Washington University Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from May 2008
Last Number: August 2023

Washington University, School of Law
ISSN 2166-8000

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 659

July 01, 2014

  • Illegal secrets.

  • Illegal secrets.

  • Noise reduction: the screening value of qui tam.

  • Why do cities innovate in public health? Implications of scale and structure.

  • Why do cities innovate in public health? Implications of scale and structure.

  • "I (won't) follow you": the misguided, and dangerous, interpretation of constitutional extraterritoriality in United States v. Ali.

  • Completing the picture of uncertain patent scope.

  • September 01, 2014

  • Corruption, corporations, and the new human right.

  • Corruption, corporations, and the new human right.

  • The anti-bottleneck principle in employment discrimination law.

  • The anti-bottleneck principle in employment discrimination law.

  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and structural reform of the American workplace.

  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and structural reform of the American workplace.

  • Red tape tightrope: regulating financial conflicts of interest in FDA advisory committees.

  • The constitutional hall pass: rethinking the gap in section 1983 liability that public schools have enjoyed since DeShaney.

  • The Constitution according to Justices Scalia and Thomas: alive and kickin'.

  • December 01, 2014

  • Social innovation.

  • Social innovation.

  • Religious associations: Hosanna-Tabor and the instrumental value of religious groups.

  • Copyright and inequality.

  • Copyright and inequality.

  • Inmates who cried wolf: the dangers of applying the PLRA's limit on appellate attorney's fees in prisoner deprivation of rights claims.

  • The use of merger analysis techniques to assess the competitive effects of reverse payment settlements.

  • A path to "inure" peace: consolidating the perplexities of the private inurement and private benefit doctrines.

  • Hobby Lobby and the zero-sum game.

  • February 01, 2015

  • Zero tolerance policies: criminalizing childhood and disenfranchising the next generation of citizens.

  • Zero tolerance policies: criminalizing childhood and disenfranchising the next generation of citizens.

  • Racial classification and ascriptive injury.

  • Racial classification and ascriptive injury.

  • Toward a critical corporate law pedagogy and scholarship.

  • Toward a critical corporate law pedagogy and scholarship.

  • A diamond in the rough: trans-substantivity of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and its detrimental impact on civil rights.

  • A diamond in the rough: trans-substantivity of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and its detrimental impact on civil rights.

  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  • April 01, 2015

  • (Mis)trusting states to run elections.

  • Resolving intrastate conflicts of laws: the example of the federal Arbitration Act.

  • Say on pay around the world.

  • Say on pay around the world.

  • Gayffirmative action: the constitutionality of sexual orientation-based affirmative action policies.

  • Gayffirmative action: the constitutionality of sexual orientation-based affirmative action policies.

  • Throwing a toy wrench in the 'greatest legal engine': child witnesses and the confrontation clause.

  • Moral panics and body cameras.

  • Epilogue: moral panics and body cameras.

  • June 01, 2015

  • Going the way of the dodo: de-extinction, dualisms, and reframing conservation.

  • Going the way of the dodo: de-extinction, dualisms, and reframing conservation.

  • Legalization conflicts and reliance defenses.

  • Legalization conflicts and reliance defenses.

  • Disrupting education federalism.

  • Disrupting education federalism.

  • Strict liability for individuals? The impact of 3-D printing on products liability law.