The Journal of Corporation Law

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 2007
Last Number: September 2022

University of Iowa Journal of Corporation Law
ISSN 0360-795X

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 443

September 22, 2010

  • Off the record: why the EEOC should change its guidelines regarding employers' consideration of employees' criminal records during the hiring process.

  • January 01, 2011

  • Insider trading inside the beltway.

  • June 22, 2013

  • Lock-up creep.

  • Lock-up creep.

  • For whom should the corporation be sold? Diversified investors and efficient breach in Omnicare v. NCS.

  • The omnipresent specter of Omnicare.

  • Omnicare's silver lining.

  • Omnicare: coercion and the new Unocal standard.

  • Revisiting Omnicare: what does its status 10 years later tell us?

  • Ten years after Omnicare: the evolving market for deal protection devices.

  • September 22, 2013

  • Pre-disclosure accumulations by activist investors: evidence and policy.

  • Damning dictum: the default duty debate in Delaware.

  • Inefficient results in the market for corporate control: highest bidders, highest-value users, and socially optimal owners.

  • Securitization, structured finance, and covered bonds.

  • The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and foreign insurance companies: better to comply than to opt out.

  • Poison ivi: compulsory licensing and the future of Internet television.

  • How "suitable" is the language of suitability in the modern era?

  • December 22, 2007

  • Insider trading laws and stock markets around the world: an empirical contribution to the theoretical law and economics debate.

  • January 01, 2007

  • Galactic stupidity and the business judgment rule.

  • December 22, 2007

  • The historical race competition for corporate charters and the rise and decline of New Jersey: 1880-1910.

  • January 01, 2007

  • Maximizing the wealth of fictional shareholders: which fiction should directors embrace?

  • December 22, 2007

  • Forced commercial speech and the government speech doctrine: discerning and reducing the uncertainty following Johanns v. Livestock Marketing Association.

  • Is the quick-look antitrust analysis in PolyGram Holding inherently suspect?

  • March 22, 2007

  • Why comply? Organizational guidelines offer a safer harbor in the storm.

  • Managers' fiduciary duties in financially distressed corporations: chaos in Delaware (and elsewhere).

  • Piercing all the veils: applying an established doctrine to a new business order.

  • What fiduciary duties should apply to the LLC manager after more than a decade of experimentation?

  • Playing with post-Booker fire: the dangers of increased judicial discretion in federal white collar sentencing.

  • Delaware's answer to management deadlock in the limited liability company: judicial dissolution.

  • The deductibility of MBA degree expenses under Treasury Regulation 1.162-5: are you one of the lucky few who qualify?

  • June 22, 2007

  • Why the time has arrived to broaden protection of foreign trademarks in the United States and why it won't happen.

  • Merck v. Integra: (section) 271(e) (1) and the common law research exemption.

  • Corporate governance and the new hedge fund activism: an empirical analysis.

  • I. Introduction.

  • II. The legal foundations of hedge fund activism today.

  • Empirical study and review: hedge fund activism.

  • Conflicts of interest and full disclosure.

  • Balance of power politics and corporate governance.

  • VI. Conclusion.

  • I. Introduction.

  • Industry hallmarks: conflicted management and redeemable securities.

  • The nature and genesis of 12b-1 fees.

  • Rule 12b-1's requirements.

  • Rule 12b-1 in practice.

  • The acid test: does rule 12b-1 benefit mutual fund shareholders?

  • Half-hearted SEC regulation has hurt investors.

  • Wanted from the SEC: investor-oriented leadership.

  • Fund boards as reform leaders-missing in action.

  • Legal recourse as a tool for chance.

  • XI. Conclusion.