital rape exemption: the victimization of teens by their statutory rapists.

  • December 22, 1997

  • The fate of childhood: legal models of children and the parent-child relationship.

  • The power to award sanctions: does it belong in the hands of magistrate judges?

  • The Strange Career of Legal Liberalism.

  • The myth of misogyny: a reanalysis of women's inheritance in Islamic law.

  • Habeas leaps from the pan and into the fire: Jacobs v. Scott and the Antiterrorism and Effective Penalty Act of 1996.-