Washington University Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from May 2008
Last Number: August 2023

Washington University, School of Law
ISSN 2166-8000

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 659

July 01, 2013

  • Patent law's functionality malfunction and the problem of overbroad, functional software patents.

  • Patent law's functionality malfunction and the problem of overbroad, functional software patents.

  • Asking the first question: reframing Bivens after Minneci.

  • Mr. Emanuel returns from Washington: durational residence requirements and election litigation.

  • Legislative oversight of a bill of rights: a way to rectify judicial activism.

  • September 01, 2013

  • Equal protection for children of same-sex parents.

  • Equal protection for children of same-sex parents.

  • The Ancient Mariner of constitutional law: the historical, yet declining role of navigability.

  • The Ancient Mariner of constitutional law: the historical, yet declining role of navigability.

  • Personal jurisdiction in a global world: the impact of the Supreme Court's decisions in Goodyear Dunlop Tires and Nicastro.

  • One-action in more states: the propriety of expanding the Kansas one-action rule into other jurisdictions.

  • When the facts and the law are against you, argue the genes? A pragmatic analysis of genotyping mitigation defenses for psychopathic defendants in death penalty cases.

  • Poking holes in L.A.'s new condom requirement: pornography, barebacking, and speech.

  • December 01, 2013

  • How NFIB V. Sebelius affects the constitutional gestalt.

  • How NFIB V. Sebelius affects the constitutional gestalt.

  • Sovereignty mismatch and the new administrative law.

  • Sovereignty mismatch and the new administrative law.

  • Taxing polygamy.

  • Taxing polygamy.

  • The proper meaning of "proper": why the regulation of intrastate, non-commercial species under the Endangered Species Act is an invalid exercise of the commerce clause.

  • FICA taxation of post-employment benefits: a statutory puzzle and sociopolitical conundrum.

  • Salvaging the 2013 Federal Law Clerk Hiring season.

  • April 01, 2014

  • Strange bedfellows at work: neomaternalism in the making of sex discrimination law.

  • Strange bedfellows at work: neomaternalism in the making of sex discrimination law.

  • The arbitration clause as super contract.

  • The arbitration clause as super contract.

  • For-profit corporations, free exercise, and the HHS mandate.

  • For-profit corporations, free exercise, and the HHS mandate.

  • The 'shell bill' game: avoidance and the origination clause.

  • The 'shell bill' game: avoidance and the origination clause.

  • Rebutting the Roberts Court: reinventing the collateral order doctrine through judicial decision-making.

  • Returning "decision" to school discipline decisions: an analysis of recent, anti-zero tolerance legislation.

  • Misconstruing Graham & Miller.

  • February 01, 2014

  • Taking groundwater.

  • Taking groundwater.

  • Intruders in the boardroom: the case of constituency directors.

  • Intruders in the boardroom: the case of constituency directors.

  • Juvenile life without parole post-Miller: the long, treacherous road towards a categorical rule.

  • Reading the tea leaves: the Supreme Court and the future of coalition districts under section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.

  • The federal media shield folly.

  • June 01, 2014

  • Formalizing gratuitous and contractual transfers: a situational theory.

  • Formalizing gratuitous and contractual transfers: a situational theory.

  • The conventional option.

  • Damages for indirect patent infringement.

  • Damages for indirect patent infringement.

  • The anomaly of entrapment.

  • The anomaly of entrapment.

  • From cautionary example to "city on a hill": revitalizing Saint Louis may require an innovative regional taxation model.

  • Pushing the limits of jurisdiction over foreign actors under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

  • Breaking bad? Too-big-to-fail banks not guilty as not charged.