St. Thomas Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from September 2009
Last Number: September 2022

St. Thomas Law Review
ISSN 1065-318X

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 154

April 01, 2011

  • Welcoming remarks.

  • The view from the litigants.

  • Excerpts of speech by Robert A. Butterworth.

  • A very streamlined introduction to Bush v. Gore.

  • Vote-dilution analysis in Bush v. Gore.

  • June 22, 2011

  • Hearsay after Crawford: a practitioner's guide.

  • The U.S. Supreme Court gets it right in Arizona v. Gant: justifications for rules protect constitutional rights.

  • Racial profiling - separate and unequal keeping the minorities in line - the role of law enforcement in America.

  • Fear itself: the impact of allegations of gang affiliation on pre-trial detention.

  • March 22, 2013

  • "Till the detail of surface is in accord with the root in justice": treason, insanity, and the trial of Ezra Pound.

  • June 22, 2013

  • The St. Thomas Law Review: its ratio essendi.

  • A sense of pride.

  • Past and future: the same.

  • Twenty-five years young and yet so established.

  • Volume 10 of the St. Thomas Law Review issues 1, 2, and 3 (Fall 1997-Spring 1998): building something that endures.

  • Growing forward.

  • Rethinking success: Justice Fred Lewis' remarks at the 25th anniversary celebration of the St. Thomas Law Review.

  • Regression to the mean: how Miranda has become a tragicomical farce.

  • Examining committee reports as a basis to dismiss petitions to determine incapacity: a question of admissibility and evidentiary relevancy.

  • Social media in the sunshine: discovery and ethics of social media - Florida's right to privacy should change the analysis.

  • How consolidating the circuits would have defined the borders of honest services fraud.

  • Sixth Amendment right to counsel: broaden the scope, decriminalize, and ensure indigents a fair chance in court and in life.

  • Pre-Apprendi sentencing: issues surrounding the retroactivity of an unconstitutional sentence.

  • September 22, 2013

  • Filial responsibility: breaking the backbone of today's modern long term care system.

  • January 01, 2014

  • The death knell of issue certification and why that matters after Wal-Mart v. Dukes.

  • Trademarks, domain names, and ICANN: an evolving dance.

  • Defining a vessel in admiralty: "I know it when I see it."

  • September 22, 2009

  • Foreword: criminal law issue.

  • Death is different: the need for jury unanimity in death penalty cases.

  • Big Bill Haywood's revenge: the original intent of the exclusionary rule.

  • Blakely, Apprendi, Booker, Begay, and Santos: judicial minimalism and the U.S. Supreme Court's ill-conceived attempts at a rational jurisprudence.

  • The banality of excessive defender workload: managing the systemic obstruction of justice.

  • January 01, 2010

  • The Florida Minimum Wage Act: thoughts on the impending notice debate.

  • The complications of Fla. Stat. s. 222.25(4): does Florida's wildcard exemption allow married debtors to double dip?

  • The state of ERISA after 35 years: complex, yet arguably simplistic, which federal statute may be unraveled with a touch of supreme common sense.

  • Take two of these and sue me in the morning: efficacy of the learned intermediary doctrine in prescription drug failure to warn cases.

  • What's love got to do with it? Contemporary lessons on lawyerly advocacy from the preacher Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • March 22, 2010

  • Blasphemy in pre-Criminal Code Canada: two sketches.

  • Executive activism not reciprocated with judicial activism: Wyeth v. Levine and Cuomo v. Clearing House return preemption to the legislative branch.

  • Making effective use of practitioners' briefs in the law school curriculum.

  • A horse of a different color: a study of color bias, anti-trust, and restraint of trade violations in the equine industry.

  • On-line legal research workshops.

  • Know the mission: a lawyer's duty to a nonprofit entity during an internal investigation.

  • The battle lines of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(a) (2) and the effects on a pro se litigant's ability to survive a motion to dismiss.

  • September 22, 2010

  • Legal fictions and juristic truth.

  • Poison pens, intimidating icons, and worrisome websites: off-campus student speech that challenges both campus safety and First Amendment jurisprudence.

  • The United States and the U.N. Human Rights Council: an early assessment.

  • Facilitating stakeholder-interest maximization: accommodating beneficial corporations in the Model Business Corporation Act.

  • What are the policy implications of use of epidemiological evidence in mass torts and public health litigation?

  • March 22, 2011

  • Rethinking the Cuban Adjustment Act and the U.S. national interest.