Albany Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from June 1996
Last Number: December 2023

Albany Law School
ISSN 0002-4678

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1331

June 22, 2007

  • A decision tree takes root in the land of 10,000 lakes: Minnesota's approach to protecting individual rights under both the United States and Minnesota Constitutions.

  • The meaning of state constitutional education clauses: evidence from the constitutional convention debates.

  • Appellate division on appeal: the justices' rates of agreement, rejection, and vindication by the Court of Appeals.

  • Initiative and referendum: the trials of direct democracy.

  • The original intent and current operation of direct democratic institutions.

  • Out of the bottle: the genie of direct democracy.

  • A brief history of the mechanisms of constitutional change in New York and the future prospects for the adoption of the initiative power.

  • Washington state's initiative 937 and the environment: the emerging impact of grassroots movements on national policy.

  • Pennsylvania Supreme Court: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  • The Indiana Supreme Court's voting patterns in criminal decisions.

  • September 22, 2007

  • Remembrances of the honorable Harold R. Tyler, Jr.

  • Dissonant harmonization: limitations on "cash n' carry" creativity.

  • Intellectual property valuation: a finance perspective.

  • The Moebius Strip: private right and public use in copyright law.

  • Congressional authority over intellectual property policy after Eldred v. Ashcroft: deference, empty limitations, and risks to the public domain.

  • Scale-free law: network science and copyright.

  • Amending the copyright act for libraries and society: the Section 108 Study Group.

  • The right of publicity: a comparative perspective.

  • Living without copyright in a digital world.

  • The fall of free exercise: from 'no law' to compelling interests to any law otherwise valid.

  • Religious free exercise and anti-discrimination law.

  • Reflections on free exercise: revisiting Rourke v. Department of Correctional Services.

  • RLUIPA and congressional intent.

  • The politics of a second class right: free exercise in contemporary America.

  • The constitutional requirement of sensitivity to religion.

  • Religious liberty as a positive and negative right.

  • The "ordered liberty" of substantive due process and the future of constitutional law as a rhetorical art: variations on a theme from Justice Cardozo in the United States Supreme Court.

  • One nation, indivisible: American "Indian country" in the wake of city of Sherrill V. Oneida Indian nation.

  • Distributed generation: a step forward in United States energy policy.

  • Morality-based legislation is alive and well: why the law permits consent to body modification but not sadomasochistic sex.

  • December 22, 2008

  • Cogitations concerning the special prosecutor paradigm: is the cure worse than the disease?

  • Concurrence, Posner-style: ten ways to look at the concurring opinions of Judge Richard A. Posner.

  • Regionalism revisited: the effort to streamline governance in Buffalo and Erie County, New York.

  • Passion is no ordinary word.

  • Teaching law office management: why law students need to know the business of being a lawyer.

  • Should antitrust principles be used to assess insurance residual market mechanisms, such as New York's medical malpractice insurance plan?

  • (Pre)determining the crime of aggression: has the time come to allow the International Criminal Court its freedom?

  • Nuremberg's legacy continues: the Nuremberg trials' influence on human rights litigation in U.S. courts under the Alien Tort Statute.

  • January 01, 2008

  • Judicial activism in the service of privilege: New York's First Department makes special rules for special defendants.

  • December 22, 2008

  • Indian country in cyber space: Bella Hess and commerce clause constraints on interstate, mail-order transactions.

  • A nationalist critique of local laws purporting to regulate the hiring of undocumented workers.

  • September 22, 2000

  • Tribute to Chief Judge Lawrence H. Cooke 1914-2000.

  • Coming to terms with strict and liberal construction.

  • Navigating expert reliability: are criminal standards of certainty being left on the dock?

  • The lawyer's license to discriminate revoked: how a dentist put teeth in New York's anti-discrimination disciplinary rule.

  • Religious clubs in the public schools: what happened after Mergens?

  • Unamerican tail: of segregation and multicultural education.

  • Retroactive legislative history: scienter under the Uniform Security Litigation Standards Act of 1998.

  • Promises and pitfalls: an analysis of the shifting constitutional interests involved in the context of demanding a right to treatment in health care.

  • Reining in interim relief's cottage industry: a call to resolve Jiggetts.